Clinical Linguistics, (4 Volume Set)

Title: Clinical Linguistics, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Martin J Ball, Thomas W. Powell
ISBN: 0415481252 / 9780415481250
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1904
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2009
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

Clinical Linguistics involves the application of linguistic theories and procedures to the study, characterization, and treatment of communicative disorders. Although linguists have long applied their science to a variety of language problems, Clinical Linguistics did not emerge as an autonomous discipline until the publication of Crystal’s influential Clinical Linguistics in 1981. Despite its youth, this specialist area has quickly evolved into a highly productive field of inquiry. From its inception, Clinical Linguistics has had a strong international presence. The field is interdisciplinary, with relevance to theoretical and applied linguistics, speech and language therapy, psychology, and education.

The Clinical Linguistics literature has been especially eclectic, appearing in diverse scientific and professional publications. Many of these sources have limited circulation, a fact that challenges individuals and research libraries to maintain a comprehensive collection. The primary aim of this new four-volume Routledge collection is to assemble a representative library of the seminal and the best cutting-edge Clinical Linguistics scholarship. Classic works, as well as state-of-the-art data-based and philosophical articles, are included.

Volume I is focused on the foundations of Clinical Linguistics, particularly its conceptual, historic, and theoretical bases; Volume II examines clinical phonetics and speech measurement, and the phonological analysis of disordered speech. Volume III, meanwhile, concentrates on Clinical Linguistics and language disorders. The final volume in the collection is organized around the educational and medical application of Clinical Linguistics, as well as emerging issues and controversies.

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Volume I

Part 1 : Defining The Domain of Clinical Linguistics
Chapter 1 :
The Scope of Clinical Linguistics : Clinical Linguistics
Chapter 2 : Developments in The Theoretical Understanding of Speech and its Disorders, Advances in Clinical Phonetics
Chapter 3 : Grammar and Language Impairment : Clinical Linguistics as Applied Linguistics, Evaluating Language : British Studies in Applied Linguistics 8
Chapter 4 : Pragmatics as Social Competence : Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
Chapter 5 : Is a Clinical Sociolinguistics Possible? : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 6 : Multilingual Communication Disorders : Exempla et Desiderata : Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders

Part 2 : Historical Bases of Clinical Linguistics
Chapter 7 :
Visible Speech : Visible Speech : The Science of Universal Alphabetics
Chapter 8 : Abnormal Types of Speech in Nootka’ (excerpt), Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 62, Anthropological Series No. 5
Chapter 9 : Foundation of The Structural Laws : Child Language, Aphasia and Language Universals
Chapter 10 : Aphasia as a Linguistic Topic : Studies on Child Language and Aphasia
Chapter 11 : Palatography as an Aid to The Improvement of Articulatory Movements : Journal of Speech Disorders
Chapter 12 : Phonological Analysis of a Case of Dyslalia : Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders

Part 3 : The Role of Linguistic Theory
Chapter 13 :
Towards a "Bucket" Theory of Language Disability : Taking Account of Interaction Between Linguistic Levels : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 14 : Learnability Theory and The Acquisition of Grammar : Child Language and Developmental Dysphasia
Chapter 15 : Unifying The Various Language-related Sciences : Aphasic Syndromes and Grammatical Theory, Theoretical Linguistics and Disordered Language
Chapter 16 : The Use of Linguistic Theory as a Framework for Treatment Studies in Aphasia : Clinical Aphasiology
Chapter 17 : The Scope of Pragmatic Disability : A Cognitive Approach, Pragmatics in Speech and Language Pathology
Chapter 18 : The Study of Natural Phonology, Current Approaches to Phonological Theory
Chapter 19 : Methods and Empirical Issues in Analyzing Functional Misarticulation, Phonological Theory and The Misarticulating Child
Chapter 20 : Applying Linguistic Theory to Speech-language Pathology : The Case for Nonlinear Phonology : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 21 : Phonology as Human Behavior : Theoretical Implications and Cognitive and Clinical Applications, Clinical Linguistics : Theory and Applications in Speech Pathology and Therapy
Chapter 22 : The Clinical Significance of Optimality Theory for Phonological Disorders : Topics in Language Disorders

Volume II

Part 4 : Clinical Phonetics
Chapter 23 :
Extensions to The International Phonetic Alphabet for The Transcription of Atypical Speech : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 24 : Transcribing Disordered Speech : The Segmental and Prosodic Layers : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 25 : Transcribing Phonetic Detail in The Speech of Unintelligible Children : A Comparison of Procedures : British Journal of Disorders of Communication
Chapter 26 :  Procedure for Phonetic Transcription by Consensus : Journal of Speech and Hearing Research
Chapter 27 : Non-Segmental Aspects of Disordered Speech : Developments in Transcription : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 28 : Intonation Abilities of Children with Speech and Language Impairments : Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Chapter 29 : Articulatory Constraints on a Phonological System : A Case Study of Cleft Palate Speech : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics

Part 5 : Speech Measurement and Instrumentation
Chapter 30 :
Intelligibility in Speech Disorders : Intelligibility of Speech Disorders
Chapter 31 : The Intelligibility of Children’s Speech : A Review of Evaluation Procedures : American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Chapter 32 : Electropalatography as a Research and Clinical Tool : 30 Years On, A Figure of Speech : A Festschrift for John Laver
Chapter 33 : Adaptation to an Electropalatograph Palate : Acoustic, Impressionistic, and Perceptual Data : American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Chapter 34 : Introducing The Pressure-Sensing Palatograph : The Next Frontier in Electropalatography : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 35 : Comparison of Various Automatic Means for Measuring Mean Fundamental Frequency : Journal of Voice
Chapter 36 : Differentiated Perceptual Evaluation of Pathological Voice Quality : Reliability and Correlations with Acoustic Measurements : Revue de Laryngologie, Otologie, Rhinologie
Chapter 37 : A Study of The Voicing Distinction Associated with Omitted, Word-Final Stops : Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
Chapter 38 : Comparison of Nasalance Scores Obtained with The Nasometer, The NasalView, and The OroNasal System : The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal

Part 6 : Clinical Phonology
Chapter 39 :
The Development of Phonology : A Descriptive Profile : First Language
Chapter 40 : The Nature of Deviant Phonology : Phonological Disability in Children
Chapter 41 : On Describing Idiosyncratic Phonologic Systems : Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
Chapter 42 : Some Constraints on Functionally Disordered Phonology : Phonetic Inventories and Phonotactics : Journal of Speech and Hearing Research
Chapter 43 : Feature Geometry in Disordered Phonologies : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 44 : Prosody and Melody in Vowel Disorder : Journal of Linguistics

Volume III

Part 7 : Developmental Disorders of Language
Chapter 45 :
Specific Language Impairment : Characterizing The Deficit, Language Competence Across Populations
Chapter 46 : Domain-Specific Cognitive Systems : Insight from Grammatical-SLI : Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Chapter 47 : Grammatical Morphology and The Lexicon in Children with Specific Language Impairment : Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Chapter 48 : A Linguistic Account of a Developmental, Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder : Evidence from a Case Study : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 49 : Williams Syndrome and Specific Language Impairment Do Not Support Claims for Developmental Double Dissociations and Innate Modularity : Journal of Neurolinguistics
Chapter 50 : Language Impairments in Sign Language : Breakthroughs and Puzzles : International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders
Chapter 51 : Bilingual Children with Specific Language Impairment : Theoretical and Applied Issues : Applied Psycholinguistics

Part 8 : Acquired Disorders of Language
Chapter 52 :
Linguistics and Aphasia : Linguistic Investigations of Aphasia
Chapter 53 : Broca’s Aphasia : A Syntactic and/or a Morphological Disorder? A Case Study : Brain and Language
Chapter 54 : Agrammatism : A Disruption of The Phonological Processing of Grammatical Morphemes? : Morphology, Phonology, and Aphasia
Chapter 55 : A Linguistic Analysis of Fluent Aphasia : Brain and Language
Chapter 56 : Narrative and Procedural Discourse in Aphasia, Discourse Ability and Brain Damage
Chapter 57 : Aphasia in a User of British Sign Language : Dissociation Between Sign and Gesture : Cognitive Neuropsychology
Chapter 58 : Bilingual and Polyglot Aphasia, Handbook of Neuropsychology

Part 9 : Cognitive–Communicative Disorders
Chapter 59 :
The Linguistic Development of Genie : Language
Chapter 60 : Do Children with Down Syndrome have Difficulty with Argument Structure? : Journal of Communication Disorders
Chapter 61 : Linguistic Resources of Individuals with Asperger Syndrome : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 62 : Closed Head Injury : Assessment and Remediation of Topic Bias and Repetitiveness, Case Studies in Clinical Linguistics
Chapter 63 : Can The Right Hemisphere Speak? : Brain and Language
Chapter 64 : Language Function in Senile Dementia : Brain and Language

Volume IV

Part 10 : Application of Clinical Linguistics in Educational Settings
Chapter 65 :
Phonetic Inventory Changes After Treating Distinctions Along an Implicational Hierarchy : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 66 : Maximal Opposition Approach to Phonological Treatment : Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
Chapter 67 : Undifferentiated Lingual Gestures in Children with Articulation/Phonological Disorders : Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Chapter 68 : Grammatical Problems in School-Age Children with Specific Language Impairment : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 69 : Reading and Spelling in Language-disordered Children - Linguistic and Metalinguistic Prerequisites : Report on a Longitudinal Study : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 70 : Speech Acts After Mild or Severe Childhood Head Injury : Aphasiology
Chapter 71 : The Contribution of Clinical Phonetics to The Investigation of Oracy Problems in The Classroom : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 72 : Auditory and Phonetic Perception of Vowels in Children with Apraxic Speech Disorders : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 73 : Do all Speech-Disordered Children have Motor Deficits? : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 74 : Linguistics and Speech-Language Pathology : Combining Research Efforts Toward Improved Interventions for Bilingual Children, Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2000

Part 11 : Application of Clinical Linguistics in Medical Settings
Chapter 75 :
Acoustic Characteristics of Parkinsonian Speech : A Potential Biomarker of Early Disease Progression and Treatment : Journal of Neurolinguistics
Chapter 76 : The Influence of Oral Cavity Tumour Treatment on The Voice Quality and on Fundamental Frequency : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 77 : Acoustic Analysis of Vowels Following Glossectomy : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 78 : Syllable Frequency and Syllable Structure in Apraxia of Speech : Brain and Language
Chapter 79 : Speech Rate Effects Upon Intelligibility and Acceptability of Dysarthric Speech : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 80 : Preliminary Investigation of Voice Onset Time Production in Persons with Dysphagia : Dysphagia
Chapter 81 : Representation of Linguistic Rules in The Brain : Evidence from Training an Aphasic Patient to Produce Past Tense Verb Morphology : Brain and Language
Chapter 82 : Application of Semantic Feature Analysis as a Treatment for Aphasic Dysnomia : American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Chapter 83 : Analysis of a Case of The Foreign Accent Syndrome in Terms of The Framework of Gestural Phonology : Journal of Neurolinguistics

Part 12 : Emerging Issues and Controversies
Chapter 84 :
Hearing and Believing : Some Limits to The Auditory-perceptual Assessment of Speech and Voice Disorders : American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Chapter 85 : Learning and Teaching Phonetic Transcription for Clinical Purposes : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 86 : Qualitative Methods in Aphasia Research : Basic Issues : Aphasiology
Chapter 87 : Evidence-Based Management of Phonological Impairment in Children : Child Language Teaching and Therapy
Chapter 88 : A Model for Ethical Practices in Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics : Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
Chapter 89 : The Past, Present, and Future of Clinical Linguistics, Investigaccion Logopedia