Alternative Fuels : The Future of Hydrogen, 2nd Edition

Title: Alternative Fuels : The Future of Hydrogen, 2nd Edition
Author: Michael Frank Hordeski
ISBN: 1420080164 / 9781420080162
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 286
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2008
Availability: In Stock

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Discusses the evolving landscape of oil production and use
Considers the desirability of various automotive fuels
Explores hydrogen sources, biomass & wind power
Covers fuel cell technology
Analyzes emerging trends in energy technology

Newly revised, the second edition of this pioneering work addresses emerging factors affecting energy production and use, including the availability and desirability of various fuels. The text provides extensive discussion on hydrogen sources, both solar and nuclear, and fuel cell technology, as well as on other alternative fuels such as biomass, and wind power. It delves into cost analysis, regulatory issues, barriers to implementation, conversion and storage systems, thermodynamic efficiency, fuel chain efficiency, air emission issues, and well as safety. The book also covers natural gas hydrogen gas, methanol, ethanol, and steam reforming.

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Chapter 1 : Fuels and Trends
Chapter 2 : The Evolution of Oil
Chapter 3 : Fuel and Autos
Chapter 4 : Fuel for the Autos
Chapter 5 : The New Transportation
Chapter 6 : Fuels and the Environment
Chapter 7 : Hydrogen Sources, Biomass and Wind Power
Chapter 8 : Alternative Fuel Paths and Solar Hydrogen
Chapter 9 : Infrastructure Choices and Nuclear Hydorgen
Chapter 10 : Trends in Fuels and Energy Technology
