Feminist International Relations, (5 Volume Set)

Title: Feminist International Relations, (5 Volume Set)
Author: Christine Sylvester
ISBN: 041547843X / 9780415478434
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 2232
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2010
Availability: 45-60 days

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Feminist International Relations is a new title in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Concepts in International Relations. Edited by Christine Sylvester, a leading scholar in the field, it is a five-volume collection which brings together the best and most influential cutting-edge and canonical feminist IR scholarship.

Feminist International Relations can be seen as a project by feminists to influence international relations - both as a set of practices (e.g. war, diplomacy, terrorism, aid, and trade) and as a set of theories (such as realism, liberal institutionalism, and constructivism). Adopting a combined thematic and chronological structure, the collection brings together the work of indisputable luminaries in this project, as well as vital research from new generations of scholars.

Volumes I and II (‘Muses’) cover the years before 1985 and collects key works that influenced early feminist IR thinking. Work from women’s studies, philosophy, history, sociology, and the history of science is included here. Volume III (‘1985–96’) brings together the most important earliest recognizably feminist IR writings from that period. The fourth volume in the collection (‘Wider Influences’) gathers the best of newer writings from cognate fields and from the rise of cultural theory, postcolonial studies, and gay and lesbian studies. The final volume (‘1997–2009’) focuses on scholarship produced from the mid-1990s to the present day, material that is characterized by a broadening of themes, geographical interests, and theories.

With comprehensive introductions to each volume, newly written by the editor, which place the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Feminist International Relations is an essential collection destined to be valued by scholars and students of IR - and those working in cognate disciplines - as a vital research resource.

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Volume I : Muses - Part 1

Chapter 1 :
Arendt, Hannah, On Violence
Chapter 2 : Women in a Men’s World, in Women’s Role in Economic Development
Chapter 3 : The Coming of The Gentle Society’, in Women in The Twentieth Century World
Chapter 4 : Why Women MoTher’, in The Reproduction of MoThering : Psychoanalysis and The Sociology of Gender
Chapter 5 : The Metaphorical Journey of Exorcism and Ecstasy, "Introduction : The Metapatriarchal Journey of Exorcism and Ecstasy,"
Chapter 6 : Simone, The Second Sex
Chapter 7 : Placing Liberal Feminism in The Dialectic’, The Radical Future of Liberal Feminism
Chapter 8 : Politics Discovered and Celebrated : Plato and The Aristotelian Moment’, in Public Man, Private Woman : Women in Social and Political Thought
Chapter 9 : The Military Needs Camp Followers’, in Does Khaki Become You?
Chapter 10 : Postmodernism and Gender Relations in Feminist Theory’, Signs : Journal of Women and Culture in Society
Chapter 11 : Woman’s Place in Man’s Life Cycle’, in In a Different Voice : Psychological Theory and Women’s Development

Volume II : Muses - Part II

Chapter 12 :
A Manifesto for Cyborgs : Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in The 1980s’, Socialist Review
Chapter 13 : From The Woman Question in Science to The Science Question in Feminism’, in The Science Question in Feminism
Chapter 14 : "The Feminist Standpoint : Developing The Ground for Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism,", Discovering Reality : Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
Chapter 15 : This Sex which is not One’, This Sex Which Is Not One
Chapter 16 : Colonization and Housewifization’, in Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale : Women in The International Division of Labour
Chapter 17 : Under Western Eyes : Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses
Chapter 18 : Contract, The Individual and Slavery’, in The Sexual Contract
Chapter 19 : Introduction’, Sexism and The War System
Chapter 20 : Pacifying The Forces : Drafting Women in The Interests of Peace’, Signs : Journal of Women in Society and Culture
Chapter 21 : Development, Ecology and Women’, Staying Alive : Women, Ecology, and Development
Chapter 22 : "Can The Subaltern Speak?", Marxism and The Interpretation of Culture

Volume III : 1985–96

Chapter 23 :
Sex and Death in The Rational World of Defense Intellectuals’, Signs : Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Chapter 24 : Not a Soldier’s Tale’, Women and War
Chapter 25 : Bananas, Bases, and Beaches : Making Feminist Sense of International Relations
Chapter 26 : Margins, Silences and Bottom Rungs : How to Overcome The Underestimation of Power in The Study of International Relations, International Theory : Beyond Positivism
Chapter 27 : The Sources of Gender Bias in International Relations Theory, Gender and International Relations
Chapter 28 : Women and Modernization Theory : A Decade of Feminist Criticism’, World Politics
Chapter 29 : Exploding The Canon : An Introduction/Conclusion, Feminism/Postmodernism/Development
Chapter 30 : Gendered States
Chapter 31 : Worlding Women : A Feminist International Politics
Chapter 32 : The Radical Future of Realism : Feminist Subversion of International Relations Theory’, Alternatives
Chapter 33 : Women’s and Men’s Wars
Chapter 34 : The Emperors’ Theories and Transformations : Looking at The Field Through Feminist Lenses, Transformations in The Global Political Economy
Chapter 35 : EmpaThetic Cooperation : A Feminist Method for IR
Chapter 36 : Hans Morgenthau’s Principles of Political Realism : A Feminist Reformulation’, Millennium
Chapter 37 : Man, The State, and War : Gendered Perspectives on National Security’, Gender in International Relations : Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security
Chapter 38 : Good Girls, Bad Girls, and Little Girls : Male Paranoia in Robert Keohane’s Critique of Feminist International Relations’, Millennium
Chapter 39 : Feminism and International Relations : Towards a Political Economy of Gender in Interstate and Non-governmental Institutions
Chapter 40 : "All These Theories Yet The Bodies Keep Piling Up" : Theorists, Theories and Theorizing, International Relations : Positivism and Beyond

Volume IV : Wider Influences

Chapter 41 :
I’m a Feminist but…"OTher" Women and Postnational Feminism, Tarnsitions : New Australian Feminisms
Chapter 42 : Disjuncture and Difference in The Global Cultural Economy’, in Modernity at Large
Chapter 43 : Feminism and The Question of Postmodernism’, in Feminist Contentions
Chapter 44 : Introduction : Locations of Culture’, in Locations of Culture
Chapter 45 : Images of The Void’, in Patterns of Dissonance : A Study of Women in Contemporary Philosophy
Chapter 46 : Subjects of Sex/Gneder/Desire’, Gender Trouble : Feminism and The Subversion of Identity
Chapter 47 : Violence, Mourning, Politics’, Precarious Life
Chapter 48 : Gender Theory in World Politics : Contributions of a Nonfeminist Standpoint’, International Studies Review
Chapter 49 : Feminist Methods in International Law’, American Journal of International Law
Chapter 50 : The Science of Masculinity’, in Masculinities
Chapter 51 : Interpretation and Genealogy in Feminism’, in The Man Question in Feminist Theory
Chapter 52 : Power/Knowledge
Chapter 53 : A Puzzle : The Cross-Cultural Consistency of Gender Roles in War’, in War and Gender : How Gender Shapes The War System and Vice Versa
Chapter 54 : The Third Debate : On The Prospects of International Theory in a Post-Positivist Era’, International Studies Quarterly
Chapter 55 : Playfulness, "World"-Travelling, and Loving Perception Making Face, Making Soul –Haciendo Caras : Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color
Chapter 56 : Introduction : Cartographies of Struggle : Third World Women and The Politics of Feminism, Third World Women and The Politics of Feminism
Chapter 57 : Contesting Cultures’, in Dislocating Cultures
Chapter 58 : Introduction : Feminism and International Development’, in Women and Human Development : The Capabilities Approach
Chapter 59 : The Forty Years Detour : The Resurgence of Normative Theory in International Relations’, Millennium
Chapter 60 : Speaking The Language of Exile : Dissident Thought in International Studies’, International Studies Quarterly
Chapter 61 : Theorizing Gender and Nation’, in Gender and Nation

Volume V : 1997–2009

Chapter 62 :
Feminist Methodologies for International Relations, Feminist Methodologies for International Relations
Chapter 63 : "Feminist IR Theory and Quantitative Methodology : A Critical Analysis’, International Studies Quarterly
Chapter 64 : Gendering Jones : Feminisms, IRs, Masculinities’, Review of International Studies
Chapter 65 : Marginalized Identity : New Frontiers of Research for IR, Feminist Methodologies for International Relations
Chapter 66 : How do They Militarize a Can of Soup?’, in Maneuvers : The International Politics of Militarizing Women’s Lives
Chapter 67 : The Little Mermaid’s Silent Security Dilemma and The Absence of Gender in The Copenhagen School
Chapter 68 : Masculinities in International Relations’, in Manly States : Masculinities, International Relations, Gender Politics
Chapter 69 : Towards a Feminist International Ethics’, Review of International Studies
Chapter 70 : Feminist Ethics and Hegemonic Global Politics’, Alternatives
Chapter 71 : Feminism and Constructivism : Worlds Apart or Sahrign The Middle Ground’, International Studies Quarterly
Chapter 72 : Sex Among Allies
Chapter 73 : Rewriting (Global) Political Economy as Reproductive and Virtual (Foucauldrian) Economies’ International Feminist Journal of Politics
Chapter 74 : Gendering Global Governance’, International Feminist Journal of Politics
Chapter 75 : Victims, Perpetrators, and Actors’ Revisited : Exploring The Potential for a Feminist Reconceptualisation of (International) Security and (Gender) Violence’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Chapter 76 : Laura and Gentry, Caron, MoThers, Monsters, Whores
Chapter 77 : "Unacceptable Conclusions" and The "Man" Question : Masculinity, Gender, and International Relations
Chapter 78 : Beyond Being Marginal’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Chapter 79 : Engaging from The Margins : Feminist Encounters with The ‘Mainstream’, of Relations’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations
Chapter 80 : Racism, Sexism, Classism, and Much More : Reading Security-Identity in Marginalized Sites, Feminist Methodologies for International Realtions
Chapter 81 : Internations of Feminism and International Relations’, in Feminist International Relations : An Unfinished Journey
Chapter 82 : "The Art of War/The War Question in (Feminist) IR," Millennium
Chapter 83 : "You Just Don’t Understand : Troubled Engagements between Feminists and IR Theorists’, International Studies Quarterly