BSI Standards

Total Record : 40617

PD IEC TR 62998-2:2020 :

Safety of machinery Examples of application

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List Price: £ 225
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List Price: £ 192
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List Price: £ 225
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List Price: £ 225
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List Price: £ 225

PD IEC TR 63043:2020 :

Renewable energy power forecasting technology

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List Price: £ 346
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List Price: £ 192

PD IEC TR 63079:2017+A2:2020 :

Code of practice for hearing-loop systems (HLS)

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List Price: £ 307

PD IEC TR 63082-1:2020 :

Intelligent device management Concepts and terminology

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 289
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List Price: £ 138

PD IEC TR 63122-1:2019 :

Smart television Conceptual model for smart television

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 192

PD IEC TR 63122-2:2019 :

Smart television Framework of integrated service on smart television

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 254
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List Price: £ 268
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List Price: £ 192

PD IEC TR 63141:2020 :

Damp heat, steady state (unsaturated pressurized vapour with air)

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List Price: £ 268

PD IEC TR 63145-1-1:2018 :

Eyewear display Generic introduction

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List Price: £ 192

PD IEC TR 63149:2018 :

Land usage of photovoltaic (PV) farms. Mathematical models and calculation examples

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 289
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List Price: £ 225

PD IEC TR 63164-2:2020 :

Reliability of industrial automation devices and systems System reliability

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 192
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List Price: £ 192
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List Price: £ 307

PD IEC TR 63176:2019 :

Process analysis technology systems as part of safety instrumented systems

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List Price: £ 192

PD IEC TR 63179-1:2020 :

Guideline for planning of HVDC systems HVDC systems with line-commutated converters

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List Price: £ 192

PD IEC TR 63183:2019 :

Guidance on error and warning messages for software used in radiotherapy

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 192

PD IEC TR 63191:2018 :

Demand side power quality management

Availability: Within 1-2 working days
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List Price: £ 289
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