Author: Cho Hyun Park, William J. Rothwell ISBN: 0367403749 / 9780367403744 Year: 2021 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Process consultation, invented by Edgar Schein, is both a skill and an organization development change effort. As a skill, process consultation means the ability to observe and provide feedback abou...
Author: Steven J. Keays ISBN: 0367897571 / 9780367897574 Year: 2020 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The world beyond 2020 will be profoundly different from today. Radical transformative technologies are changing the relationship between mankind and machines in a way that even Wells, Orwell, or Job...
Author: Ron Heiskell ISBN: 0367408902 / 9780367408909 Year: 2020 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
ReducedEffort® Changeover: The Lean Way to Quickly Reduce Changeover Downtime provides a step-by-step guide for conducting a Kaizen event that empowers the people who do the work to improve how that...
Author: Diego Galar Pascual, Pasquale Daponte, Uday Kumar ISBN: 1032103434 / 9781032103433 Year: 2021 Availability: In Stock
Industry 4.0 refers to fourth generation of industrial activity characterized by smart systems and internet-based solutions. This book describes the fourth revolution based on instrumented, intercon...
Author: JR Paul Lanthier ISBN: 0831136650 / 9780831136659 Year: 2021 Availability: In Stock
In the field of maintenance, good problem-solving practices are among the most important elements to maximizing equipment uptime, and by resolving the root cause of the failure, in increasing equipm...
Author: Jeffrey K. Liker ISBN: 9354600468 / 9789354600463 Year: 2021 Availability: In Stock
The best-selling guide to Toyota’s legendary business philosophy and production system just got better—updated with important new frameworks and case examples for driving innovation and ...
Author: Bill N. Mountjoy, Donald H. Nyman ISBN: 0831136618 / 9780831136611 Year: 2022 Availability: In Stock
The quest for reliability is long overdue! In the case of many operations, realization of sustained reliability is still a work in progress. Very few organizations have completed the journey to worl...
Author: , Antonio Sartal, Diego Carou ISBN: 1032240601 / 9781032240602 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book offers the latest research advances in the field of Industry 4.0, focusing on enabling technologies for its deployment in a comprehensive way. This book will offer successful implementatio...
Author: BW (Ben) Marguglio ISBN: 0367672391 / 9780367672393 Year: 2021 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book is a simulation of a live course on human performance improvement/human error prevention (HPI/HEP) created by the preeminent authority on HPI/HEP. It presents the greatest breadth of scope...
Author: Chris Butterworth, Morgan L. Jones, Peter Hines ISBN: 1032028289 / 9781032028286 Year: 2021 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book focusses on the importance of creating an internal assessment program to periodically assess the maturity of the organizations transformation journey. It discusses the best approach to des...
Author: , Amit Raj Singh, Shwetank Avikal ISBN: 0367607735 / 9780367607739 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
A large and growing number of manufacturers are realizing the substantial financial and environmental benefits of sustainable business practices. To develop more sustainable societies, industries ne...
Author: Michael Parent ISBN: 1032072857 / 9781032072852 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Currently, businesses are forced to be more innovative than ever before. Organizations must be sensitive to global trends such as digitization, globalization, and automation and at the same time, bu...
Author: Ekroop Kaur, MJS Bindra ISBN: 1032118253 / 9781032118253 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book introduces a powerful system that explains how to run a company with a focus on continuous improvement – The results are a satisfied customer base, evolving products, and an increase...
Author: Ilkka Juuso ISBN: 1032065737 / 9781032065731 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book details the lessons learned from a real-world project focusing on building an ISO 13485:2016 Quality Management System (QMS) from scratch and then having it officially certified. It is a p...
Author: Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim ISBN: 0367494833 / 9780367494834 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Industry 4.0 is a challenge for today’s businesses. It’s a concept that encompasses the technological innovations of automation, control, and information technology, as it’s applie...
Author: Uthayan Elangovan ISBN: 1032041277 / 9781032041278 Year: 2022 Availability: Out of Stock
Technology has created innovative new prospects for manufacturing industries with Industry 4.0 and has helped further the growth of the manufacturing sector. This book focuses on the next stage whic...
Author: Julian M. Muller, Nikolai Kazantsev ISBN: 0367761904 / 9780367761905 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The field of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) digitalization is becoming more mature and has a significant contribution to fully develop the agenda of Industry 4.0. Although national digita...
Author: Shivani Bali, Sugandha Aggarwal, Sunil Sharma ISBN: 0367691175 / 9780367691172 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book captures deploying Industry 4.0 technologies for business excellence and moving towards society 5.0. The book addresses applications of Industry 4.0 in the areas of Marketing, Operations, ...
Author: Debasis Bagchi, Sourya Datta, Sudip Das ISBN: 0367220814 / 9780367220815 Year: 2021 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The book explains how to emerge and grow as a supply chain leader and details supply chain and procurement processes and operational activities in real-work scenarios across multiple supply chain ve...
Author: Nikolay Anguelov ISBN: 0367720736 / 9780367720735 Year: 2021 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
When thinking about lowering or changing consumption to lower carbon footprints, the obvious offenders come easily to mind: petroleum and petroleum products, paper and plastic, even food, but not cl...
Author: Diana Jones ISBN: 0367765187 / 9780367765187 Year: 2022 Availability: 45-60 days
There’s an epidemic of leadership failure—whether something as small as a meeting, or as large as implementing enterprise wide change. Leaders know that sinking feeling when a gap emerge...
Author: Eric M. Ethington, Matthew J. Zayko ISBN: 0367690306 / 9780367690304 Year: 2022 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Lean Process Creation teaches the specific frames—the 6CON model—to look through to properly design any new process while optimizing the value-creating resources. The framing is applicab...
Author: Anthony Grilli, Anthony Pavell, James Agalloco, Phil DeSantis ISBN: 0367754290 / 9780367754297 Year: 2021 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Revised to reflect significant advances in pharmaceutical production and regulatory expectations, Handbook of Validation in Pharmaceutical Processes, Fourth Edition examines and blueprints every ste...
Author: Dan Prock ISBN: 0367370700 / 9780367370701 Year: 2021 Availability: In Stock
The Sensei Way at Work follows in the wake of dozens of successful business books on the Toyota production system, lean enterprise, and the Toyota Way, yet it is unique. It identifies the five keys ...
Author: Flevy Lasrado, Norhayati Zakaria ISBN: 1032176245 / 9781032176246 Year: 2021 Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The aim of this book is to bridge two different core disciplines: quality management and cross-cultural management, based on how multinational corporations work, and how culture determines individua...