Global Applications of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code

Title: Global Applications of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Author: K.R. Rao
ISBN: 0791861074 / 9780791861073
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 500
Publisher: ASME
Year: 2016
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

This publication follows the phenomenal success of not only the four editions of the Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code published by ASME Press, but also two related updated volumes.

Thus, this is the third book that is also a “standalone-publication,” addressing Global Applications of the ASME B&PV Code. This book not only updates information of 16 chapters of the third volume of the third edition of the Companion Guide, but has additional 5 chapters selected for their unique features of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes used internationally.

This book has five parts addressing Global Applications of ASME B&PV Codes and Standards covering:

Part 1 : North America and Western Europe which includes Canada, France, UK, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Finland in addition to the Pressure Equipment Directive of the European Union Countries.
Part 2 : Central and Eastern Europe includes Russian, Czech and Slovakian Codes and Hungary.
Part 3 : South Africa.
Part 4 : Asia including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India and China.
Part 5 : Special Topics is addressed by ASME Code experts to cover in four chapters:

1. Global Harmonization of Nuclear Codes and Standards;
2. Global Flaw Modelling Characteristics;
3. AREVA’s perspective of spent fuel storage in a “A Case Study of Dry Storage System for Used Nuclear Fuel; and finally in last chapter
4. Has three parts in “Utilities’ perspective of spent fuel storage” – the first one is covers ENTERGY, the second part Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and the last part has Ontario Hydro’s experiences. Thus different perspectives of the Spent Fuel Storage which are critical to the continuation of nuclear industry are addressed by various experts in this chapter.

An index is provided at the end of this publication as a quick reference to topics occurring in this volume which will assist in reviewing the interconnection of the ASME Boilers & Pressure Vessel Code Sections / Subsections / Paragraphs to each country covered in addition to the special topics addressed in this book. In each chapter, discussions generally pertain to the current Code Editions of the country covered and latest ASME Codes and Standards unless noted otherwise by the chapter author(s).

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Contributor Biographies

Part 1 : Global Applications of  ASME B&PV Codes :  North America and Western Europe
Chapter 1 :
Canadian Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards
Chapter 2 : Perspectives of The Pressure  Equipment Directive with Respect to ASME Bpvc
Chapter 3 : French Codes Dealing  with Pressure Equipment
Chapter 4 : UK Rules for Unfired Pressure Vessels
Chapter 5 : Belgium Pressure Equipment Regulation
Chapter 6 : Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Germany
Chapter 7 : Pressure Equipment Regulations, Codes and Standards in Spain
Chapter 8 : Risk-Informed Licensing, Regulation,  and Safety Management of Npps in Finland

Part 2 : Global Applications of  ASME B&PV Codes :  Central and Eastern Europe
Chapter 9 :
Some Aspects of Russian Regulation  and Codes in Nuclear Power
Chapter 10 : Czech & Slovakian Codes
Chapter 11 : Comprehensive Adaptation  of The ASME Code at Paks Npp, Hungary

Part 3 : Global Applications of  ASME B&PV Codes :  Africa
Chapter 12 :
Codes and Standards Used in The Nuclear Industry in The Republic of South Africa

Part 4 : Global Applications of  ASME B&PV Codes :  Asia
Chapter 13 :
Recent Development of Codes and Standards of Boiler and Pressure Vessels in Japan
Chapter 14 : Korean Regulatory System and  Codes of Nuclear Boiler and Pressure Vessels
Chapter 15 : Development of Nuclear Boiler  and Pressure Vessels in Taiwan

Chapter 16 : Design of Indian Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors
Part A : Design of Indian Pressurized  Heavy Water Reactors
Part B : Nuclear Power and Generation IV  Nuclear Reactors in India

Chapter 17 : Application of Nuclear  and Non-Nuclear Standards in China

Part 5 : Global Applications of  ASME B&PV Codes :  Special Topics
Chapter 18 :
Global Harmonization of Nuclear Construction Codes and Standards
Chapter 19 : Global Harmonization  of Flaw Modeling/Characterization
Chapter 20 : A Case Study of Dry Storage System  for Used Nuclear Fuel

Chaper 21 : Utilities’ Perspective of Spent  Fuel Storage
Part 21A : Entergy Perspective  on Spent Fuel Storage
Part 21B : Pacific Gas and Electric Spent  Fuel Storage
Part 21C : Spent Fuel Storage for Candu® Power Reactors
