Marcel Dekker

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Author: John B. Butt
ISBN: 0824777220 / 9780824777227
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock
This long-awaited, revised and updated reference/text combines a thorough description of the origin and application of fundamental chemical kinetics through an assessment of realistic reactor proble...
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Author: Paul F. Deisler
ISBN: 0824772504 / 9780824772505
Year: 1984
Availability: In Stock
Growing awareness of cancer risks in industry has spurred considerable concern-and action-from industry as well as the scientific, medical, legal, and regulatory communities. Encompassing these vari...
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List Price: $ 145
Offer Price: $ 72.50
Author: Charles Schacht
ISBN: 0824756541 / 9780824756543
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock
Provides valuable recommendations on the design and installation of refractory lining systems Describes the most significant factors in castable lining design Provides examples of refractory linin...
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List Price: £ 270
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Author: M. Modarres, Mark Kaminskiy, Vasiliy Krivtsov
ISBN: 0824720008 / 9780824720001
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock
Contains a computer disk written in Visual Basic and compatible with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets%u2014a powerful tool for analyzing reliability data! This convenient, lucid reference/text introduc...
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List Price: £ 66.99
Offer Price: £ 33.50
Author: Donald L.; Wise/Trantolo; Wise Trantolo, Wise
ISBN: 0824703324 / 9780824703325
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
This comprehensive reference offers thorough coverage of the remediation of soils contaminated by hazardous wastes, focusing on materials, analytical techniques, cleanup design and methodology, char...
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List Price: £ 425
Offer Price: ` 13500
Author: Lee, Lee;, Youngseog; Lee
ISBN: 0824756495 / 9780824756499
Year: 2004
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
This reference provides a detailed overview of the deformation of material at high temperatures and an assessment of rod and bar rolling processes-offering an in-depth review of the basics of hot ro...
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List Price: £ 250
Author: Robert B McMillan
ISBN: 0824750527 / 9780824750527
Year: 2004
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
A theoretical and practical understanding of unbalance and misalignment in rotating equipment is presented here. These two conditions account for the vast majority of problems with rotating equipmen...
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List Price: £ 89.99
Author: Madelyn Graffia, Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
ISBN: 082479687X / 9780824796877
Year: 1995
Availability: In Stock
This unique resource explains the interrelationships between safety regulations and environmental regulations—providing a working knowledge of the essential elements of each legislation and st...
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List Price: £ 97
Offer Price: ` 6800
Author: A. V. Shenoy, Charles P. MacDermott
ISBN: 0824798457 / 9780824798451
Year: 1997
Availability: In Stock
This revised and expanded guide combines fundamental theory, systematic experimentation, disciplined research, and logical procedures to simplify the thermoplastic selection process as well as reduc...
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List Price: £ 215
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Author: A.S. Poznyak, Kaddour Najim & E. Gomez-Ramirez
ISBN: 082479429X / 9780824794293
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
This rigrorously focused reference/text presents a number of new and potientially useful self-learning (adaptive) control algorithms and theoretical as well as practical results for both unconstrain...
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List Price: £ 120
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Author: Robert B. Long
ISBN: 0367401711 / 9780367401719
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
This practical reference offers an easily accessible discussion of both current and emerging separation processes used for waste minimization—showing how the processes work on a day-to-day bas...
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List Price: £ 63.99
Author: David C. Swanson
ISBN: 0824799429 / 9780824799427
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
The straightforward, practical book integrates a board range of physics, algorithms, and sensing techniques for development of intelligent systems including frequency domain processing, adaptive fil...
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List Price: £ 102
Offer Price: ` 6200
Author: Bernard Kolanowski
ISBN: 0824741226 / 9780824741228
Year: 2003
Availability: In Stock
As the technologies for small-scale cogeneration have advanced over the last decade, this newly revised and updated book will show how a greter number of commercial, institutional, and industrial en...
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List Price: £ 56.99
Offer Price: ` 4300
Author: Emanuel R. Baker, Ron S. Kenett
ISBN: 0824717333 / 9780824717339
Year: 1999
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
This timely resource employs actual examples of software process improvement from the private sector and government, demonstrating how quality systems, measurement techniques, and performance evalua...
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List Price: £ 240
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Offer Price: £ 216
Author: Jerome C. Lange
ISBN: 0824774795 / 9780824774790
Year: 1986
Availability: In Stock
Solving Mechanical Design Problems with Computer Graphics highlights the readily extrapolative Computervision Design V Computer Graphics System with CADDS 4 software features a rigorous treatment of...
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List Price: £ 230
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Author: Robert A. Klein, William H. McNeese
ISBN: 082478524X / 9780824785246
Year: 1991
Availability: In Stock
This practical reference provides a specific application of comprehensive process improvement techniques to the process industries-emphasizing statistical methods and organized problem solving.Requi...
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List Price: $ 95
Offer Price: ` 4950
Author: J. Bert Keats, N. F. Hubele
ISBN: 0824778898 / 9780824778897
Year: 1988
Availability: In Stock
Statistical Process Control in Automated Manufacturing features time series applications in discrete manufacturing such as Kalman filter approach....introduces generalized control charting as an alt...
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List Price: £ 220
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Author: Fred W.; Kear, Kear
ISBN: 0824701313 / 9780824701314
Year: 1998
Availability: In Stock
This useful guide establishes how statistical process control (SPC) provides powerful tools for measuring and regulating manufacturing processes-emphasizing the importance of understanding and reduc...
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List Price: £ 190
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Author: George E. Totten, Maurice A.H. Howes
ISBN: 0824797507 / 9780824797508
Year: 2005
Availability: Out of Stock
One of two self-contained volumes belonging to the newly revised Steel Heat Treatment Handbook, Second Edition, this book focuses on process design, equipment, and testing used in steel heat treatme...
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Author: Kingsley Hendrick
ISBN: 0824782380 / 9780824782382
Year: 1990
Availability: In Stock
Matching safety concerns with management demands for increased productivity at lower costs, this informative reference traditional educational techniques for a comprehensive approach to workplace sa...
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List Price: £ 250
Offer Price: £ 125
Author: Bjarne Hilbrecht, Bo Frolund, Bo Olesen, Erik Trostmann
ISBN: 082470505X / 9780824705053
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock
Showcasing the benefits and potential advantages of water hydraulics over oil-based media; Tap Water as a Hydraulic Pressure Medium discusses an encyclopedic breadth of knowledge on the chemistry; m...
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List Price: £ 180
Offer Price: ` 7800
Author: Lester Jay Wollshlaeger
ISBN: 0824783891 / 9780824783891
Year: 1991
Availability: In Stock
Addressing individual effort in terms familiar to the quality professional, this book links the needs of the quality system to those of the individual-explicitly demonstrating a win/win situation of...
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List Price: £ 180
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Author: J. Kent Crawford
ISBN: 1439838127 / 9781439838129
Year: 2010
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The second edition of this award-winning reference provides step-by-step instructions for establishing and maturing a project management office (PMO). Concise and easy to read, The Strategic Project...
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List Price: £ 135
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Offer Price: £ 121.50
Author: Frank Toney
ISBN: 0824706390 / 9780824706395
Year: 2002
Availability: In Stock
This book describes global best practices, competencies, and standards for superior project managers based on research conducted by the Top 500 Project Management Forum, emphasizing the selection pr...
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List Price: £ 260
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Author: Robert Stein
ISBN: 0824700643 / 9780824700645
Year: 1997
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Aiming to change the paradigms of traditional management strategies, this work attempts to create an improved platform within the total quality management umbrella for supporting the profit motive b...
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List Price: £ 165
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