Design for Six Sigma as Strategic Experimentation, (With CD-ROM)

Title: Design for Six Sigma as Strategic Experimentation, (With CD-ROM)
Author: Cook, H.E.
ISBN: 0873896548 / 9780873896542
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 384
Publisher: ASQ
Year: 2005
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

Design for Six Sigma as Strategic Experimentation develops a practical, science-based methodology for guiding the product realization process for highly-competitive markets. Forecasts of cash flow, market share, and price are used to select the final design from among the alternatives considered. A single formalism is used to integrate the tasks and responsibilities of marketing research, product planning, finance, design, engineering, and manufacturing within the overall product realization process.

The targeted audiences for this book are graduate engineers, statisticians, and scientists who are or who soon will be involved in planning, designing, manufacturing, and servicing products for highly-competitive markets.

Tab Article

List of Figures and Tables

Chapter 1 : Product Management and The Fundamental Metrics
Chapter 2 : Product Value and Demand
Chapter 3 : System Level Design and Strategic Experimentation
Chapter 4 : Statistics
Chapter 5 : Role of Variation on Product Value
Chapter 6 : Design of Shear Pin using Monte Carlo Simulation
Chapter 7 : Level 1 : Multiple Regression with Pooled Variance
Chapter 8 : Level 2 : Satterthwaite’s df and Approximate t-Test
Chapter 9 : Level 3 : Influence of The Factors on The Mean and Variance
Chapter 10 : Level 4 : Testing for Strategic Significance
Chapter 11 : When Plans Have Been Modified or Need to Be
Chapter 12 : Applications of Lognormal, Binomial, and Poisson Distributions
Chapter 13 : LIB and The Weibull Distribution
Chapter 14 : Signal Response (Dynamic or Multiple Target) Problems
Chapter 15 : Strategic Response Surface Maps

Appendix A : Constructing Design Matrices
Appendix B : Bonferroni Method for Converting PWE to EWE
Appendix C : General Aspects of Regular Least Square Solution
Appendix D : Monte Carlo Analysis of A Binomial Distribution Problem
Appendix E : Monte Carlo Analysis of A Poisson Distribution Problem
Appendix F : Use of SDWs and Templates on CD-ROM for Analysis Automation
Appendix G : Derivation of The Individual F Test for The Influence of Factors on Log Variance
Appendix H : Bits for Drilling Printed Circuit Vias
Appendix I : Point Estimates for The Variance of The SN Ratio
CD-ROM Contents