Bioremediation of Nitroaromatic & Haloaromatic Compounds - 5(7)

Title: Bioremediation of Nitroaromatic & Haloaromatic Compounds - 5(7)
Author: Andrea; Alleman, Bruce C., Leeson
ISBN: 1574770802 / 9781574770803
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 302
Publisher: Battelle Press
Year: 1999
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

Sites contaminated with explosive compounds, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and other aromatic compounds present formidable technical, regulatory, and financial challenges. The application of bioremediation technologies at such sites offers the promise of cost-effective site remediation that can serve as a key component of a well-formulated strategy for achieving site closure. This volume presents the results of bench-, pilot-, and field-scale projects focused on the use of biological approaches to remediate problem compounds, such as RDX, HMX, TNT, DDT, 2,4-D, nitro- and chlorobenzenes, nitroaniline, chloroaniline, hexachlorobenzene, PCPs, PCBs, and dichlorophenol in soils and groundwater. This book is part of the eight-volume proceedings from the 1999 International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium held in San Diego, April 1999.

Tab Article


Chapter 1 : Biodegradation of RDX and HMX by A Methanogenic Enrichment Culture
Chapter 2 : Field Demonstration of FBR for Treatment of Nitrotoluenes in Groundwater
Chapter 3 : Pilot-Scale Anaerobic Bioslurry Remediation of RDX- and HMX-Contaminated Soils
Chapter 4 : Optimizing The Biotransformation of RDX and HMX
Chapter 5 : Modeling The Mineralization of Trinitrotoluene and Dinitrotoluenes in Aerobic/Anoxic Biofilm
Chapter 6 : Technology Development for Biological Treatment of Explosives-Contaminated Soils
Chapter 7 : Phytotoxicity Reduction by Anaerobic-Aerobic Treatment of Explosives-Contaminated Soil
Chapter 8 : Pilot Demonstration of The Sequential Anaerobic-Aerobic Bioremediation of Explosives-Contaminated Soil
Chapter 9 : Composting Treatment of Explosives-Contaminated Soil, Tooele, Utah
Chapter 10 : Cost-Effective Explosive Compounds Bioremediation by Windrow Composting at Hawthorne Army Depot
Chapter 11 : Composting of Explosives-Contaminated Soils : A Pilot- and Full-Scale Case History
Chapter 12 : Biodegradation of DDT : The Role of Pleurotus sp., A Lignicolous Fungus
Chapter 13 : In Situ Bioremediation of Creosote- and Pentachlorophenol-Contaminated Groundwater at A Wood-Treating Site
Chapter 14 : Natural Attenuation of Pentachlorophenol at A Wood Treatment Facility
Chapter 15 : Activation of an Indigenous Microbial Consortium for Bioaugmentation of Soil Contaminated with Wood-Preservation Compounds
Chapter 16 : Biotic and Abiotic Contributions to Reductive Transformation of Organic Pollutants
Chapter 17 : Biological Strategies for The Remediation of Chlorophenol-Contaminated Soils
Chapter 18 : Performance of Desulfitobacterium frappieri PCP-1 in A Continuous Anaerobic Reactor Treating Pentachlorophenol
Chapter 19 : Simulation of In Situ Chlorophenol Bioremediation from Groundwater in Pilot-Scale
Chapter 20 : Biodegradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid Under Field Conditions in Wheat Crop
Chapter 21 : Full-Scale Bioremediation of Chlorinated Pesticides
Chapter 22 : Biodegradation of Aromatic Ethers by Nitrifying Bacteria
Chapter 23 : Biodegradation of 2,4-D and DDT at High Concentrations in Low-Cost Packaging Biofilters
Chapter 24 : A Biotechnological Approach for Detoxifying Herbicide-Contaminated Building Rubble
Chapter 25 : Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms from A Soil Mixed Culture Aerobically Degrading Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Chapter 26 : Bioavailability, Estrogenicity, and Toxicity of Surfactant-PCB Mixtures After Biodegradation and Photolysis
Chapter 27 : Desorption and Destruction of PCBs in Micellar Media
Chapter 28 : Managing Sediment Containment Facilities to Promote PCB Separation and Degradation
Chapter 29 : Polychlorinated Biphenyls Transformation by Bioaugmentation in Solid Culture
Chapter 30 : Transformation of Aroclor by Indigenous and Inoculated Microbes in Slurry Reactors
Chapter 31 : Computer Model for Prediction of PCB Dechlorination and Biodegradation Endpoints
Chapter 32 : Uptake of Chlorophenols by Rye Grass : Role of Physicochemical Processes
Chapter 33 : Decontamination of TNT-Polluted Water by Modified Fenton Reagent
Chapter 34 : Oxidation of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene in Water and Soil Slurry by Calcium Peroxide
Chapter 35 : Coupled Abiotic/Biotic Mineralization of TNT
Chapter 36 : Bioregeneration of Granular Activated Carbon Contaminated with High Explosives Compounds
Chapter 37 : Bioremediation of Nitrochlorobenzene, Nitroaniline, Chloroaniline, and Other Organics in Groundwater
Chapter 38 : Quantifying Mass and Toxic Bioavailability Rates of Organics in Saturated Porous Media
Chapter 39 : Bioremediation of Uranium Mine Drainage Using Methylotrophic Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
Chapter 40 : In Situ Measurement of PCB Availability in Unsaturated Soils
Chapter 41 : Lux-Based Biosensing of 2,4-Dichlorophenol Biodegradation and Bioavailability in Soil
Chapter 42 : Integrated Anaerobic/Aerobic EGSB Bioreactor for Azo Dye Degradation
Chapter 43 : Bioavailability and Reductive Dechlorination of Hexachlorobenzene Sorbed to an Estuarine Sediment

Author Index
Keyword Index