Environmental Law for the Construction Industry, 2nd Edition

Title: Environmental Law for the Construction Industry, 2nd Edition
Author: Amanda Stubbs, Christopher Dering, Masons
ISBN: 0727730959 / 9780727730954
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 184
Publisher: Thomas Telford
Year: 2002
Availability: Out of Stock

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Environmental Law for the Construction Industry is an introduction to the wide subject of environmental law as it affects the construction industry. Changes in the structure of contracting arrangements have meant that those traditionally concerned with the construction process must now take greater interest in environmental law. In addition there is now a mass of regulation, governing matters such as waste management, water pollution, noise and other nuisances that have to be adhered to in practice.

Readers will be provided with a broad outline of the legal and regulatory framework and a summary of the principle duties, which result from the legal regime. This essential book offers the ability to understand the requirements that the law imposes and, in individual cases, whether they face a problem with which they should be concerned. In addition, the book offers some thoughts on insurance and financing considerations, and some suggestions on managing an environmental crisis, including dealing with regulatory inspectors and protest actions.

To reflect the changes and developments in the law, this new edition has been modified and supplemented in a number of areas to increase the clarity of its exposition and to add further useful information. All chapters previously covered have been fully revised and updated, with a new chapter 9, which examines crisis management in the context of environmental matters such as pollution events and protest actions. Environmental Law for the Construction Industry, 2nd Edition provides a quick reference manual with a user-friendly summary intended to simplify some of the complexity and confusion that surrounds this area of law.

Environmental Law for the Construction Industry, 2nd Edition is aimed primarily at contractors, although it will clearly be relevant to all those within the construction industry who have some level of responsibility for, or interest in, environmental issues.

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Chapter 1 : The UK Legal Framework and The Regulators
Chapter 2 : The Planning Process
Chapter 3 : Environmental Impact Assessment
Chapter 4 : Contaminated Land
Chapter 5 : Waste Management and The Landfill Tax
Chapter 6 : Water Pollution
Chapter 7 : Site Hazards and Nuisances
Chapter 8 : Insurance and Lender Liability
Chapter 9 : Crisis Management
Chapter 10 : Proactive Project Planning
Chapter 11 : Table of Statutes and European Council Directives
Chapter 12 : Table of Statutory Instruments
