Taylor & Francis

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Author: Faig Bakhman Ogli Naghiyev, Hossien Hariri Asli, Kaveh Hariri Asli, Reza Khodaparast Haghi
ISBN: 1774632098 / 9781774632093
Year: 2021
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Computers are used to perform the millions of calculations required to simulate the interaction of liquids and gases with surfaces defined by boundary conditions. This new book presents topical rese...
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List Price: £ 82.99
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Author: Qing Zhang, W. I. Milne
ISBN: 9814364541 / 9789814364546
Year: 2012
Availability: 45-60 days
A variety of devices at nanometer/molecular scale for electronic, photonic, optoelectronic, biological, and mechanical applications have been created through the rapid development of materials and f...
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List Price: £ 155
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Author: Juyoung Kim
ISBN: 9814241555 / 9789814241557
Year: 2011
Availability: 45-60 days
Nanoparticles and nano-sized materials created by nanotechnology (NT) have been considered unique and sole solutions to overcome the limitations of other technologies and widen their applications. A...
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List Price: £ 115
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Author: Dan M. Frangopol, John Dalsgaard Sorensen
ISBN: 0415399017 / 9780415399012
Year: 2005
Availability: 45-60 days
This volume contains thirty-one papers presented at the Twelfth Scientific Meeting of the IFIP Working Group on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems which took place in Aalborg, Denmar...
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List Price: £ 205
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Author: I. M. Dharmadasa
ISBN: 9814800120 / 9789814800129
Year: 2018
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Solar energy conversion plays a very important role in the rapid introduction of renewable energy, which is essential to meet future energy demands without further polluting the environment, but cur...
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List Price: £ 116
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Author: P.J. Moore
ISBN: 9061915252 / 9789061915256
Year: 1985
Availability: Out of Stock
A textbook for a graduate course on the aspects of vibrations in foundation engineering. Vibration criteria & theory; Vibration of blocks & beams; Analysis of beams, frames & vibration records; Theo...
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List Price: £ 375
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Author: H. B. Redenberg
ISBN: 9061910951 / 9789061910954
Year: 1981
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Author: Jordi Mompart, Xavier Oriols Pladevall
ISBN: 9814800104 / 9789814800105
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Most textbooks explain quantum mechanics as a story where each step follows naturally from the one preceding it. However, the development of quantum mechanics was exactly the opposite. It was a zigz...
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List Price: £ 116
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Author: Jack L. Lindsey, Scott C. Dunning
ISBN: 0824748093 / 9780824748098
Year: 2013
Availability: Out of Stock
Updated to include new technology and new requirements, this comprehensive reference is a practical guide to the design, specification, and application of the latest lighting technology. It covers a...
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List Price: £ 108

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Author: Geoffrey Blight
ISBN: 0415392373 / 9780415392372
Year: 2005
Availability: Out of Stock
This comprehensive and unique work considers the various aspects involved in the behaviour of bulk storage structures. It is the accumulation of over 30 years of study, experiments and field measure...
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List Price: £ 180
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Author: Marco Rossi, Maria Letizia Terranova, Silvia Orlanducci
ISBN: 9814316431 / 9789814316439
Year: 2012
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Research in adsorption of gases by carbon nanomaterials has experienced considerable growth in recent years, with increasing interest for practical applications. Many research groups are now produci...
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List Price: £ 115
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Author: Alan Owens
ISBN: 1138199583 / 9781138199583
Year: 2016
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Although elemental semiconductors such as silicon and germanium are standard for energy dispersive spectroscopy in the laboratory, their use for an increasing range of applications is becoming margi...
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List Price: £ 70.99
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Author: Dimos C. Charmpis, Manolis Papadrakakis, Nikos D. Lagaros, Yannis Tsompanakis
ISBN: 0415452619 / 9780415452618
Year: 2008
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
The increasing necessity to solve complex problems in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering requires the development of new ideas, innovative methods and numerical tools for providing accur...
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List Price: £ 230
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Author: Heinrich Werner, Peter Jan Pahl
ISBN: 9054105577 / 9789054105572
Year: 1995
Availability: Out of Stock
The beneficial use of computers remains a major challenge to architects and engineers worldwide. Topics covered: Object-oriented modeling and cognitive systems; Product and process modeling; Advance...
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List Price: £ 225

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Author: Eugeniusz J. Sobczyk, Jerzy Kicki, Piotr Saluga
ISBN: 0415804280 / 9780415804288
Year: 2009
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
The International Mining Forum is a recurring event, hosted by the University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland, bringing together an international group of scientists, including those wor...
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List Price: £ 125
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Author: Edmund S. Melerski
ISBN: 0415383501 / 9780415383509
Year: 2006
Availability: 45-60 days
This extended and revised second edition elaborates on techniques for the numerical analysis of beams, long strips, circular plates, and circular-cylindrical tanks resting on elastic foundations and...
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List Price: £ 150
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Author: Utpal K. Ghosh
ISBN: 0415418364 / 9780415418362
Year: 2006
Availability: 45-60 days
The advantage of steel for long span bridges have been well established for some time. Its advantages for short and medium span bridges are also being seriously looked at now particularly form the s...
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List Price: £ 160
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Author: Patrick W. Jordan
ISBN: 0415298873 / 9780415298872
Year: 2000
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
Human factors considerations are increasingly being incorporated into the product design process. Users are seen more as being important factors in the overall look and usability of products than ju...
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List Price: £ 61.99
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Author: Thomas Allen Short
ISBN: 0849395755 / 9780849395758
Year: 2006
Availability: 45-60 days
Power distribution and quality remain the key challenges facing the electrical utilities industry. Technology alone cannot provide a solution to power quality problems, and there exists a variety of...
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List Price: £ 89.99
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Author: Thomas Allen Short
ISBN: 0849395763 / 9780849395765
Year: 2006
Availability: Out of Stock
Power distribution and quality remain the key challenges facing the electric utilities industry. Choosing the right equipment and architecture for a given application means the difference between su...
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Author: Anthony J Pansini
ISBN: 0849382491 / 9780849382499
Year: 2007
Availability: 45-60 days
Newly revised and edited, this comprehensive volume brings you up-to-date information on the latest developments which impact planning and design of electrical distribution systems. Addressing topic...
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List Price: £ 115
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Author: Luca Callegaro
ISBN: 1439849102 / 9781439849101
Year: 2013
Availability: In Stock
Electrical Impedance : Principles, Measurement, and Applications provides a modern and much-needed overview of electrical impedance measurement science and its application in metrology, sensor readi...
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List Price: £ 195
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Author: Stephan A. Roosa, Steve Doty, Wayne C Turner
ISBN: 1138666971 / 9781138666979
Year: 2018
Availability: 45-60 days
This comprehensive handbook is recognized as the definitive stand-alone energy manager’s desk reference, used by tens of thousands of professionals throughout the energy management industry. T...
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List Price: £ 190
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Author: Fred G. Bell
ISBN: 0367865742 / 9780367865740
Year: 2019
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks.
The only book to concentrate on the relationship between geology and its implications for construction, this book covers the full scope of the subject from site investigation through to the complexi...
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List Price: £ 65.99
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Author: Hirokazu Takemiya
ISBN: 0415390354 / 9780415390354
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock
Globally there is much interest in environmental vibrations, as caused by all forms of traffic, by construction activities and factory operations, and by other man-made sources. The focus is on pred...
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