Properties of Aluminum Alloys: Tensile, Creep and Fatigue Data at High and Low Temperatures

Title: Properties of Aluminum Alloys: Tensile, Creep and Fatigue Data at High and Low Temperatures
Author: J. Gilbert Kaufman
ISBN: 0871706326 / 9780871706324
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 311
Publisher: ASM International
Year: 2000
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

This book compiles more than 300 tables listing typical average properties of a wide range of aluminum alloys. The individual test results were compiled, plotted in various ways, and analyzed. The average values from the tensile and creep tests were then normalized to the published typical room-temperature tensile properties of the respective alloys for easy comparison. This extensive project was done by Alcoa Laboratories over a period of several years.

The types of data presented include:

Typical Mechanical Properties of Wrought and Cast Aluminum Alloys at Various Temperatures, including tensile properties at subzero temperatures, at temperature after various holding times at the test temperature, and at room temperature after exposure at various temperatures for various holding times; creep rupture strengths for various times at various temperatures; stresses required to generate various amounts of creep in various lengths of time; rotating-beam fatigue strengths; modulus of elasticity as a function of temperature. Fatigue Data, including fatigue strength of wrought aluminum alloys (approximate average values as determined in tests of smooth and notched rotating-beam fatigue machines), axial stress fatigue strength of wrought aluminum alloys (at various stress ratios, smooth and notched specimens), average fatigue strength for aluminum and aluminum alloy flat sheet specimens (under complete reversed flexure), cantilever-beam fatigue test results of aluminum alloys at elevated temperatures, and cantilever-beam fatigue test results of aluminum alloys at elevated temperatures following stabilization at the test temperature.