Health and Safety in Construction : Guidance for Construction Professionals

Title: Health and Safety in Construction : Guidance for Construction Professionals
Author: John Barber
ISBN: 0727731181 / 9780727731180
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 96
Publisher: Thomas Telford
Year: 2002
Availability: Out of Stock

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All civil engineers and construction professionals concerned with the construction process have both professional and legal duties to take care, not only of their own health and safety at work, but the health and safety of others who might be put at risk.

Health and Safety in Construction offers clear guidance on the responsibilities of construction professionals for health and safety in construction. Construction professionals need to work together to ensure consistently high standards and this essential guide will help achieve a measured and effective response to this challenge.

Health and Safety in Construction will be an invaluable resource for the client, designer and contractor working together on construction projects.

Tab Article

Chapter 1 :
Professional Duties
Chapter 2 : Civil Liability
Chapter 3 : Statutory Framework
Chapter 4 : Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) General Duties
Chapter 5 : Health and Safety Regulations and Approved Code of Practice (Acops)
Chapter 6 : Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992/99 (MHSWR) and Risk Assessment
Chapter 7 : Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 (CDM Regulations)
Chapter 8 : Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996
Chapter 9 : Contractual Provisions
Chapter 10 : Duty to Warn
Chapter 11 : General Conclusion
