Cross-Cultural Management, (5 Volume Set)

Title: Cross-Cultural Management, (5 Volume Set)
Author: Richard Mead, Tim G. Andrews
ISBN: 0415443407 / 9780415443401
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 2392
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2009
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

Cross-Cultural Management is a new five-volume collection in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Perspectives
on Business and Management. It meets the need for an authoritative, up-to-date, and comprehensive reference work
synthesizing the increasingly diverse cross-cultural management literature. Indeed, the sheer scale of the growth in related research output - and the breadth of the field - makes this collection especially timely and welcome. Cross-Cultural Management provides the most comprehensive collection of classic and contemporary contributions on the subject to date. It facilitates ready access to the most influential and important works across the field, combining the theory and application in the process to encourage a broader appreciation of the discipline and the mutual influences within it.

Volume I is dedicated to the conceptual antecedents of cross-cultural management, covering all the major approaches
and frameworks along with several noted critiques. Volumes II, III, and IVexamine how national culture influences management practice; material assembled here includes essential contributions on adaptation and assimilation, communication, negotiation, and cross-national teams. Volume V, meanwhile, gathers the best work on methodological

Each volume comprises foundational, cutting-edge, and less accessible research carefully selected and collated by the editors, two leading scholars in the field, as well as newly written introductions. The introductions are designed not just to place the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, but also to explain the relationships between the gathered works and to identify additional and promising areas of research. Together, the five volumes provide an essential one-stop resource for academics, students, policymakers, and practitioners seeking to understand a critical
aspect of contemporary business management within an increasingly global economy.

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Voluem I : Theoretical Foundations, Critiques and Developments

Part 1 : Overviews
Chapter 1 : Conceptualizing Culture : Elucidating The Streams of Research in International Cross-Cultural Management’, in Betty Jane Punnett and Oded Shenkar (eds.), Handbook for International Management Research
Chapter 2 : Conceptual Foundations of Cultural Management Research’, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management

Part 2 : Models
Chapter 3 : Florence R : Kluckhohn and Fred L : Strodtbeck, Variations in Value Orientations (Peterson and Company, 1961)
Chapter 4 : Edward T : Hall, Beyond Culture
Chapter 5 : The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories’, Journal of International Business Studies, Fall 1983
Chapter 6 : The Confucius Connection : From Cultural Roots to Economic Growth’, Organizational Dynamics
Chapter 7 : Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, Riding The Wave of Culture : Understanding Cultural Diversity in Global Business
Chapter 8 : Individualism and Collectivism : Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Self-Ingroup Relationships’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Chapter 9 : Are There Universal Aspects of The Structure and Contents of Human Values?’, Journal of Social Issues
Chapter 10 : A Framework for Culture Assessment’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 11 : Culture, Leadership and Organizations : The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies : Book Review’, Administrative Science Quarterly

Part 3 : Critiques and Developments
Chapter 12 : Hofstede’s Model of National Cultural Differences and Their Consequences : A Triumph of Faith - A Failure of Analysis’, Human Relations
Chapter 13 : Cultural Distance Revisited : Towards a More Rigorous Conceptualization and Measurement of Cultural Differences’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 14 : Evolution of Culture Assimilators : Toward Theory-Based Assimilators’, International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
Chapter 15 : From "Onion" to "Ocean" : Paradox and Change in National Cultures’, International Studies of Management and Organization
Chapter 16 : The Cultural Metaphor : A Grounded Method for Analyzing National Cultures’, in P. C. Earley and H . Singh (eds.), Innovations in International and Cross-Cultural Management
Chapter 17 : The Cultural Shadows of Cross Cultural Research : Images of Culture’, Culture and Organization
Chapter 18 : Rethinking Cross Cultural Management in a Globalizing Business World’, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management

Voluem II : The Impact of Culture 1

Part 4 : Values, Ethics, and Justice
Chapter 19 : The Impact of National Culture and Economic Ideology on Managerial Work Values : A Study of The United States, Russia, Japan and China’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 20 : Cultural Values, Source of Guidance and Their Relevance to Managerial Behaviour : A 47-Nation Study’, Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology
Chapter 21 : Trust Across Borders’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 22 : Cultural Values and Management Ethics : A 10-Nation Study’, Human Relations
Chapter 23 : Cronyism : A Cross-Cultural Analysis’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 24 : Justice in The Culturally-Diverse Workplace : The Problems of Over and Under Emphasis of Culture’, in S. Gilliland, D .Steiner, and D. Skarlicki (eds.), Theoretical and Cultural Perspectives on Organizational Justice
Chapter 25 : Country- and Organization-Level Adaptation to Foreign Workplace Ideologies : A Comparative Study of Distributive Justice Values in China, Russia and The United States’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 26 : Cross-National Differences in Managers’ Willingness to Justify Ethically Suspect Behaviours : A Test of Institutional Anomie Theory’, Academy of Management Journal

Part 5 : Well-being, Stress, and Motivation
Chapter 27 : A Cross-National Comparative Study of Work-Family Stressors, Working Hours and Well-Being : China and Latin America Versus The Anglo World’, Personnel Psychology
Chapter 28 : Collective Efficacy Versus Self Efficacy in Coping Responses to Stressors and Control : A Cross Cultural Study’, Journal of Applied Psychology
Chapter 29 : The Effect of Cultural Differences on Behavioural Responses to Low Job Satisfaction’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 30 : Managers’ Theories of Subordinates : A Cross-Cultural Examination of Manager Perceptions of Motivation and Appraisal of Performance’, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes
Chapter 31 : Empowerment Effects Across Cultures’, Journal of International Business Studies

Part 6 : Communication Behaviour
Chapter 32 : Conversing Across Cultures : East-West Communication Styles in Work and Non-Work Contexts’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Chapter 33 : A Cross-Cultural Study of Communication Strategies for Building Business Relationships’, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
Chapter 34 : The Negotiation Dance : Time, Culture and Behavioral Sequences in Negotiation’, Organization Science
Chapter 35 : The Role of Employee Preferences and Organisational Culture in Explaining E-commerce Orientations’, International Journal of Human Resource Management
Chapter 36 : Cultural Variations in The Cross-Border Transfer of Organizational Knowledge : An Integrative Framework’, Academy of Management Review
Chapter 37 : The Impact of Culture on Feedback-Seeking Behaviour : An Integrated Model and Propositions’, Academy of Management Review

Volume III : The Impact of Culture 2

Part 7 : Teamwork
Chapter 38 : Metaphor and Meaning : An Intercultural Analysis of The Concept of Teamwork’, Administrative Science Quarterly
Chapter 39 : Cultural Influences on Adaptation to Fluid Workgroups and Teams’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 40 : The Impact of Team Members’ Cultural Values on Productivity, Cooperation, and Empowerment in Self-managing Work Teams’, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Chapter 41 : Cross-National Differences in Cooperative Decision-Making in Mixed-Motive Business Contexts : The Mediating Effect of Vertical and Horizontal Individualism’, Journal of International Business Studies

Part 8 : Leadership and Influence
Chapter 42 : Research on Leadership in a Cross-Cultural Context : Making Progress and Raising New Questions’, The Leadership Quarterly
Chapter 43 : Top Management Leadership and Influence on Innovation : The Role of Socio-Cultural Context’, Journal of Management
Chapter 44 : The Impact of Societal Cultural Values and Individual Social Beliefs on The Perceived Effectiveness of Managerial Influence Strategies : A Meso Approach’, Journal of International Business Studies

Part 9 : Entrepreneurship
Chapter 45 : A Case for Comparative Entrepreneurship : Assessing The Relevance of Culture’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 46 : The Socio-Cultural Environment for Entrepreneurship : A Comparison Between East Asian and Anglo-Saxon Countries’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 47 : The Influence of National Culture on The Formation of Technology Alliances by Entrepreneurial Firms’, Academy of Management Journal

Part 10 : Structure, Systems, Strategy, and Change
Chapter 48 : The Determination of Capital Structure : Is National Culture a Missing Piece to The Puzzle?’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 49 : National Culture and Financial Systems’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 50 : The Effect of National Culture on The Choice of Entry Mode’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 51 : The Salience of "Culture’s Consequences" : The Effects of Cultural Values on Top Executive Commitment to The Status Quo’, Strategic Management Journal
Chapter 52 : Reassessment of Convergence and Divergence Dynamics : Implications for International HRM’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Chapter 53 : Lessons in "Cross-vergence"; Restructuring The Thai Subsidiary Corporation’, Journal of International Business Studies

Voluem IV : Managing Cultural Differences

Part 11 : Intelligence and Competence
Chapter 54 : Cross-Cultural Competence in International Business : Toward a Definition and a Model’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 55 : Intercultural Communication Competence : Identifying Key Components from Multicultural Perspectives’, International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Chapter 56 : Redefining Interactions Across Cultures and Organizations : Moving Forward with Cultural Intelligence’, in B . M. Staw and R. M. Kramer (eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol : 24
Chapter 57 : Reconceptualizing Cultural Identity and its Role in Intercultural Business Communication’, Journal of Business Communication
Chapter 58 : The Distinction Between Stable and Dynamic Cross-Cultural Competencies : Implications for Expatriate Adaptability’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 59 : Cross-Cultural Code-Switching : The Psychological Challenges of Adapting Behavior in Foreign Cultural Interactions’, Academy of Management Review

Part 12 : Adaptation and Assimilation

Chapter 60 : Toward a Comprehensive Model of International Adjustment : An Integration of Multiple Theoretical Perspectives’, Academy of Management Review
Chapter 61 : Cultural Adaptation of Business Expatriates in The Host Marketplace’, Journal of International Business Studies
Chapter 62 : Fitting In : Surface- and Deep-Level Cultural Differences and Expatriates’ Adjustment’, Academy of Management Journal
Chapter 63 : Intercultural Learning in Global Teams’, Management International Review
Chapter 64 : Integration in Intercultural Ethics’, International Journal of Intercultural Relations

Part 13 : Interaction and Conflict

Chapter 65 : Understanding Cross-Cultural Management Interaction’, International Studies of Management and Organization
Chapter 66 : Facework Competence in Intercultural Conflict : An Updated Face-Negotiation Theory’, International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Chapter 67 : Cultural Values in Conflict Management : Goal Orientation, Goal Attainment and Tactical Decision’, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Chapter 68 : Can We Talk and Should We? Managing Emotional Conflict in Multi-Cultural Teams’, Academy of Management Review

Volume V : Methodological Considerations

Part 14 : Overviews
Chapter 69 : A Review of Cross-Cultural Methodologies for Organizational Research : A Best-Practices Approach’, Organizational Research Methods
Chapter 70 : Methodological Issues in Psychological Research on Culture’, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Chapter 71 : Methodological Challenges Confronted when Conducting Management Research in China’, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management

Part 15 : Design and Pre-collection
Chapter 72 : Views from Inside and Outside : Integrating Emic and Etic Insights About Culture and Justice Judgement’, Academy of Management Review
Chapter 73 : Multilevel Issues and Culture : An Integrative View’, in K.J.Klein and S.W. J. Kozlowski (eds.), Multilevel Theory, Research and Methods in Organizations : Foundations, Extensions and New Directions
Chapter 74 : Mixed Methods in International Business Research : A Value-Added Perspective’, Management International Review
Chapter 75 : Do International Management Researchers Need a Code of Ethics?’, Management International Review

Part 16 : Contextual Alignment
Chapter 76 : The Selection of Key Informants in IB Cross-Cultural Studies’, Management International Review
Chapter 77 : Cross-Cultural Collaborative Research : Towards Reflexivity’, Academy of Management Journal
Chapter 78 : Crossing Language Boundaries : Qualitative Interviewing in International Business’, Management International Review

Part 17 : Validation
Chapter 79 : Measures of Establishing Cross-Cultural Equivalence’, in J. N.Butcher (ed.), International Adaptations of The MMPI-2 : Research and Clinical Applications
Chapter 80 : The Wording and Translation of Research Instruments’, in W.J. Lonner and J.W.Berry (eds.), Field Methods in Cross-Cultural Research
Chapter 81 : The Dual Focus Approach to Creating Bilingual Measures’, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Chapter 82 : Response Styles in Cross-National Survey Research : A 26-Country Study’, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
Chapter 83 : Toto, I Don’t Think We’re in Kansas Anymore’, Journal of Management Inquiry