Gender, (4 Volume Set)

Title: Gender, (4 Volume Set)
Author: Mary Evans
ISBN: 0415554349 / 9780415554343
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1596
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2010
Availability: 45-60 days

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New from the Routledge Major Works programme, this landmark title is a four-volume collection of canonical and the very best cutting-edge research on gender.

Taking gender to mean both the forms of identity which follow biological definitions of sex (the social identities of male and female, masculine and feminine), as well as the social and intimate relations which are constructed and defined through gender, serious work in the field is inevitably very wide-ranging, and draws on scholarship and insights from across the humanities, the social sciences, and beyond. Much of this literature remains inaccessible, or is highly specialized and compartmentalized, so that it is ever more difficult to gain an informed and comprehensive overview of the current and historical issues and debates. The sheer scale of the growth in research output in gender - as well as its breadth - makes this collection especially useful and meets the demand for a one-stop 'mini library' of this endlessly fascinating and fundamental subject.

The editor (founder of the European Journal of Women’s Studies), Mary Evans, is one of the field’s leading scholars. She has written new introductions, both to each volume, and to the collection as a whole, which place the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. Gender is an essential collection destined to be valued by scholars and students as a vital research resource.

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Volume I : Imagination of Gender

Chapter 1 :
Beautiful Dead Bodies : Gender, Migration and Representation in Anti-Trafficking Campaigns
Chapter 2 : Men are Real, Women are "Made-Up" : Beauty Therapy and The Construction of Femininity
Chapter 3 : The Towers : Les Tours
Chapter 4 : Gender in The Making of Commercial Worlds
Chapter 5 : "A Dubious Equality" : Men, Women and Cosmetic Surgery : Body and Society
Chapter 6 : The Power of The Masquerade : Mujures al borde de unataque de nervios and The Construction of Femininity : Hispanic Research Journal
Chapter 7 : The Problem of Exclusion in Feminist Theory and Politics : A Metaphysical Investigation into Constructing a Category of "Woman" : Journal of Gender Studies
Chapter 8 : Memory, Photography and Modernism
Chapter 9 : Images of Victory : Images of Masculinity : Nodricom Review
Chapter 10 : Re-producing "Woman’s" Body : Reflections on The (Dis)Place(ments) of "Reproduction" for (Post)Modern women : Journal of Gender Studies
Chapter 11 : Fashion, Culture : Creative Work, Female, Individualization
Chapter 12 : The Significance of Gendered Metaphors : Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
Chapter 13 : Refracting an Orientalist Lens : The Instability and Performance in Moufida Tlatli’s The Silences of The Palace : Women & Performance : A Journal of Feminist Theory
Chapter 14 : A Useful Category of Historical Analysis, Gender and The Politics of History
Chapter 15 : Women Have Servants and Men Never Eat : Issues in Reading Gender, Using The Case Study of Mass-Observation’s 1937 Day-Diaries : Women’s History Review
Chapter 16 : Standpoint Theory, Situated Knowledge and The Situated Imagination
Chapter 17 : Feminist Intersections in Science : Race, Gender and Sexuality Through The Microscope

Volume II : Making Gender

Chapter 18 :
Is Kinship Always Already Heterosexual? : Differences : A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
Chapter 19 : Engendering Debate : How to Formulate a Political Account of The Divide Between Genetic Bodies and Discursive Gender? : Journal of Gender Studies
Chapter 20 : Feminism in Epistemology, Pluralism without Postmodernism, The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy
Chapter 21 : Desire, Duras, and Melancholia : Theorising Desire after The "Affective Turn"
Chapter 22 : Andrea Dworkin and The Social Construction of Gender : A Retrospective : Signs : Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Chapter 23 : From Hegemonic Masculinity to The Hegemony of Men
Chapter 24 : Sexuality, Heterosexuality and Gender Hierarchy : Getting our Priorities Straight, Thinking Straight : The Power, The Promise and The Paradox of Heterosexuality
Chapter 25 : "Queering" Development : Exploring The Links Between Same-Sex Sexualities, Gender, and Development : Gender and Development
Chapter 26 : Science as FaTher? Sex and Gender in The Age of Reproductive Technologies : European Journal of Women’s Studies
Chapter 27 : Using Gender to Undo Gender : A Feminist Degendering Movement
Chapter 28 : Bourdieu, Class and Gender : The Return of The Living Dead?, Feminism After Bourdieu
Chapter 29 : Sex and Gender : A Critical Realist Approach
Chapter 30 : The Philosophical Foundations of Gender Equality in Liberalism and Marxism : A Study of Mill and Marx : 21st Century Society
Chapter 31 : Patterned Fluidities : (Re)Imagining The Relationship between Gender and Sexuality
Chapter 32 : Gender as a Social Structure : Theory Wrestling with Activism : Gender and Society
Chapter 33 : No Nature, No Culture : The Hagen Case, Nature, Culture and Gender
Chapter 34 : Fuzzy Gender : Between Female-Embodiment and Intersex : Journal of Gender Studies
Chapter 35 : The Enlightenment Debate on Women : History Workshop Journal
Chapter 36 : Heteronormativity and The Desire for Gender : Feminist Theory
Chapter 37 : Out/Performing Our Selves : Sex, Gender and Cartesian Dualism : Sexualities

Volume III : Living Gender

Chapter 38 :
Sexuality and Economy : Historicism vs Deconstruction : Australian Feminist Studies
Chapter 39 : This OTher and OTher OThers : Economy and Society
Chapter 40 : Feminism as Femininity in The Nineteen-Fifties?
Chapter 41 : Change among The Gatekeepers : Men, Masculinity and Gender Equality in The Global Arena
Chapter 42 : The English Sexual Revolution : Technology and Social Change : History Workshop Journal
Chapter 43 : Men, Masculinity and "Gender in Development" : Gender and Development
Chapter 44 : Political Economy and The Closet : Heteronormativity in Feminist Economics
Chapter 45 : Horizontal Solidarities and Molten Capitalism : The Subject, Intersubjectivity, Self and The OTher in Late Modernity : Discourse : Studies in The Cultural Politics of Education
Chapter 46 : Sexuality, Subjectivity and … Economics?, (Mis)Recognition, Social Inequality and Social Justice; Nancy Fraser and Pierre Bourdieu
Chapter 47 : Unsettling Naturalisms
Chapter 48 : Capabilities as Fundamental Entitlements : Sen and Social Justice
Chapter 49 : The Social is Political : International Feminist Journal of Politics
Chapter 50 : Sen’s Capability Approach and Gender Inequality : Selecting Relevant Capabilities
Chapter 51 : Cultures of Intimacy and Care Beyond "The Family" : Personal Life and Social Change in The Early 21st Century : Current Sociology
Chapter 52 : Reflections on Gender Mainstreaming : An Example of Feminist Economics in Action?
Chapter 53 : Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary! : Feminist Economics
Chapter 54 : Cruising to Familyland : Gay Hypergamy and Rainbow Kinship : Current Sociology
Chapter 55 : Warm Hands in Cold Age : On The Need of a New World Order of Care : Feminist Economics
Chapter 56 : Changing Gender Practices within The Household : A Theoretical Perspective : Gender & Society
Chapter 57 : Narratives of Identity in Modern Management : The Corrosion of Gender Difference : Sociology
Chapter 58 : Reproductive Technologies : A Third World Feminist Perspective, Feminist Post-Development Thought : Rethinking Modernity, Postcolonialism and Representation

Volume IV : States of Gender

Chapter 59 :
Envisaging a New Politics for an Ethical Future : Beyond Trust, Care and Generosity - Towards an Ethic of "Social Flesh" : Feminist Theory
Chapter 60 : Gender Equality and State Aggression : The Impact of Domestic Gender Equality on State First Use of Force : International Interactions
Chapter 61 : Gender Matters : Studying Globalization and Social Change in The 21st Century : International Sociology
Chapter 62 : Legal Forms and Reproductive Norms : Social & Legal Studies
Chapter 63 : Can Human Rights Accommodate Women’s Rights? Towards an Embodied Account of Social Norms, Social Meaning, and Cultural Change : Contemporary Political Thought
Chapter 64 : Paradoxes of Gender : Writing History in Post-Communist Russia 1987–1998 : Gender and History
Chapter 65 : The Sexual Subaltern in Conversations "Somewhere in Between" : Law and The Old Politics of Colonialism : Feminist Legal Studies
Chapter 66 : Gender and Welfare State Change : European Societies
Chapter 67 : From Feminising to Engendering Development : Gender, Place and Culture
Chapter 67 : Moving The Goalposts : Gender and Globalisation in The Twenty-First Century : Gender and Development
Chapter 68 : Plural Processes, Patterned Connections : Globalizations
Chapter 69 : Defending Equality of Outcome : Journal of Political Philosophy
Chapter 70 : Gendering Global Governance : International Feminist Journal of Politics
Chapter 71 : Empire, Desire and Violence : A Queer Transnational Feminist Reading of The Prisoner "Abuse" in Abu Ghraib and The Question of "Gender Equality" : International Feminist Journal of Politics
Chapter 72 : Gender, War and Militarism : Making and Questioning The Links
Chapter 73 : Gender Inequality and Theories of Justice, Women, Culture and Development
Chapter 74 : Refashioning MoTher India : Feminism and Nationalism in Late-Colonialism : Feminist Studies
Chapter 75 : Gender, Globalisation and Democracy : Gender and Development
Chapter 76 : The Sexual Citizen : Theory, Culture and Society
Chapter 77 : All The Men are Fighting for Freedom, All The Women are Mourning Their Men, but Some of Us Carried Guns : A Raced-Gendered Analysis of Fanon’s Psychological Perspectives on War
Chapter 78 : The Logic of Masculinist Protection