Economic Reform in Modern China, (4 Volume Set)

Title: Economic Reform in Modern China, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Wei Zhang
ISBN: 0415560683 / 9780415560689
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1736
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2011
Availability: 45-60 days

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It is more than three decades since China initiated its economic reform and open-door policies. During that period, China has successfully transformed itself from an inefficient centrally-planned economy to a fast-growing market-orientated economy. To the rest of the world, China has emerged from the condition of a poor and completely isolated nation to become the most powerful engine of global economic growth. China’s dynamic economic transition and development, especially its performance in the current world financial crisis, have attracted considerable worldwide interest.

This new Routledge collection answers the need for a reference work to allow researchers and students to gain a better understanding of the history and development of Chinese economic reform. The gathered classic and cutting-edge scholarship covers a wide range of critical issues in the modern Chinese economy, with the particular focus on the period after 1978 when China embarked on economic reform and integration into the global economy.

Economic Reform in Modern China is supplemented with a full index and includes a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. It is destined to be valued by scholars, students, and researchers as a vital research resource.

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Volume I : Macroeconomic Reform and Growth

Part 1 : Chinese Economy Before The Reform
Chapter 1 : China’s Economic Planning and Industry’, China Quarterly, 1964
Chapter 2 : The Maoist Legacy and China’s New Industrialization Strategy’, China Quarterly, 1989
Chapter 3 : Collectivization and China’s Agricultural Crisis in 1959–1961’, Journal of Political Economy, 1990

Part 2 : Strategy of Economic Reform
Chapter 4 : Understanding China’s Economic Performance’, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 2000
Chapter 5 : Reforming China’s Economy : What Have We Learned?’, China Journal, 1999
Chapter 6 : Reform without Losers : An Interpretation of China’s Dual-Track Approach to Transition’, Journal of Political Economy, 2001

Part 3 : Economic Growth
Chapter 7 : Gold into Base Metals : Productivity Growth in The People’s Republic of China during The Reform Period’, Journal of Political Economy, 2003
Chapter 8 : Sources of China’s Economic Growth, 1952–1999 : Incorporating Human Capital Accumulation’, China Economic Review, 2003
Chapter 9 : Fixed Investment and Economic Growth in China’, Economics of Planning, 1999
Chapter 10 : Is The Chinese Growth Miracle Built to Last?’, China Economic Review, 2009
Chapter 11 : The Chinese GDP Growth Rate Puzzle : How Fast Has The Chinese Economy Grown?’, Asian Economic Papers, 2007

Part 4 : Monetary and Fiscal Systems and Policies
Chapter 12 : What has Driven Chinese Monetary Policy Since 1990? Investigating The People’s Bank’s Policy Rule’, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2008
Chapter 13 : China’s Monetary Policy : Quantity Versus Price Rules’, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2009
Chapter 14 : Regional Decentralization and Fiscal Incentives : Federalism, Chinese Style’, Journal of Public Economics, 2005
Chapter 15 : China’s Value-Added Tax Reform, Capital Accumulation, and Welfare Implications’, Chinese Economic Review, 2008
Chapter 16 : Has Fiscal Federalism Worked for Macroeconomic Purposes? The Chinese Experience 1994–2003’, China & World Economy, 2008

Volume II : Microeconomic Reform

Part 5 : Rural Reform

Chapter 17 : Two Decades of Rural Reform in China : An Overview and Assessment’, China Quarterly, 1999
Chapter 18 : The Household Responsibility System in China’s Agricultural Reform : A Theoretical and Empirical Study’, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1988
Chapter 19 : Reforming State-Market Relations in Rural China’, Economics of Transition, 1998
Chapter 20 : Privatizing Rural China : Insider Privatization, Innovative Contracts and The Performance of Township Enterprises’, China Quarterly, 2003
Chapter 21 : Incentive Contracting Versus Ownership Reforms : Evidence from China’s Township and Village Enterprises’, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2003

Part 6 : Transformation of State-Owned Enterprises
Chapter 22 : The Political Economy of Chinese-Style Privatization : Motives and Constraints’, World Development, 2006
Chapter 23 : Beyond Privatization : Institutional Innovation and Growth in China’s Large State-Owned Enterprises’, World Development, 1999
Chapter 24 : Corporatisation and Corporate Governance in China’s Economic Transition’, Journal of Economics of Planning, 2001
Chapter 25 : A Chinese State Enterprise under The Reforms : What Model of Capitalism?’, China Journal, 2009

Part 7 : Process of Marketization
Chapter 26 : China’s Price Reform’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1986
Chapter 27 : Chinese Experience in The Introduction of a Market Mechanism into a Planned Economy : The Role of Pricing’, Journal of Economic Surveys, 1989
Chapter 28 : Incremental Reform and Distortions in China’s Product and Factor Markets’, World Bank Economic Review, 2007
Chapter 29 : Dual-Track and Mandatory Quota in China’s Price Reform’, Comparative Economic Studies, 1995

Part 8 : Reform of The Financial Sector
Chapter 30 : Progress in China’s Banking Sector Reform : Has Bank Behaviour Changed?
Chapter 31 : The Challenge of Bank Restructuring in China’, in StrengThening The Banking System in China : Issues and Experience
Chapter 32 : The Macroeconomy and Reform of The Banking Sector in China’, in StrengThening The Banking System in China : Issues and Experience
Chapter 33 : China’s Non-Performing Bank Loan Crisis : The Role of Economic Rents’, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 2008
Chapter 34 : Banks, Stock Markets, and China’s "Great Leap Forward"’, Emerging Markets Review, 2007

Volume III : External Economic Relations

Part 9 : External Trade
Chapter 35 : Trade Reform in The Short Run : China’s WTO Accession’, Journal of Asian Economics, 2004
Chapter 36 : Infant Industry and Political Economy of Trade Protection’, Pacific Economic Review, 2006
Chapter 37 : Evaluating China’s Integration in World Trade with a Gravity Model Based Benchmark’, Open Economies Review, 2009
Chapter 38 : Intellectual Property Rights in China : The Changing Political Economy of Chinese-American Interests’, World Economy, 2002
Chapter 39 : Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Poverty in China’, China Economic Review, 2007

Part 10 : Foreign Direct Investment in China
Chapter 40 : China’s Post-Economic Reform Growth : The Role of FDI and Productivity Progress’, Journal of Asian Economics, 2009
Chapter 41 : Foreign Direct Investment in China : Determinants and Effects’, Economics of Planning, 1998
Chapter 42 : FDI, Trade, and Spillover Efficiency : Evidence from China’s Manufacturing Sector’, Applied Economics, 2004
Chapter 43 : Country Characteristics and Foreign Direct Investment in China : A Panel Data Analysis’, Review of World Economics, 1997
Chapter 44 : One Country, Two Systems : Foreign-Invested Enterprises and Domestic Firms in China’, China Economic Review, 2003

Part 11 : Exchange Rate Policy
Chapter 45 : Exchange Rate Reform in China : An Experiment in The Real Targets Approach’, World Economy, 2000
Chapter 46 : Assessing China’s Exchange Rate Regime’, Economic Policy, 2007
Chapter 47 : China’s Exchange Rate Policy and Asian Trade
Chapter 48 : Understanding The Sources of Friction in US–China Trade Relations : The Exchange Rate Debate Diverts Attention Away from Optimum Adjustment’, Asian Economic Papers, 2008

Part 12 : China’s Outward Investment
Chapter 49 : China’s Large and Rising Net Foreign Asset Position’, China & World Economy, 2009
Chapter 50 : China’s Outward Direct and Portfolio Investments’, China & World Economy, 2007
Chapter 51 : The Motivations Behind China’s Government-Initiated Industrial Investments Overseas’, Pacific Affairs, 2002

Volume IV : Political Economy

Part 13 : Political Economy of Reform

Chapter 52 : Economic Reforms and Constitutional Transition’, Annals of Economics and Finance, 2000
Chapter 53 : Economic Transformation and its Political Discontents in China : Authoritarianism, Unequal Growth, and The Dilemmas of Political Development’, Annual Review of Political Science, 2006
Chapter 54 : China in Transition : The Political Foundations of Incremental Reform’, China Quarterly, 1995
Chapter 55 : Reform and Openness : Why China’s Economic Reforms Have Delayed Democracy’, World Politics, 2002

Part 14 : Economic Growth and Society
Chapter 56 : Creating an Urban Middle Class : Social Engineering in Beijing’, China Journal, 2004
Chapter 57 : The Chinese Economic Miracle and Urban Workers’, European Journal of Development Research
Chapter 58 : China’s Entrepreneurs’, World Development, 2009
Chapter 59 : Privilege and Corruption : The Problems of China’s Socialist Market Economy’, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2002

Part 15 : Income Distribution across Regions and Social Groups
Chapter 60 : Rethinking Regional Disparity in China’, Economics of Planning, 2001
Chapter 61 : The Urban–Rural Income Gap and Inequality in China’, Review of Income and Wealth, 2007
Chapter 62 : Poverty, Inequality, and Growth in Urban China, 1986–2000’, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2005
Chapter 63 : Fiscal Decentralization and Growing Regional Disparities in Rural China : Some Evidence in The Provision of Social Services’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 1995

Part 16 : Social Security
Chapter 64 : Social Security Pension Reform in China
Chapter 65 : Population Ageing and Pension System Reform in China : A Computable Overlapping-Generations General Equilibrium Model Analysis’, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2005
Chapter 66 : The New Cooperative Medical Scheme in Rural China : Does More Coverage Mean More Service and Better Health?’, Health Economics, 2009
Chapter 67 : The Demand for Medical Care in Urban China’, World Development, 2004