Behaviour and Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Building Structures

Title: Behaviour and Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Building Structures
Author: Brian Uy, Dennis Lam, Lin-Hai Han, Zhong Tao
ISBN: 1466580313 / 9781466580312
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 400
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2021
Availability: Out of Stock

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Composite steel-concrete structures are the dominant structural form in the construction of steel framed buildings. Steel framed buildings represent over half of the world market for multi-storey buildings. They are also one of the most attractive building forms for meeting the new sustainability agendas of governments worldwide. Steel framed structures provide building owners with greater flexibility and there are future moves to enable them to be made demountable. Demountability provides a particular advantage over traditional reinforced and prestressed concrete structures which can prove highly problematic and hazardous when decommissioned.

This book highlights the rapid developments in the understanding of the behaviour and design of composite-steel concrete structures, and links them to a range of international standards. It offers an in-depth treatment of the fundamental behaviour and design of composite steel-concrete building structures incorporating beams, columns, joints, slabs and systems. It also addresses the needs created by the increasing internationalisation of consulting engineering practices, as structural engineers have to be adept in design provisions from more than their home nation, by tying the practical applications of the basic methods to Australian, Chinese, European and United States standards.