Dams : Benefits and Disbenefits; Assets or Liabilities?

Title: Dams : Benefits and Disbenefits; Assets or Liabilities?
Author: Andrew Pepper
ISBN: 0727761331 / 9780727761330
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 504
Publisher: ICE Publishing
Year: 2016
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

This book contains the proceedings of the 19th Biennial Conference of the British Dam Society, Dams – Benefits or Disbenefits; Assets or Liabilities?

Work to reservoirs and dams today covers far more than engineering, and the papers in this book show how engineers integrate their work with other disciplines to minimise the adverse impacts of schemes that are essential to ensure the safety of the public, while maximising other potential benefits to society.

Anyone with a professional interest in dams and reservoirs, such as dam owners, designers, or constructors, will find papers of direct relevance to them.

In addition to papers on dam construction and modifications, there are papers on the discontinuance of existing reservoirs, with the many engineering and environmental factors that have to be taken into account. The need to provide and exercise drawdown capability, while mitigating any adverse environmental impacts, is another area of increasing interest that is covered by several papers.

The papers are grouped into chapters covering:

  • legislation and risk
  • guidance for reservoir engineers
  • geotechnical aspects of embankment dams
  • discontinuance of reservoirs and the environmental benefits
  • experiences with drawdown exercises
  • issues with mechanical components of dams
  • new and upgraded reservoirs
  • repairs and maintenance to ensure safety.