BSI Standards

Total Record : 40617
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BS ISO/IEC 30122-1:2016 :

Information technology. User interfaces. Voice commands Framework and general guidance

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List Price: £ 138

BS ISO/IEC 30122-2:2017 :

Information technology. User interfaces. Voice commands Constructing and testing

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BS ISO/IEC 30122-3:2017 :

Information technology. User interfaces. Voice commands Translation and localization

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List Price: £ 116
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BS ISO/IEC 30128:2014 :

Information technology. Sensor networks. Generic Sensor Network Application Interface

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List Price: £ 254

BS ISO/IEC 30130:2016 :

Software engineering. Capabilities of software testing tools

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List Price: £ 225

BS ISO/IEC 30134-6:2021 :

Information technology. Data centres key performance indicators Energy Reuse Factor (ERF)

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BS ISO/IEC 30136:2018 :

Information technology. Performance testing of biometric template protection schemes

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BS ISO/IEC 30140-1:2018 :

Information technology. Underwater acoustic sensor network (UWASN) Overview and requirements

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 254

BS ISO/IEC 30140-2:2017 :

Information technology. Underwater acoustic sensor network (UWASN) Reference architecture

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 225

BS ISO/IEC 30140-3:2018 :

Information technology. Underwater acoustic sensor network (UWASN) Entities and interface

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List Price: £ 192

BS ISO/IEC 30140-4:2018 :

Information technology. Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UWASN) Interoperability

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List Price: £ 138

BS ISO/IEC 30141:2018 :

Internet of Things (IoT). Reference architecture

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List Price: £ 289
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BS ISO/IEC 30143:2020 :

Internet of Things (IoT). Underwater acoustic sensor network (UWASN). Application profiles

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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