Advances in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Drilling : Ground, Ice, and Underwater (2 Volume Set)

Title: Advances in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Drilling : Ground, Ice, and Underwater (2 Volume Set)
Author: Kris Zacny, Yoseph Bar-Cohen
ISBN: 0367685043 / 9780367685041
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 684
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2022
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

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This two-volume set includes the latest principles behind the processes of drilling and excavation on Earth and other planets. It covers the categories of drills, the history of drilling and excavation, various drilling techniques and associated issues, rock coring (acquisition, damage control, caching and transport, restoration of "in-situ" conditions and data interpretation), as well as unconsolidated soil drilling and borehole stability. It describes the drilling process from basic science and associated process of breaking and penetrating various media and the required hardware and the process of excavation and analysis of the sampled media.

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Volume 1 : Advances in Terrestrial Drilling :
Chapter 1 :
Introduction – Drilling as Means of Penetrating Solids
Chapter 2 : Design, Modeling and Testing of Piezoelectric Actuated Percussive Drills
Chapter 3 : Subtractive and Additive Manufacturing Applied to Drilling Systems
Chapter 4 : Onshore Drilling
Chapter 5 : Offshore Deep-Water Drilling
Chapter 6 : Recent Innovations in Drilling in Ice
Chapter 7 : Environmental Drilling / Sampling and Offshore Modeling Systems
Chapter 8 : Drilling Automation
Chapter 9 : Specialized Drilling Techniques for Medical Applications

Volume 2 : Advances in Extraterrestrial Drilling
Chapter 1 :
Extraterrestrial Drilling and Excavation
Chapter 2 : Novel Methods for Deep Ice Access on Planetary Bodies
Chapter 3 : Scientific Rationale for Planetary Drilling
Chapter 4 : Biological Contamination Control and Planetary Protection Measures as Applied to Sample Acquisition