Environmental Economics : Critical Concepts in The Environment, (4 Volume Set)

Title: Environmental Economics : Critical Concepts in The Environment, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Chuck Mason, Erwin Bulte
ISBN: 0415360587 / 9780415360586
Format: Hard Cover
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2007
Availability: Out of Stock

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Environmental economics is dedicated to the analysis of externalities (i.e. the side-effects or consequences of industrial or commercial activities that are not reflected in market prices), including the characterization of possible manifestations, appropriate policy remedies, measurement of the benefits and costs of treating externalities, and the implications for both short- and long-term societal well-being. Such analyses embrace a large number of increasingly urgent issues, including efficiency (are decisions made in such a way as to minimize costs to society?), scarcity (are we running out of key resources, including environmental attributes such as clean drinking water and clean air?), and sustainability (will future generations be able to enjoy a similar standard of living as do current generations?).

In four volumes, this new Routledge Major Work brings together the best foundational and cutting-edge research on these and other vital topics to provide a conspectus of a vibrant and internationally important field. It is an essential work of reference and is destined to be valued by all scholars and students of environmental economics as a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource.

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Volume I : Environmental Regulation and Policy

Chapter 1 : The Structuring of Atmospheric Pollution Control Systems, The Economics of Air Pollution
Chapter 2 : Prices vs : Quantities’, Review of Economic Studies
Chapter 3 : Protecting The Environment When Costs and Benefits are Privately Known’, Rand Journal of Economics
Chapter 4 : Disclosure Strategies for Pollution Control’, Environmental and Resource Economics
Chapter 5 : Effluent Charges and Licenses under Uncertainty’, Journal of Public Economics
Chapter 6 : Optimal Environmental Taxation in The Presence of OTher Taxes : General–Equilibrium Analyses’, American Economic Review
Chapter 7 : Environmental Policy Incentives to Adopt Advanced Abatement Technology : Will The True Ranking Please Stand Up?’, European Economic Review
Chapter 8 : Uncertainty and Incentives for Nonpoint Pollution Control’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 9 : The Economics of Nonpoint Pollution’, Journal of Economic Surveys
Chapter 10 : Environmental Quality and Pollution-Augmenting Technological Change in a Two-Sector Endogenous Growth Model’, Journal of Public Economics
Chapter 11 : The Optimal Allocation of Conservation Funds’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 12 : Economic Growth and The Environment’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chapter 13 : Reexamining The Empirical Evidence For an Environmental Kuznets Curve’, The Review of Economics and Statistics
Chapter 14 : Takings, Compensation and Endangered Species on Private Lands’, Journal of Economic Perspectives
Chapter 15 : The Taking of Land : When Should Compensation be Paid?’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chapter 16 : The Induced Innovation HypoThesis and Energy-Saving Technological Change’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chapter 17 : To Tell The Truth : Imperfect Information and Optimal Pollution Control’, Review of Economic Studies
Chapter 18 : Efficient Regulation of Environmental Health Risks’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chapter 19 : When The Truth Hurts : Endangered Species Policy on Private Land with Imperfect Information’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Volume II : The international dimension

Chapter 20 : North-South Trade and The Environment’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chapter 21 : Brian R : Copeland, and M : Scott Taylor (2001), ‘Is Free Trade Good for The Environment?’, American Economic Review
Chapter 22 : North-South Trade and The Global Environment’, The American Economic Review
Chapter 23 : International Trade and Open-Access Renewable Resources : The Small Open Economy Case’, The Canadian Journal of Economics
Chapter 24 : Common Ground Between Free-Traders and Environmentalists’, International Economic Review
Chapter 25 : On Ecological Dumping’, Oxford Economic Papers
Chapter 26 : Strategic Environmental Policy and International Trade’, Journal of Public Economics
Chapter 27 : Economic Competition Among Jurisdictions : Efficiency Enhancing or Distortion Inducing?’, Journal of Public Economics
Chapter 28 : Competition in Regional Environmental Policies When Plant Locations are Endogenous’, Journal of Public Economics
Chapter 29 : Capital Mobility and Environmental Standards : Is There a Theoretical Basis For a Race to The Bottom?, Fair Trade and Harmonization : Prerequisites for Free Trade?
Chapter 30 : Regulatory Federalism and Environmental Protection in The United States’, Journal of Regional Science
Chapter 31 : Optimal Institutional Arrangements For Transboundary Pollutants in a Second-Best World : Evidence From a Differential Game With Asymmetric Players’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 32 : The Acid Rain Game, Valuation Methods and Policy Making in Environmental Economics
Chapter 33 : Global Environmental Problems : The Effects of Unilateral Actions Taken By One Country’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 34 : International Aspects of Pollution Control’, Environmental and Resource Economics
Chapter 35 : International Pollution Control : Cooperative Versus Noncooperative Strategies’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 36 : Theoretical Foundations of Negotiations and Cost-Sharing in Transfrontier Pollution Problems’, European Economic Review
Chapter 37 : Self-Enforcing International Environmental Agreements’, Oxford Economic Papers

Volume III : Resources, sustainable development, and growth

Chapter 38 : A Delayed Recruitment Model of Population Dynamics With an Application to Baleen Whale Populations’, Journal of MaThematical Biology
Chapter 39 : Profit Maximization and The Extinction of Animal Species’, Journal of Political Economy
Chapter 40 : On Hartwick’s Rule For Regular Maximin Paths of Capital Accumulation and Resource Depletion’, Review of Economic Studies
Chapter 41 : Uncertainty and Exhaustible Resource Markets’, Journal of Political Economy
Chapter 42 : Non-Renewable Resources With Switching Costs’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 43 : Ownership Risk, Investment, and The Use of Natural Resources’, American Economic Review
Chapter 44 : MOn The Welfare Significance of National Product in a Dynamic Economy’, Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chapter 45 : Net National Product, Wealth, and Social Well-Being’, Environment and Development Economics
Chapter 46 : The Noah’s Ark Problem’, Econometrica
Chapter 47 : Biodiversity, Resilience and The Control of Ecological-Economic Systems : The Case of Fire-Driven Rangelands’, Ecological Economics
Chapter 48 : Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth (NBER Working Paper Series, WP 5398)
Chapter 49 : Covenants With and Without Sword : Self-Governance is Possible’, American Political Science Review
Chapter 50 : The Evolution of Social Norms in Common Property Resource Use’, American Economic Review
Chapter 51 : The Great Fish War : An Example Using a Dynamic Cournot-Nash Solution’, Bell Journal of Economics
Chapter 52 : Bioeconomics of Spatial Exploitation in a Patchy Environment’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 53 : A Model of Regulated Open Access Resource Use’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 54 : Harvest Policies and Nonmarket Valuation in a Predator–Prey System’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 55 : The Marginal Cost of Species Preservation : The NorThern Spotted Owl’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 56 : Exploration and Scarcity’, The Journal of Political Economy
Chapter 57 : The Time Path of Scarcity Rent in The Theory of Exhaustible Resources’, The Economic Journal
Chapter 58 : Harvesting in an Eight Species Ecosystem’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Volume IV : Valuing The environment

Chapter 59 : Contingent Valuation : Controversies and Evidence’, Environmental and Resource Economics
Chapter 60 : Choice Modelling and Tests of Benefit Transfer’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Chapter 61 : Public Goods as Characteristics of Non-Market Commodities’, Economic Journal
Chapter 62 : Environmental Preservation, Uncertainty, and Irreversibility’, Quarterly Journal of Economics
Chapter 63 : The Endowment Effect and Evidence of Nonreversible Indifference Curves’, American Economic Review
Chapter 64 : Preference Reversals of a Different Kind : The More is Less Phenomenon’, American Economic Review
Chapter 65 : Valuing Public Goods : The Purchase of Moral Satisfaction’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 66 : Valuing Public Goods With The Contingent Valuation Method : A Critique of Kahneman and Knetsch’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 67 : Homo Economicus and Homo Politicus : Interpretation and Aggregation of Environmental Values’, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Chapter 68 : Homegrown Values and HypoThetical Surveys : Is The Dichotomous Choice Approach Incentive-Compatible?’, American Economic Review
Chapter 69 : Market Transactions and HypoThetical Demand Data : A Comparative Study’, Journal of The American Statistical Association
Chapter 70 : A Comparative Study of Environmental Amenity Valuations’, Environmental and Resource Economics
Chapter 71 : Perceptions Versus Objective Measures of Environmental Quality in Combined Revealed and Stated Preference Models of Environmental Valuation’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Chapter 72 : Valuing The Benefits of Coastal Water Quality Improvements Using Contingent and Real Behaviour’, Environmental and Resource Economics
Chapter 73 : Searching For Uncertain Benefits and The Conservation of Biological Diversity’, Environmental and Resource Economics
Chapter 74 : Valuing Biodiversity For Use in Pharmaceutical Research’, Journal of Political Economy
Chapter 75 : ‘Valuing Biodiversity From an Economic Perspective : A Unified Economic, Ecological, and Genetic Approach’, American Economic Review
Chapter 76 : A Regional Dynamic General-Equilibrium Model of Alternative Climate-Change Strategies’, American Economic Review
Chapter 77 : The Value of a Statistical Life : A Critical Review of Market Estimates Throughout The World’, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty