Agribusiness Supply Chain Management

Title: Agribusiness Supply Chain Management
Author: G. Raghuram, N. Chandrasekaran
ISBN: 1138627267 / 9781138627260
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 700
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2017
Availability: Out of Stock
Special Indian Edition.

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The agribusiness supply chain includes a number of processes such as supply management, production management, and demand management to customers through a competitive distribution channel. Each step of the way can be plagued with issues such as diversity of production and demand, bulkiness of produce, perishability, and seasonality. Highlighting the complexity and importance of supply chain management within businesses handling agricultural products, Agribusiness Supply Chain Management addresses issues that help readers systematically approach decision making in the agribusiness sector.

The book covers issues across various spectrums of business and government’s role in the agribusiness supply chain domain. It focuses on actors in supply chains, intrinsic issues that would impact the actors and then the support systems that are essential to make the supply chain achieve its effectiveness. The authors’ clear, well-structured treatment provides a logical approach to key activities of agribusiness supply chain management. They provide numerous case studies that span a wide range of issues and industries that readers can use to sharpen managerial decision making skills.

In today’s world, companies compete on supply chains. With the many factors that can cause delays in deliverability, a well-designed supply chain is a must. Those who have the capability to establish a distinctive supply chain and create it as a strategic asset are leaders in their business; and in fact emerge as the best in class across industries and markets. This book helps readers develop best practices for making key marketing decisions and designing efficient and effective supply chains that meet global challenges.

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Chapter 1 : Agribusiness : Nature, Complexity, and Importance of Supply Chain
Chapter 2 : Role of Supply Chain Drivers for Success of Agribusiness
Chapter 3 : Agri Inputs : Production Centre to Farm Gate
Chapter 4 : Agri Farm Output : Farm Gate to Market Supply Chain Network
Chapter 5 : Agribusiness : Processors Supply Chain Challenges
Chapter 6 : Retailing of Agricultural Goods both Processed and Farm Fresh
Chapter 7 : Perishables and Challenges in Managing the Supply Chain
Chapter 8 : Role of Infrastructure for Managing Agri Supply Chain
Chapter 9 : Quality Systems for Agri Product Sector
Chapter 10 : IT and Technology for Effectiveness in Agribusiness
Chapter 11 : Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Strategies in Agribusiness
Chapter 12 : Challenges in Financial Flows in Agribusiness
Chapter 13 : Role of Government in Enabling Agribusiness Supply Chain
Chapter 14 : Cases for Discussion
