ASME Standards

Total Record : 103

ASME EA-4G : 2010

Guidance for ASME EA-4, Energy Assessment for Compressed Air Systems [ANSI designation: ASME TR EA-4G-2010]

ISBN: 9780791833292
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 43

ASME FFS-2 : 2009

Fitness-for-Service Example Problem Manual

ISBN: 9780791831519
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 220

ASME MFC-21.2 : 2010

Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Thermal Dispersion Mass Flowmeters

ISBN: 9780791833087
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 39

ASME MFC-26 : 2011

Measurement of Gas Flow by Bellmouth Inlet Flowmeters

ISBN: 9780791833551
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 54

ASME MFC-5.1 : 2011

Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits Using Transit-Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters

ISBN: 9780791833476
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 32

ASME NOG-1 : 2020

Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Multiple Girder)

ISBN: 9780791873700
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 179
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 225

ASME OM : 2022

Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants

ISBN: 9780791875100
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 345

ASME PALD : 2009

Safety Standard for Portable Automotive Lifting Devices

ISBN: 9780791832882
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 145

ASME PCC-1 : 2022

Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly

ISBN: 9780791875384
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 159

ASME PCC-2 : 2022

Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

ISBN: 9780791875063
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 195

ASME PTB-1 : 2014

ASME Section VIII Division 2 Criteria and Commentary

ISBN: 9780791869277
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 242

ASME PTB-2 : 2022

Guide to Life Cycle Management of Pressure Equipment Integrity

ISBN: 9780791875490
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 224

ASME PTB-3 : 2022

ASME Section VIII-Division 2 Example Problem Manual

ISBN: 9780791875476
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 275

ASME PTB-4 : 2021

ASME Section VIII-Division 1 Example Problem Manual

ISBN: 9780791875070
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 275

ASME PTC 12.2 : 2010

Steam Surface Condensers

ISBN: 9780791833056
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 175

ASME PTC 18 : 2020

Hydraulic Turbines and Pump-Turbines

ISBN: 9780791873960
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 190

ASME PTC 19.2 : 2010

Pressure Measurement

ISBN: 9780791833063
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 115

ASME PTC 19.3 TW : 2016


ISBN: 9780791870433
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 93

ASME PTC 6 : 2004

Steam Turbines

ISBN: 9780791829356
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
Buy This Item
List Price: $ 255

ASME PTC PM : 2010

Performance Monitoring Guidelines for Power Plants

ISBN: 9780791831984
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 148

ASME QAI-1 : 2018

Qualifications for Authorized Inspection

ISBN: 9780791872246
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 75

ASME QEI-1 : 2018

Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors

ISBN: 9780791872437
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 74

ASME RT-1 : 2020

Safety Standard for Structural Requirements for Light Rail Vehicles and Streetcars

ISBN: 9780791873496
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 40

ASME RTP-1 : 2021

Reinforced Thermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant Equipment

ISBN: 9780791874721
Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: $ 389
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