Dabawalas : Lessons for Building Lasting Success Based on Values

Title: Dabawalas : Lessons for Building Lasting Success Based on Values
Author: Shrinivas Pandit
ISBN: 9351340287 / 9789351340287
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 105
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2013
Availability: In Stock

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Businesses go through dramatic twists and turns. Some survive, while quite a few fall by the way-side. Corporate heads grapple with this and are keen to find a sustainable model for making organisations last.

Dabawalas, the story of Mumbai's ubiquitous homemade food delivery men stands in sharp contrast. A 115-year-old business enterprise, run by semi-literate group of people, that has sustained itself through the vicissitudes of change presents a role model. Through a dialogue between four characters, the book brings to the fore key characteristics of successful organisations ' values, decentralised decision-making, continuous value addition to customer care and many more.

Besides this, the book includes take-aways for leaders and managers to imbibe for building lasting success based on values.

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Preface : The Story Behind a Durable Business Success

Chapter 1 : Food Prepared With Affection At Home Provides Divine Contentment
Chapter 2 : If You Change Just Enough, You Achieve Embracive Happiness
Chapter 3 : When You Move Beyond The Fear of New Entrants and Competition; You Feel Free With Belief in God That He Will Provide New Customers
Chapter 4 : Search What is Durable in Times of Major Change; It Provides The Wildest of Business Opportunities
Chapter 5 : Decentralise to Empower and Deliver With Excellence; Ensure That The Cost of Change is Least to The Customer
Chapter 6 : Savour The Old But Enjoy The Changing
Chapter 7 : Sprinters@Bottomofpyramid.com
Chapter 8 : The Harder You Hold on Loyally to Old Customers With a Dependable Delivery Service, It Provides Lasting Business
Chapter 9 : Lifelong Devotional Commitment to Timely Deliverables Brings Royal Recognition and Increase in Business
Chapter 10 : At The Prince's Wedding, Affection Mysteriously Leads to Bonding and Contentment; Its Ethos is Local But Broad Banding is Global
Chapter 11 : The Success Secret of Any Business is to Make Its Service Segment Humane
Chapter 12 : I Am Eager to Share The Story With All

Epilogue : The Take Home Packet is Bountiful and Reassuring