Genocide, (6 Volume Set)

Title: Genocide, (6 Volume Set)
Author: A. Dirk Moses
ISBN: 0415493757 / 9780415493758
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 2568
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2010
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

Stimulated anew in the 1990s by the slaughter and the so-called ‘ethnic cleansing’ in the former Yugoslavia, and by the horrors of Rwanda, research about and around genocide flourishes as never before. Genocide studies has now accrued a large, sophisticated, and growing, body of scholarly literature. This growth looks set to continue: historians and social scientists are increasingly casting their analytical nets further into the past to investigate whether group destruction and population expulsions have been constitutive of imperial and state expansion over millennia. And, moreover, events such as the Sudanese government’s genocidal counter-insurgency in Darfur suggest that, like war, genocide is a pervasive feature of human society that is here to stay.

Addressing the need for an authoritative and comprehensive reference work to enable users to make sense of - and to navigate around - the ever more complex research corpus, Genocide is a new title in Routledge’s Critical Concepts in Historical Studies series. Edited by A. Dirk Moses of the University of Sydney, it is a six-volume collection of foundational and the very best cutting-edge scholarship.

Genocide is at once a legal, historical, and sociological concept; it is subject to considerable definitional dispute. Volume I (‘The Discipline of Genocide Studies’) brings together the most important and influential thinking on its contested definition (what, for instance, is the relationship of genocide to mass murder and war crimes?). It also gathers work on the various attempts to explain the occurrence of genocide.

The collection is characterized by its broad temporal and geographical coverage; Volumes II (‘Genocide Before Modernity’) and III (‘Colonial and Imperial Genocides’) collect the key research on genocidal phenomena across history and in all parts of the globe. The scholarship gathered here includes work on the Roman Empire, the Spanish conquest of the Americas, and the campaigns against its indigenous peoples by settler colonies in the New World.

Volumes IV–VI of the collection focus on genocide in the twentieth century and beyond. Volume IV is devoted to the Holocaust, and to the Nazi extermination policies more generally, and to Stalin’s genocidal policies in the Soviet Union. Volume V (‘Post-Colonial and -Imperial Genocide’) gathers key research on often overlooked - and sometimes wilfully ignored - episodes. Topics covered here include the partition of India; Nigeria, 1967–70; and the ongoing events in Darfur.

The scholarship assembled in the final volume (‘Humanitarian Intervention, the Prosecution of Genocide, Trauma, and Recovery’) brings together vital research on anti-genocide international law since 1948. It also focuses on the work of international criminal tribunals. Finally, Volume VI also explores the emergence of the controversial ‘duty to protect’ doctrine.

Genocide is supplemented with a full index and other scholarly apparatus. It also includes a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context. The collection is a landmark reference work and is destined to be valued by scholars and students as a vital one-stop research and pedagogic resource.

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Volume I : The Discipline of Genocide Studies

Part 1 : Conceptual Origins and The United Nations Convention
Chapter 1 :
Raphael Lemkin and The International Debate on The Punishment of War Crimes (1919–1948)’, Journal of Genocide Research
Chapter 2 : Genocide : A Modern Crime’, Free World
Chapter 3 : Drafting of The Convention and Subsequent Normative Developments’, Genocide in International Law
Chapter 4 : Ad Hoc Committee Draft, Second Draft Genocide Convention Prepared by The Ad Hoc Committee of The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at a meeting between 5 Apr : 1948 and 10 May 1948.
Chapter 5 : Convention on The Prevention and Punishment of The Crime of Genocide, Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of The UN General Assembly on 9 Dec : 1948.

Part 2 : Definitions
Chapter 6 :
The Concept of Genocide’, The Philosophical Forum
Chapter 7 : Clarifying The Concept of Genocide’, Metaphilosophy
Chapter 8 : Conceptual Blockages and Definitional Dilemmas in The Racial Century : Genocide of Indigenous Peoples and The Holocaust’, Patterns of Prejudice

Part 3 : Frameworks
Chapter 9 :
Social Structure and Genocide : Colonization, Decolonization and Succession’, Genocide : Its Political Use in The Twentieth Century
Chapter 10 : Continuity and Discontinuity in The Historical Record’, Genocide in The Age of The Nation-State, Vol : 1
Chapter 11 : The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide’, Purify and Destroy : The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide
Chapter 12 : The Minimal Euphemism’, What is Genocide?
Chapter 13 : The Politics of Naming : Genocide, Civil War, Insurgency’, London Review of Books

Part 4 : Enablers
Chapter 14 :
The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict’, Survival
Chapter 15 : Gendercide and Genocide’, Journal of Genocide Research
Chapter 16 : Genocide as Transgression’, European Journal of Social Theory
Chapter 17 : Extremely Violent Societies : An Alternative to The Concept of Genocide’, Journal of Genocide Research

Volume II : Genocide Before Modernity

Part 1 : Pre-History, Biblical and Classical Antiquity
Chapter 18 :
Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology and The Origins and Intensification of War, The Archaeology of Warfare : Prehistories of Raiding and Conquest
Chapter 19 : Ofnet : Evidence of Mesolithic Massacre, Troubled Times : Violence and Warfare in The Past
Chapter 20 : Parallels with a Divine Command to Eliminate a Group of People’, ‘Remember Amalek!’ : Vengeance, Zealotry, and Group Destruction in The Bible According to Philo, Pseudo-Philo, and Josephus
Chapter 21 : Conquest and Imperialism’, The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity
Chapter 22 : Anger, Hatred, and Genocide in Ancient Greece’, Common Knowledge

Part 2 : Medieval and Early Modern Periods
Chapter 23 :
Bread, Cheese and Genocide : Imagining The Destruction of Peoples in Medieval Western Europe
Chapter 24 : Chingis Kahn’, The History of The Mongol Conquests
Chapter 25 : The Final Blows, 1734–1771’, China Marches West : The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia
Chapter 26 : Genocidal Massacres in Early Modern SouTheast Asia’, Blood and Soil : A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur

Part 3 : ‘Tribal’ Societies
Chapter 27 :
The Iroquois Practice of Genocidal Warfare’, Journal of Genocide Research
Chapter 28 : The Violent Edge of Empire, War in The Tribal Zone : Expanding States and Indigenous Warfare

Volume III : Colonial and Imperial Genocides

Chapter 29 :
Raphael Lemkin as Historian of Genocide in The Americas’, Journal of Genocide Research
Chapter 30 : The Genocide Policy in English-Karifuna Relations in The Seventeenth Century, Empire and OThers : British Encounters with Indigenous Peoples, 1600–1850
Chapter 31 : Caribbean Genocide : Racial War in Haiti, 1802–1804’, Patterns of Prejudice
Chapter 32 : "Why Should You Be So Furious" : The Violence of The Pequot War’, Journal of American History
Chapter 33 : "The Broad Platform of Extermination" : Nature and Violence in The Nineteenth-Century North American Borderlands’, Journal of Genocide Research
Chapter 34 : Genocide and Settler Society in Australian History, Genocide and Setter Society : Frontier Violence and Stolen Indigenous Children
Chapter 35 : Civilization’ Battles "Barbarism" : The Limits of Argentine Indian Frontier Struggle, The Military and Conflict Between Cultures : Soldiers at The Interface
Chapter 36 : Colonial Genocide : The Herero and Nama War (1904–1908) in German Southwest Africa and its Significance, The Historiography of Genocide
Chapter 37 : Reconcentration’, War and Genocide in Cuba, 1895–1898
Chapter 38 : Race-Making and Colonial Violence in The US Empire : The Philippine-American War as Race War’, Diplomatic History
Chapter 39 : Russia’s Conquest and Pacification of The Caucasus : Relocation Becomes a Pogrom in The Post-Crimean War Period’, Nationalities Papers
Chapter 40 : The Armenian Genocide of 1915–16 : Cumulative Radicalisation and The Development of a Destruction Policy’, Past and Present
Chapter 41 : Reflections on Modern Japanese History in The Context of The Concept of Genocide, The Spectre of Genocide : Mass Murder in Historical Perspective
Chapter 42 : Reconquest and Suppression : Fascist Italy’s Pacification of Libya and Ethiopia, 1922–1929’, Journal of Strategic Studies

Volume IV : Twentieth-Century Imperial Genocides : The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany

Part 1 : Russia and The Soviet Union
Chapter 43 :
Violent Russia, Deadly Marxism? Russia in The Epoch of Violence, 1905–1921’, Kritika : Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
Chapter 44 : The Role of Leadership Perceptions and of Intent in The Soviet Famine of 1931–1934’, Europe-Asia Studies
Chapter 45 : The Soviet War Against "Fifth Columnists" : The Case of Chechyna, 1942–4’, Journal of Contemporary History
Chapter 46 : The Scale and The Nature of Stalinist Repression and its Demographic Significance’, Europe-Asia Studies

Part 2 : The Nazi Empire and its Victims
Chapter 47 :
Eugenics, Gender, and Ethics in Nazi Germany : The Debate about Involuntary Sterilization, 1933–1936, Reevaluating The Third Reich
Chapter 48 : The Institutionalization of Homosexual Panic in The Third Reich, Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany
Chapter 49 : Local Initiatives, Central Coordination : German Municipal Administration and The Holocaust, Networks of Nazi Persecution : Bureaucracy, Business and The Organization of The Holocaust
Chapter 50 : Controlled Escalation : Himmler’s Men in The Summer of 1941 and The Holocaust in The Occupied Soviet Territories’, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Chapter 51 : Hitler’s Role in The "Final Solution"’, Yad Vashem Studies
Chapter 52 : Wehrmacht, Einsatzgruppen, Soviet POWS and Anti-Bolshevism in The Emergence of The Final Solution, The Final Solution : Origins and Implementation
Chapter 53 : Eastern Europe as The Site of Genocide’, Journal of Modern History
Chapter 54 : War, Occupation and The Holocaust in Poland, The Historiography of The Holocaust
Chapter 55 : Intellectuals in The Warsaw Ghetto : Guilt, Atonement, and Beyond’, Journal of Jewish Identities
Chapter 56 : Mass Killing in The Independent State of Croatia, 1941–1945 : A Case for Comparative Research’, Journal of Genocide Research
Chapter 57 : The National Socialist "Solution to The Gypsy Question", National Socialist Extermination Policies

Volume V : Post-Colonial and Imperial Genocide

Chapter 58 :
Mass Killings in The Cultural Revolution : a Study of Three Provinces, The Chinese Cultural Revolution as History
Chapter 59 : Genocide in Indonesia, 1965–66’, Journal of Genocide Research
Chapter 60 : Who Killed Biafra?’, Dialectical Anthropology
Chapter 61 : International Commission of Jurists, The Events in East Pakistan, 1971 : A Legal Study
Chapter 62 : René Lemarchand and David Martin, Selective Genocide in Burundi
Chapter 63 : "Auto-Genocide" and The Cambodia Reign of Terror, Enteignet, Vertrieben, Ermordet : Beiträge zur Genozidforschung
Chapter 64 : Genocide, Extermination, and Resistance in East Timor, 1975–1999 : Comparative Reflections on Cambodia’, Genocide and Resistance in SouTheast Asia : Documentation, Denial and Justice in Cambodia and East Timor
Chapter 65 : The Ache : Genocide Continues in Paraguay
Chapter 66 : Terror, Grief, and Recovery : Genocidal Trauma in a Mayan Village in Guatemala, Annihilating Difference : The Anthropology of Genocide
Chapter 67 : The Chittagong Hill Tracts : A Case Study in The Political Economy of "Creeping" Genocide’, Third World Quarterly
Chapter 68 : The Anfal Operations in Iraqi Kurdistan, Century of Genocide : Critical Essays and Eyewitness Accounts, 3rd edn.
Chapter 69 : Schindler’s Fate : Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and Population Transfers’, Slavic Review
Chapter 70 : Build-up to War and Genocide : Society and Economy in Rwanda and Eastern Zaire’, Reimagining Rwanda : Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in The Late Twentieth Century
Chapter 71 : Sudan : The Turbulent State, War in Darfur and The Search for Peace

Volume VI : Humanitarian Intervention, The Prosecution of Genocide, Trauma, and Recovery

Part 1 : Humanitarian Intervention
Chapter 72 :
Rethinking Humanitarian Intervention’, International Political Science Review
Chapter 73 : From Humanitarian Intervention to Responsibility to Protect’, Wisconsin International Law Journal
Chapter 74 : Third World Perspectives on Humanitarian Intervention and International Administration’, Global Governance
Chapter 75 : The UN Security Council and The Question of Humanitarian Intervention in Darfur’, Journal of Military Ethics

Part 2 : International Law and Genocide Prosecution
Chapter 76 :
Beyond "Realism" and Legalism : A Historical Perspective on The Limits of International Humanitarian Law’, European Review
Chapter 77 : Defeat, Due Process, and Denial : War Crimes Trials and Nationalist Revisionism in Comparative Perspective, Defeat and Memory : Cultural Histories of Military Defeat in The Modern Era
Chapter 78 : Genocide Law : An Education in Sentimentalism’, International Criminal Law : A Critical Introduction
Chapter 79 : Conspiracy in International Law’, Annual Review of Law and Social Science
Chapter 80 : The Jelisic Case and The Mens Rea of The Crime of Genocide’, Leiden Journal of International Law
Chapter 81 : From The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to The International Criminal Court : Expanding The Definition of Genocide to include Rape’, Penn State Law Review

Part 3 : Trauma and Recovery after Genocide
Chapter 82 :
Violence, Victimhood and The Language of Silence, The Word and The World : Fantasy, Symbol and Record
Chapter 83 : When The Subaltern Speak : Memories of Genocide in Colonial Libya, 1929 to 1933
Chapter 84 : Memory, Identity and Community in Rwanda, My Neighbour, My Enemy : Justice and Community in The Aftermath of Mass Atrocity
Chapter 85 : The Sacrificed and The Sanctified’, Israel’s Holocaust and The Politics of Nationhood
Chapter 86 : Commemorating "The Deportation" in Post-Soviet Chechnya’, History and Memory
Chapter 87 : Excavations of The Heart : Healing Fragmented Communities’, Buried Secrets : Truth and Human Rights in Guatemala
Chapter 88 : The Intimacy of Terror : Gender and The Violence of 1965–66’, Intersections : Gender, History and Culture in The Asian Context