Advanced Drilling and Well Technology

Title: Advanced Drilling and Well Technology
Author: Bernt Aadnoy, Iain Cooper, Michael L. Payne, Robert F. Mitchell, Stefan Miska
ISBN: 1555631452 / 9781555631451
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 888
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Year: 2009
Availability: 45-60 days

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Advanced Drilling and Well Technology captures the vast developments that have occurred in well technology over the past several decades. The 10 chapters focus on applications related to many of the field-related challenges being faced today, such as deepwater and high-pressure/high-temperature wells, as well as emerging technologies like managed pressure drilling, expandable casing, coiled-tubing drilling, and multilateral wells.

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Chapter 1 : The Well Construction Process
Chapter 2 : Casing Design
Chapter 3 : Advanced Drilling Design
Chapter 4 : Advanced Wellbore Hydraulics
Chapter 5 : Geomechanics
Chapter 6 : Wellbores Measurements : Tools, Techniques, and Interpretation
Chapter 7 : Deepwater Drilling
Chapter 8 : Design Consideration for High-Pressure/High-Temperature Wells
Chapter 9 : Innovative Drilling Methods
Chapter 10 : Heat Transfer in Walls

Author Index
Subject Index