Casting Defects Handbook : Iron & Steel

Title: Casting Defects Handbook : Iron & Steel
Author: George Goodrich
ISBN: 0874333148 / 9780874333145
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 232
Publisher: AFS
Year: 2008
Availability: In Stock

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The first edition of the AFS Casting Defects Handbook was considered the go-to pocket reference for metalcasting personnel worldwide for more than 35 years. This edition has been rewritten by George Goodrich in conjunction with the American Foundry Society (AFS) Cast Iron Division (Division 5) and the Steel Division (Division 9) to provide the metalcasting industry with updates to reflect the changes in foundry technology. The purpose of the book remains the same - to provide foundries with the updated information necessary to reduce casting defects and increase productivity to stay competitive in today’s market.

This edition combines all of the strengths of the original handbook as well as incorporating the latest industry updates with a focus on ferrous alloys. New techniques have been added; flaskless molding, vertical molding, high density molding with automatic molding machines, no bake molding, and the preponderance of electric melting vs. cupola melting are just a few examples. This is the guide for in-plant use by quality assurance, inspection and other key personnel. The text is formatted in an easy-to-use outline style supplemented with figures illustrating actual casting defects.

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Chapter 1 : Broken or Cracked Castings
Chapter 2 : Crushes, Pushups & Clamp-Offs
Chapter 3 : Cuts or Washes
Chapter 4 : Dirt, Slag & Other Inclusions
Chapter 5 : Drops
Chapter 6 : Erosion Scabs
Chapter 7 : Expansion Defects
Chapter 8 : Gas Defects
Chapter 9 : Gross Segregation, Carbon Flotation, Kish Graphite & Dross
Chapter 10 : Non-Uniform Hardness, Hard Spots, Hard Areas & Chilled Spots
Chapter 11 : Hot Tears
Chapter 12 : Inverse Chills
Chapter 13 : Mass Hardness
Chapter 14 :  Metal Penetration & Fusion
Chapter 15 : Misruns & Cold Shuts
Chapter 16 : Off Dimension Related to Cores
Chapter 17 : Open Grain Structure
Chapter 18 : Poured Short
Chapter 19 : Ramoffs or Ramaways
Chapter 20 : Rough Surface
Chapter 21 : Runouts & Bleeders
Chapter 22 : Scars, Seams & Plates
Chapter 23 : Shifts
Chapter 24 : Shot Metal or Cold Shots
Chapter 25 : Shrinkage Cavities & Depressions
Chapter 26 : Stickers
Chapter 27 : Swells, Strains & Sags
Chapter 28 : Veins & Fins
Chapter 29 : Warped Castings
Chapter 30 : Widmanstattën Graphite
