Productivity Press

Total Record : 678
Author: John Hooker
ISBN: 1138299588 / 9781138299580
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
This book develops an intellectual framework for analyzing ethical dilemmas that is both grounded in theory and versatile enough to deal rigorously with real-world issues. It sees ethics as a necess...
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List Price: £ 32.99
Author: Regine Slagmulder, Robin Cooper
ISBN: 1563271729 / 9781563271724
Year: 1997
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
What would happen if everyone in your company followed a disciplined approach to cost reduction? Go ahead -- imagine it. What would it look like? How can it be done? The answer -- smart cost mana...
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List Price: £ 54.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 49.49
Author: Chuck Mignosa, H. James Harrington
ISBN: 1466577266 / 9781466577268
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
Many organizations are looking for that magic tool or methodology that will suddenly transform them into outstanding organizations. Unfortunately, there is no one right answer for all organizations ...
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List Price: £ 43.99
Offer Price: ` 3000
Author: Casey J. Bedgood
ISBN: 1032213469 / 9781032213460
Year: 2022
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Why do some leaders succeed and others fail? Is there a magic ingredient that the leaders must consider in their career journey to ensure the joy ride does not turn into a nightmare? What is the key...
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List Price: £ 32.99
Author: Adil F. Dalal
ISBN: 1138198331 / 9781138198333
Year: 2017
Availability: In Stock
Asking tough questions about the current state of project management, The 12 Pillars of Project Excellence: A Lean Approach to Improving Project Results provides groundbreaking techniques to achieve...
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List Price: £ 68.99
Offer Price: ` 1600
Author: Larry E. Fast
ISBN: 1032775793 / 9781032775791
Year: 2024
Availability: In Stock
Following in the tradition of its bestselling predecessor, The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence: A Lean Leader's Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence, Second Edition outlines a comp...
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List Price: £ 35.99
Offer Price: ` 1895
Author: .
ISBN: 1874153035 / 9781874153030
Year: 1998
Availability: Out of Stock
The 5S Improvement Handbook is part of Productivity Europe’s 5S training materials, and is the result of more than five years’ experience of helping European companies implement the 5S&r...
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List Price: ` 1450
Offer Price: ` 1400

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Author: Chris A. Ortiz
ISBN: 1498730353 / 9781498730358
Year: 2016
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
A powerful and effective Lean tool, 5S can help prevent company failure and launch an organization into world-class operational excellence. Until now, however, there has been a need for a book with ...
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List Price: £ 36.99
Author: Jim Peterson and Roland Smith
ISBN: 0527763381 / 9780527763381
Year: 1998
Availability: Out of Stock
This pocket guide is designed to enhance awareness of the principles behind the 5S system and identify the impact the 5S's have on improving efficiency and promoting a safe working environment. I...
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List Price: £ 8.99

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Author: Conrad Soltero, Patrice Boutier
ISBN: 1439880778 / 9781439880777
Year: 2012
Availability: In Stock
The biggest competitive advantage an organization can achieve comes from the synergies created by employees skilled in enhancing organizational dynamics. The Seven Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean T...
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List Price: £ 51.99
Offer Price: ` 3900
Author: Daniel D. Matthews
ISBN: 143983489X / 9781439834893
Year: 2011
Availability: Out of Stock
Encouraging efficiency, clarity, and disciplined thinking, A3 Problem Solving identifies a problem, describes the objective, and summarizes fact finding and action steps, all on a single A3-sized pi...
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List Price: £ 53.99
Offer Price: ` 1495

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Author: Royce Sparks
ISBN: 0367900998 / 9780367900991
Year: 2020
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Using clear and simple exercises adapted for leadership development from the world-renowned Meisner Technique, The Authentic Leader will help you discover first-hand what it means to build your auth...
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List Price: £ 32.99
Author: Charles W. Protzman III, Daniel Protzman, William Keen
ISBN: 0815387946 / 9780815387947
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The Lean Practitioner Tools outlines a true learning path for anyone seeking to understand essential Lean principles and tools. It includes a plethora of examples and stories drawn from the authors ...
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List Price: £ 49.99
Author: Willis H. Thomas
ISBN: 1466554568 / 9781466554566
Year: 2014
Availability: In Stock
Professional certification has become a very popular topic and a significant number of individuals are making it a priority. Some people are torn on whether or not to obtain a certification to bolst...
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List Price: £ 20.99
Offer Price: ` 1450
Author: Robert Damelio
ISBN: 0527763012 / 9780527763015
Year: 1995
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The first part of The Basics of Benchmarking provides a guide to the language of benchmarking and answers some commonly asked questions. The second part of the book walks through the three phases of...
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List Price: £ 21.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 19.79
Author: Henry J. Lindborg, Ph.D.
ISBN: 0527763322 / 9780527763329
Year: 1997
Availability: Out of Stock
If you are a member of a cross-functional team, you will benefit from this quick-read text. This book illustrates what cross-functional teams are, how to be an effective team member, and the many us...
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List Price: £ 5.99
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Offer Price: £ 5.39

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Author: Michael Beauregard, Raymond J Mikulak, Robin McDermott
ISBN: 1563273772 / 9781563273773
Year: 2009
Availability: Out of Stock
Originally designed to address safety concerns, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is now used throughout the industry to prevent a wide range of process and product problems. Useful in both pr...
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List Price: £ 14.99

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Author: Randy K. Kesterson
ISBN: 1482218690 / 9781482218695
Year: 2015
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The problem with most Hoshin Kanri books is they describe a methodology that is complex and overwhelming to most leaders and their companies. The need to essentially change the culture of the entire...
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List Price: £ 22.99
Author: Beverly Townsend
ISBN: 1439882371 / 9781439882375
Year: 2012
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
Accessible to the Lean novice and shop floor employee, The Basics of Line Balancing and JIT Kitting explores line balancing and the pre-assembly of components into a finished product in a just-in-ti...
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List Price: £ 20.99
Author: Jerry L. Harbour, Ph.D.
ISBN: 1439802491 / 9781439802496
Year: 2009
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
While every smart executive now knows the truth of those words, perhaps more so than anyone, it was Jerry Harbour who turned that adage into a science. Originally published in 1997, The Basics of Pe...
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List Price: £ 21.99
Author: Jennifer Cardella, Tristan Boutros
ISBN: 1498719880 / 9781498719889
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock
Unlike other books that promote a specific process and performance improvement discipline, this book shows organizations how to achieve success by fixing basic operational issues and problems using ...
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List Price: £ 18.99

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Author: Robert Damelio
ISBN: 1563273764 / 9781563273766
Year: 2011
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks
The bestselling first edition of this influential resource has been incorporated into the curriculum at forward thinking colleges and universities, a leading vocational technical institute, many in-...
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List Price: £ 22.99
Discount: 10%
Offer Price: £ 20.69
Author: Willis H. Thomas
ISBN: 1482204533 / 9781482204537
Year: 2015
Availability: In Stock
For some organizations, Lessons Learned (LL) is an informal process of discussing and recording project experiences during the closure phase. For others, LL is a formal process that occurs at the en...
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List Price: £ 26.99
Offer Price: ` 2000
Author: Ronald Blank
ISBN: 1563273020 / 9781563273025
Year: 2004
Availability: 15-30 days
The Basics of Reliability is a handy source for comprehending reliability concepts, interpreting reliability requirements, and understanding reliability reports. The Basics of Reliability explain...
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List Price: £ 19.99
Author: Gordon Ghirann
ISBN: 1439819653 / 9781439819654
Year: 2012
Availability: In Stock
Self-Balancing is not just a tweak or change to assembly line balancing, but a completely transformed method for achieving continuous flow. Among the reasons you should try Self-Balancing is that yo...
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List Price: £ 21.99
Offer Price: ` 1400
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