The Storeroom Roadmap : 32 Processes for Efficiency and Sustainability

Title: The Storeroom Roadmap : 32 Processes for Efficiency and Sustainability
Author: John L. Ross
ISBN: 0831136944 / 9780831136949
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 304
Publisher: Industrial Press
Year: 2024
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

For the first time, storeroom execution is made clear through a detailed discussion of the world-renowned “Storeroom Roadmap.” This roadmap identifies all 32 of the formal storeroom processes and practices that are universally conducted by all maintenance warehouses, in all industries, around the world. This new book will put those processes on the map, located where the activities make the most sense to begin the journey. The processes are spelled out in the sequence necessary to build a storeroom that is effective first, and then improve efficiencies.

The guiding element of the work is the understanding and application of the Storeroom Roadmap. This roadmap lays out the “grid” or categories necessary for good, as well as outstanding storerooms. More than that, the roadmap and subsequent process explanations provide the reader with detailed, step-by-step instructions on where to start, and where to go next. This is a treasure map. The treasure?  Efficiency, effectiveness, confidence, and sustainability.

Organizations within all industries will use this book to evaluate their storeroom practices towards best practices. The reader can choose a path forward by using the book’s contents to educate the storeroom associates and storeroom users on the relationship of all the storeroom functions and world-class principles for storeroom effectiveness.

Unique Features

  •     Provides a step-by-step, detailed explanation of the 32 storeroom processes and practices, with additional guidance in related activities that lead to a super-efficient and effective storeroom that’s a true core-value driver.
  •     Helps those who need to establish a maintenance storeroom from “scratch,” as well as reviewing an established storeroom’s processes to determine the necessary steps required to elevate performance and results.

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The Journey Begins

Chapter 1 : The Rules
Chapter 2 : Foundation-Effective
Chapter 3 : Foundation-Efficient
Chapter 4 : Intermediate-Effective
Chapter 5 : Intermediate-Efficient
Chapter 6 : Advanced-Effective
Chapter 7 : Advanced-Efficient
Chapter 8 : The Road Beyond the Map
