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Handbook of Applied Hydrology, 2nd Edition

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Title: Handbook of Applied Hydrology, 2nd Edition
Author: Vijay P. Singh
ISBN: 0071835091 / 9780071835091
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1440
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2017
Availability: Out of Stock
  • Description
  • Contents

Fully Updated Hydrology Principles, Methods, and Applications

This industry-standard resource has been completely revised for the first time since Ven Te Chow's classic edition was published over 50 years ago. Compiled by a colleague of the late Dr. Chow and featuring chapter contributions from a “who’s who” of international hydrology experts, Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition,  covers scientific and engineering fundamentals and  presents all-new methods, processes, and technologies. Complete details are provided for the full range of ecosystems and models. Advanced chapters look to the future of hydrology, including climate change impacts, extraterrestrial water, social hydrology, and water security.

Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition, covers:

  • The Fundamentals of Hydrology
  • Data Collection and Processing
  • Hydrology Methods
  • Hydrologic Processes and Modeling
  • Sediment and Pollutant Transport
  • Hydrometeorologic and Hydrologic Extremes
  • Systems Hydrology
  • Hydrology of Large River and Lake Basins
  • Applications and Design
  • The Future of Hydrology


Part 1 : Fundamentals
Chapter 1
: The Hydrologic Cycle
Chapter 2 : Watersheds, River Basins, and Land Use
Chapter 3 : Water Balance

Part 2 : Data Collection and Processing
Chapter 4 :
Hydrometeors and Quantitative Precipitation Estimation
Chapter 5 : Streamflow Data
Chapter 6 : Streamflow Ratings
Chapter 7 : Hydrologic Information Systems
Chapter 8 : Remote Sensing Techniques and Data Assimilation for Hydrologic Modeling
Chapter 9 : Geographic Information Systems
Chapter 10 : Design of Hydrologic Networks

Part 3 : Methods
Chapter 11 :
Artificial Neural Networks
Chapter 12 : Fuzzy Logic
Chapter 13 : Evolutionary Computing : Genetic Algorithms
Chapter 14 : Relevance Vector Machine
Chapter 15 : Harmonic Analysis and Wavelets
Chapter 16 : Outlier Analysis and Infilling of Missing Records in Hydrologic Data
Chapter 17 : Linear and Nonlinear Regression
Chapter 18 : Time Series Analysis and Models
Chapter 19 : Statistical Detection of Nonstationarity : Issues and Needs
Chapter 20 : Spatial Analysis and Geostatistical Methods
Chapter 21 : Frequency Distributions
Chapter 22 : Calibration, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty, Data Assimilation, Sensitivity Analysis, and Validation
Chapter 23 : Bayesian Methods
Chapter 24 : Optimization Approaches for Integrated Water Resources Management
Chapter 25 : Nonparametric Methods
Chapter 26 : Predictive Uncertainty Assessment and Decision Making
Chapter 27 : Risk-Reliability Analysis
Chapter 28 : Scaling and Fractals
Chapter 29 : Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Chapter 30 : Copula Modeling in Hydrologic Frequency Analysis
Chapter 31 : Entropy Theory
Chapter 32 : Entropy Production Extremum Principles
Chapter 33 : Data-Based Mechanistic Modeling
Chapter 34 : Decomposition Methods
Chapter 35 : Network Theory
Chapter 36 : Hydroeconomic Analysis

Part 4 : Hydrologic Processes and Modeling
Chapter 37 :
Weather and Climate
Chapter 38 : Hydroclimatology : Global Warming and Climate Change
Chapter 39 : Spatial and Temporal Estimation and Analysis of Precipitation
Chapter 40 : Snow Distribution and Snowpack Characteristics
Chapter 41 : Time-Space Modeling of Precipitation
Chapter 42 : Evapotranspiration and Evaporative Demand
Chapter 43 : Rainfall Interception, Detention, and Depression Storage
Chapter 44 : Watershed Geomorphological Characteristics
Chapter 45 : Infiltration Modeling
Chapter 46 : Soil Moisture and Vadose Zone Modeling
Chapter 47 : Hydrogeological Characterization
Chapter 48 : Groundwater Modeling
Chapter 49 : Watershed Runoff, Streamflow Generation, and Hydrologic Flow Regimes
Chapter 50 : Snowmelt Runoff Generation and Modeling
Chapter 51 : Glacial Melting and Runoff Modeling
Chapter 52 : Reservoir and Channel Routing
Chapter 53 : Waterlogging and Salinzation
Chapter 54 : Surface Water - Groundwater Interactions : Integrated Modeling of a Coupled System
Chapter 55 : Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers : Concepts, Mitigation, and Simulation
Chapter 56 : Regional Land Subsidence Caused by the Compaction of Susceptible Aquifer Systems Accompanying Groundwater Extraction
Chapter 57 : Hydraulic Fracturing and Hydrologic Impacts
Chapter 58 : Catchment Classification and Regionalization
Chapter 59 : Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
Chapter 60 : Continuous Watershed Modeling
Chapter 61 : Calibration and Evaluation of Watershed Models
Chapter 62 : Feasibility, Engineering, and Operations Models : Using the Decision Environment of Inform the Model Design

Part 5 : Sediment and Pollutant Transport
Chapter 63 :
Water Quality
Chapter 64 : Soil Erosion
Chapter 65 : Channel Erosion and Sediment Transport
Chapter 66 : Sedimentation of Floodplains, Lakes, and Reservoirs
Chapter 67 : Pollutant Transport in Surface Water
Chapter 68 : Pollutant Transport in Vadose Zone
Chapter 69 : Pollutant Transport in Groundwater
Chapter 70 : Salinization and Salinity Management in Watersheds
Chapter 71 : Transport of Biochemicals and Microorganisms

Part 6 : Hydrometeorologic and Hydrologic Extremes
Chapter 72 :
Atmospheric Rivers
Chapter 73 : Hydrometeorological Extremes (Hurricanes and Typhoons)
Chapter 74 : Extreme Rainfall : Global Perspective
Chapter 75 : Floods
Chapter 76 : Flood Frequency Analysis
Chapter 77 : Regional Flood Frequency Modeling
Chapter 78 : Risk, Reliability, and Return Periods and Hydrologic Design
Chapter 79 : Drought Characteristics
Chapter 80 : Low Flow and Drought Analysis

Part 7 : Systems Hydrology
Chapter 81 :
Isotope Hydrology
Chapter 82 : Lake Hydrology
Chapter 83 : Urban Hydrology
Chapter 84 : Agricultural Hydrology
Chapter 85 : Forest Hydrology
Chapter 86 : Coastal Hydrology
Chapter 87 : Wetland Hydrology
Chapter 88 : Arid Zone Hydrology
Chapter 89 : Karst
Chapter 90 : Cryospheric Hydrology : Mountainous Environment
Chapter 91 : Hydrology of Transportation Systems
Chapter 92 : Large-Scale and Global Hydrology

Part 8 : Hydrology of Large River and Lake Basins
Chapter 93 :
Amazon River Basin
Chapter 94 : Parana (Rio de la Plata) River Basins
Chapter 95 : Orinoco River Basin
Chapter 96 : Nile River Basin
Chapter 97 : Congo River Basin
Chapter 98 : Zambezi River Basin
Chapter 99 : Euphrates and Tigris River Basin
Chapter 100 : Yangtze River Basin
Chapter 101 : Yellow River Basin
Chapter 102 : Mekong River
Chapter 103 : Yenisei River Basin
Chapter 104 : Lena River Basin
Chapter 105 : Brahmaputra River Basin
Chapter 106 : Ganga River Basin
Chapter 107 : Narmada Basin
Chapter 108 : Indus River Basin
Chapter 109 : The Mississippi River Basin
Chapter 110 : Colorado River Basin
Chapter 111 : Columbia River Basin
Chapter 112 : St. Lawrence River Basin
Chapter 113 : River Rhine Basin
Chapter 114 : Danube River Basin
Chapter 115 : Ob River Basin
Chapter 116 : Po River Basin
Chapter 117 : River Thames Basin
Chapter 118 : Managing Water in an Arid Land : The Murray Darling Basin, Australia
Chapter 119 : The Great Lakes System
Chapter 120 : The East African Great Lakes
Chapter 121 : Aral Sea Basin
Chapter 122 : Baltic Sea Basin
Chapter 123 : Black Sea Basin
Chapter 124 : The Caspian Sea Basin

Part 9 : Applications and Design
Chapter 125 :
Design Rainfall
Chapter 126 : Probable Maximum Precipitation
Chapter 127 : Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins
Chapter 128 : Stochastic Streamflow Simulation and Forecasting
Chapter 129 : Flood Forecasting and Flash Flood Forecasting -  Special Considerations in Hydrologic Modeling for the Expressed Purpose of Flood adn Flash Flood Forecasting
Chapter 130 : Reservoir Operation Design
Chapter 131 : Floodplain Management
Chapter 132 : Storm Water Management, Best Management Practices, and Low-Impact Development
Chapter 133 : Flood Proofing and Infrastructure Development
Chapter 134 : Environmental Flows
Chapter 135 : Drainage and Culvert Design
Chapter 136 : Wetland and River Restoration
Chapter 137 : Institutional Framework for Water Management
Chapter 138 : Peak Water, Virtual Water, and Water Footprints : New Definitions and Tools for Water Research
Chapter 139 : Transboundary Water Management
Chapter 140 : Integrated River Basin Management
Chapter 141 : Conflict Resolution
Chapter 142 : Long-Distance Water Transfers
Chapter 143 : The Indian River-Linking Program
Chapter 144 : Irrigation Scheduling and Management
Chapter 145 : Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater Recharge
Chapter 146 : Reuse-Reclaimed Water in Managed Aquifer Recharge
Chapter 147 : River Bank Filtration
Chapter 148 : Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
Chapter 149 : Human Impacts on Hydrology
Chapter 150 : Climate Change and Its Impacts on Hydrologic Cycle

Part 10 : Future
Chapter 151 :
Human-Hydrology Systems Modeling
Chapter 152 : Variability of Hydrological Processes and Systems in a Changing Environment
Chapter 153 : Extraterrestrial Water
Chapter 154 : Water Security
Chapter 155 : Social Hydrology
Chapter 156 : Grand Challenges Facing the Hydrologic Sciences


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