BSI Standards

Total Record : 40617
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BS ISO/IEC 12785-2:2011 :

Information technology. Learning, education, and training. Content packaging XML binding

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BS ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 :

Information technology. Programming languages. Prolog General core

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BS ISO/IEC 13211-2:2000 :

Information technology. Programming languages. Prolog Modules

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List Price: £ 192
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BS ISO/IEC 13235-1:1998 :

Information technology. Open distributed processing. Trading function Specification

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BS ISO/IEC 13236:1998 :

Information technology. Quality of service:Framework

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BS ISO/IEC 13238-3:1998 :

Information technology. Data management IRDS export/import facility

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BS ISO/IEC 13249-1:2016 :

Information technology. Database languages. SQL multimedia and application packages Framework

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BS ISO/IEC 13249-2:2003 :

Information technology. Database languages. SQL multimedia and application packages Full-text

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List Price: £ 412

BS ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016 :

Information technology. Database languages. SQL multimedia and application packages Spatial

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BS ISO/IEC 13250-2:2006 :

Information technology. Topic maps Data model

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BS ISO/IEC 13250-3:2013 :

Information technology. Topic Maps XML syntax

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BS ISO/IEC 13250-4:2009 :

Information technology. Topic maps Canonicalization

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List Price: £ 192
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