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Fruit Fly Pests : A World Assessment of Their Biology and Management

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Title: Fruit Fly Pests : A World Assessment of Their Biology and Management
Author: Bruce A. McPheron, Gary J. Steck
ISBN: 1574440144 / 9781574440140
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 608
Publisher: St. Luice
Year: 1996
Availability: In Stock
  • Description
  • Contents

A book of national and international importance, Fruit Fly Pests is an exhaustive compendium of information (with data provided by more than 100 contributors) that will appeal to a wide variety of readers. With huge losses experienced annually from fruit fly devastation, information on these high-profile insects is important to commercial fruit and vegetable growers, marketing exporters, government regulatory agencies, and the scientific community. Fruit flies impose a considerable resource tax, and the ones who suffer range from shippers to end users. The demand for world-wide plant protection requires up-to-date research information. This book meets that need.This book contains the proceedings from the most recent International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance. Here you will find the major presentations given at the symposium, with an added feature - overviews from experts on topics not covered directly by participants in the symposium, filling in gaps in the current literature. The resulting publication is the most up-to-date and readable text to be found anywhere on the subject of tephritids.

Contributors Names and Addresses
Plenary Session
Opening Address
Welcoming Remarks
Welcoming Remarks
Keynote Address: Message from a Non-Pest Fruit Fly

Part I : Behavior
Chapter 1 : Overview of Research on the Behavior of Fruit Flies
Chapter 2 : Behaviors of California Fruit Flies and the Evolution of Tephritid Mating Systems
Chapter 3 : Acoustical Comparisons of Calling Songs from Anastrepha Species in Brazil
Chapter 4 : Comparative Mating Systems of Two Rhagoletis Species: The Adaptive Significance of Mate Guarding
Chapter 5 : Sexual Behavior and Signal Used for Mating of Bactrocera Correcta
Chapter 6 : Influence of some Visual Stimuli on the Selection of Oviposition Site by Ceratitis (Pterandrus) Rosa
Chapter 7 : Ovipositional Responses to Apple in a Caged Tree by Anastrepha Fraterculus in Southern Brazil

Part II : Attractants and Trapping
Chapter 8 : Olfactory Semiochemicals of Tephritids
Chapter 9 : Pheromones of Mediterranean Fruit Fly: Presumed Mode of Action and Implications for improved Trapping Techniques
Chapter 10 : Morphology of Adult Male Rectum of Seven Species of Anastrepha from Brazil and Mating Behavior Correlations
Chapter 11 : Volatile Components from the Salivary Glands of Calling Males of the South American Fruit Fly, Anastrepha Fraterculus: Partial Identification and Behavioral Activity
Chapter 12 : Attraction of Female Mediterranean Fruit flies to Identified Components of the Male-Produced Pheromone: Qualitative Aspects of Major, Intermediate, and Minor Components
Chapter 13 : Plant Volatiles Evoke and Modulate Tephritid Behavior
Chapter 14 : Trap Utilization by Mediterranean Fruit Fly Populations in Citrus Groves in Portugal
Chapter 15 : Mark-Recapture Studies of Walnut Husk Flies Attracted to Food-Based Lures
Chapter 16 : Sex Pheromone and Mating Competition After Methy1 Eugenol consumption in the Bactrocera Dorsalis complex

Part III : Biocontrol of Weeds
Chapter 17 : Tephritidae in the Biological Control of Weeds
Chapter 18 : Reduction of Seed Set in Nodding Thistle (Carduus Nutans) by the Seed-Fly, Urophora Solstitialis, in Australia
Chapter 19 : Tephritid Flies in the Biological Control of Yellow Starthistle

Part IV : Genetic Sexing
Chapter 20 : Towards the application of Genetic Sexing in Tephritid Fruit Fly SIT Programs
Chapter 21 : Development and Application of Genetic Sexing Systems for the Mediterranean Fruit Fly Based on a Temperature Sensitive Lethal
Chapter 22 : Assessment of Irradiation Doses for TSL (Thermal Sensitive Lethal) Strain Vienna 42

Part V : Genetics and Biochemistry
Chapter 23 : Review of Session VI, Genetics/Biochemistry
Chapter 24 : Mapping an Isozymic Gene Expressed in Pupae With Respect to Adult Markers in Ceratitis Capitata
Chapter 25 : Sequence from Eye Color Genes, Chorion Gene and Mariner-Like Transposable Elements in the Queensland Fruit Fly, Bactrocera Tryoni
Chapter 26 : An Analysis of the Hobo Transposable Element for Gene-Vector Development
Chapter 27 : Linkage Analysis of Genetic Markers in the Oriental Fruit Fly
Chapter 28 : Genetic Studies of the Melon Fly, Bactrocera Cucurbitae
Chapter 29 : Heterosis in Ceratitis Capitata

Part VI : Systematics
Chapter 30 : Fruit Fly Taxonomy: Recent Advances and New Approaches
Chapter 31 : Anastrepha Species from the Brazilian Amazon: Distribution, Hosts, and Lectotype Designations

Part VII : Population Genetics
Chapter 32 : Population Genetic Studies of Tephritid Flies of Economic Importance
Chapter 33 : Genetic and Morphological Differentiation in the Specialist Species Anastrepha Pickeli and A. Montei
Chapter 34 : Genetic Variability in Anastrepha Pseudoparallela: A Specialist Species
Chapter 35 : Genetic and Statistical Analysis of Colonization
Chapter 36 : Distribution of Mitochondrial DNA Haplotypes Among Ceratitis Capitata Populations Worldwide

Part VIII : Population Dynamics and IPM
Chapter 37 : Demography of Fruit Flies and Implications to Action Programs
Chapter 38 : Future Trends in Fruit Fly Management
Chapter 39 : Population Dynamics of Fruit Flies in Itaguai County, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I-Survey of the Species
Chapter 40 : Susceptibility of Different Mango Varieties (Mangifera Indica) to the Attack of the Fruit Fly, Anastrepha Obliqua
Chapter 41 : Cyromazine: Effects on Three Species of Anastrepha
Chapter 42 : Relative Resistance of Avocado Germplasm to Caribbean Fruit Fly
Chapter 43 : Hosts For Ceratitis Capitata and Anastrepha Fraterculus in the Northeastern Province of Entre Rios, Argentina
Chapter 44 : Life Cycle of Anastrepha Grandis
Chapter 45 : The Natural Host Plants of Anastrepha in the State of Amazonas, Brazil
Chapter 46 : Comparison of the Biology of Anastrepha Obliqua Reared in Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) and in Mombin (Spondias Mombin) Infested Under Field conditions

Part IX : Biocontrol
Chapter 47 : Status and Needs of Biological Control Research for Tephritid Flies
Chapter 48 : The Past and Potential of Biological Control of Fruit Flies
Chapter 49 : Inundative Release of the Parasitoid Diachasmimorpha Longicaudata for the Control of the Caribbean Fruit Fly, Anastrepha Suspensa

Part X : Sterile Insect Technique and Supporting Research
Chapter 50 : Quality Control and SIT Field Testing With Genetic Sexing Meditrranean Fruit Fly Males
Chapter 51 : Problems Encountered During Long-Term Sit Programs in Japan
Chapter 52 : Implementation of Technical and Managerial Systems for Quality Control in Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Ceratitis Capitata) Sterile Release Programs
Chapter 53 : Competitive Behavior of Males of Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis Capitata, Genetic Sexing Strain Vienna-42
Chapter 54 : Movement of Sterile Melon Flies in Okinawa, Japan
Chapter 55 : Ethological Analysis of Medfly Courtship: Phtential for Quality Control
Chapter 56 : The Influence of Four Phenols on the Olive Fruit Fly
Chapter 57 : Artificial Selection Experiments in the Melon Fly: The Status Quo and Problems
Chapter 58 : Metamorphosis in the Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratites Capitata
Chapter 59 : Quality Assessment of Mass-Reared Bactrocera Zonata
Chapter 60 : Suppression of Mediterranean Fruit Fly Populations With SIT in Two Habitats: A Coffee Agroecosystem With a Braconid Parasitoid and a Forest With Scattered Patches of Understory Coffee

Part XI : Postharvest and Quarantine
Chapter 61 : Synopsis of Postharvest Quarantine Treatment Research
Chapter 62 : Irradiation as a Quarantine Tratment Against Fruit Flies
Chapter 63 : Postharvest Fruit Fly Disinfestation of Papaya
Chapter 64 : Cold Treatment, the Caribbean Fruit Fly, and Carambolas
Chapter 65 : Mortality of Caribbean Fruit Fly in Coated Fruits
Chapter 66 : Fruit Fly Larval Mortality from Thermal Treatments Varies With Substrate Type
Chapter 67 : A Rapid Test for Distinguishing Irradiated from Unirradiated Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis Capitata Larvae

Part XII : Action Programs
Chapter 68 : Action Programs Against Fruit Flies of Economic Importance: Session Overview
Chapter 69 : Advances in the National Fruit Fly Control and Eradication Program in Argentina
Chapter 70 : California Industry Comments
Chapter 71 : Role of the Private Sector in Action Program Research Needs
Chapter 72 : Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Tryoni): Eradication from Western Australia
Chapter 73 : The Successful Eradication Programs of the Melon Fly in Okinawa
Chapter 74 : California%u2019s 1993/1994 Mediterranean Fruit Fly Eradication Program
Chapter 75 : Behavioral Control of Apple Maggot Flies
Chapter 76 : The Mexican National Fruit Fly Eradication Campaign: Largest Fruit Fly Industrial Complex in the World

Eugoly for G. Gregor Rohwer
Fourth International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance: Final Program
Taxonomic Index
Author Index
Subject Index

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