CQI-20 : Effective Problem Solving Guide, 2nd Edition (Hardcopy with Downloadable Assessment)

Title: CQI-20 : Effective Problem Solving Guide, 2nd Edition (Hardcopy with Downloadable Assessment)
Author: AIAG
ISBN: 1605343994 / 9781605343990
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 88
Publisher: AIAG
Year: 2018
Availability: 7-10 days

Tab Article

Does your organization need help eliminating repeat problems and implementing sustainable improvements in your products or processes? This guideline supports organizational efforts to develop and implement a robust problem solving process that will improve problem descriptions, team member participation, qualitative methods for problem solving, and the ability to prioritize, analyze and review concerns, as well as ensure that steps are not skipped. The publication is laid out in sections, each covering a different stage of problem solving. Each section includes Inputs-Process-Outputs, Step Overview, Tools, Outcome, Progress Check Questions, and Executive Support. Written to assist problem solvers with any level of prerequisite knowledge, the document covers foundational information senior leaders can use to set the stage for success. Those with an understanding of statistical or other advanced problem solving tools will find this guide even more helpful.

Tab Article

About AIAG
Foundation of the Problem Solving Process
Problem Solving Process/Steps

Chapter 1 :
Becoming Aware of the Problem
Chapter 2 : Establish the Team
Chapter 3 : Describe the Problem
Chapter 4 : Contain Symptoms
Chapter 5 : Establish Root Causes(s)
Chapter 6 : Select and Test Corrective Actions
Chapter 7 : Implement Corrective Actions
Chapter 8 : Prevent Reoccurrence
Chapter 9 : Recognize Team Success

Appendix A : Organizational Culture Assessment
Appendix B : Inhibitors to Efficient Problem Resolution
Appendix C : Quality of Event Checklist
Appendix D : Effective Problem Solving Reporting Format for Product
Appendix E : Containment
Appendix F : Problem Solving Tool Matrix
Appendix G : Problem Solving Tool Descriptions
Appendix H : Definitions and Acronyms