Economics of Petroleum Production - Vol. 1, Profit & Risk

Title: Economics of Petroleum Production - Vol. 1, Profit & Risk
Author: Ian Lerche & Sheila Noeth
ISBN: 0906522234 / 9780906522233
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 332
Publisher: Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd.
Year: 2004
Availability: Out of Stock

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There is an oil industry adage that exploration for hydrocarbons always loses money, while production of hydrocarbons always makes money. To what extent that statement is true, is at the heart of this work. Production may indeed always make money, but it is always possible to make more or to make less! To maximise a given opportunity, the skills of a geologist alone are not sufficient, neither are just an economist's skills enough. This Compendium recognises the complexity of petroleum production economic risk problems, and offers itself as both an introduction and a foundation for further thought and research.

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Relative Contributions to Uncertainties in Reserve Estimates

A Note on Optimization of Deviated Well Drilling Angles

Potential Leaks in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Impact on Resource Assessments Costs, Profits and Uncertainties

Maximizing Probable Oil Field Profit: Uncertainties on Well Spacing

Maximization Techniques for Oilfield Development Profits

Insurance for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development Projects

Uncertainties in Hydrocarbon Exploration Assessments in both the Absence and Presence of Optioning

Economic Assessment of Multiple Reservoirs in Oil Field Development

Sidetrack and Recompletion Risks in Oil Fields:
I. Recompletion Decisions based on Estimated Net Present Value
II. Economics of Sidetrack Development
III. Recompletion and Production Modelling with Time
IV. Recompletion Decisions and Effects of Uncertain Parameter Values and Distribution Choices
V. Sidetrack Uncertainties and Parameter Sensitivities
VI. Decisions to Abandon based on Further Data Collection
VII. Sidetrack and Production Modelling with Time
VIII. Reviving the Nearly Dead