BSI Standards

Total Record : 40617
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BS ISO/IEC 8484:2014 :

Information technology. Magnetic stripes on savingsbooks

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List Price: £ 225
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BS ISO/IEC 8652:2012 :

Information technology. Programming languages. Ada

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 583
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List Price: £ 412

BS ISO/IEC 8822:1994 :

Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Presentation service definition

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BS ISO/IEC 8824-3:2021 :

Information technology. Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Constraint specification

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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BS ISO/IEC 8825-2:2021 :

Information technology. ASN.1 encoding rules Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 361

BS ISO/IEC 8825-4:2021 :

Information technology. ASN.1 encoding rules XML Encoding Rules (XER)

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 289

BS ISO/IEC 8825-5:2021 :

Information technology. ASN.1 encoding rules Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.1

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BS ISO/IEC 8825-7:2021 :

Information technology. ASN.1 encoding rules Specification of Octet Encoding Rules (OER)

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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BS ISO/IEC 8859-10:1998 :

Information technology. 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Latin alphabet No. 6

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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