5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace : The Sourcebook for 5S Implementation

Title: 5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace : The Sourcebook for 5S Implementation
Author: Hiroyuki Hirano
ISBN: 0367086387 / 9780367086381
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 377
Publisher: Productivity Press
Year: 2019
Availability: In Stock
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In this important sourcebook, JIT expert Hiroyuki Hirano provides the most vital information available on the visual workplace, a critical but often overlooked area of continuous improvement. This book describes how the 5S`s - sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain -foster efficiency, maintenance, and continuous improvement in all areas of the company.

"It's too simple!" is the response when people hear about the 5S's. Simple, yes, but if ignored, the results may be disastrous.

When executives inquired, "What kind of rationalization policy should I adopt to make sure my company survives into the 21st century?" Hirano answered, "The 5S's." Why? Because a company that cannot successfully implement the 5S's cannot expect to effectively integrate JIT, re-engineering, or any other large-scale change.

Presented in a thorough, detailed style, 5 Pillars of the Visual Workplace explains why the 5S's are important and the who, what, where, and how of 5S implementation. This book includes numerous casestudies, hundreds of graphic illustrations, and over forty 5S user forms and training materials.

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Publisher’s Message
List of Illustrations

Chapter 1 : Why Are the 5S’s Necessary?
Chapter 2 : Foundation for Corporate Survival
Chapter 3 : Overview of the 5S’s
Chapter 4 : Introducing the 5S’s into the Workplace
Chapter 5 : The First Pillar: Organization
Chapter 6 : The Second Pillar: Orderliness
Chapter 7 : Visual Organization and Visual Orderliness
Chapter 8 : The Red-Tag Strategy
Chapter 9 : The Signboard Strategy
Chapter 10 : The Third Pillar: Cleanliness
Chapter 11 : The Fourth Pillar: Standardized Cleanup
Chapter 12 : The Fifth Pillar: Discipline
Chapter 13 : Case Studies: Reports from Four 5S Campaigns

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