Energy Efficiency of Vehicles

Title: Energy Efficiency of Vehicles
Author: Douglas R. Carroll
ISBN: 1468601482 / 9781468601480
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 302
Publisher: SAE
Year: 2020
Availability: In Stock

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Energy Efficiency of Vehicles educates readers about energy and the environment and the relationship between the energy we use and the environment. The world is at a point in time when people need to make very important decisions about energy in the next few decades. This book enables readers to utilize our scientific knowledge to make good rational decisions.

Energy Efficiency of Vehicles provides information on:

  • Calculations related to energy, power, and efficiency, and the impact of using different types of energy on the environment.
  • Environmental consequences of consuming energy.
  • Models related to impact of city driving on the energy efficiency and fuel economy of cars and trucks.

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Unit 1 : Introduction to Energy Efficiency
Chapter 1 :
Energy and Power
Chapter 2 : Wheeled Vehicles
Chapter 3 : Boats and Ships
Chapter 4 : Airplanes, Jets, and Rockets

Unit 2 : Energy and the Environment
Chapter 5 :
United States and World Energy Consumption
Chapter 6 : Combustion of Fossil Fuels
Chapter 7 : The Electric Power Grid
Chapter 8 : Greenhouse Gasses and How They Impact the Temperature of the Earth
Chapter 9 : Fundamentals of Batteries
Chapter 10 : Performance and Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines
Chapter 11 : Simulation of Fuel Economy for City, Suburban, and Highway Driving
Chapter 12 : Review of the Book (Course)
