Heat Treater's Guide: Practices and Procedures for Irons and Steels, 2nd Edition

Title: Heat Treater's Guide: Practices and Procedures for Irons and Steels, 2nd Edition
Author: ASM
ISBN: 0871705206 / 9780871705204
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 904
Publisher: ASM International
Year: 1995
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

This edition is a complete revision and contains a great deal of new subject matter including information on ferrous powder metallurgy, cast irons, ultra high strength steels, furnace atmospheres, quenching processes, SPC and computer technology. Data on over 135 additional irons and steels have been added to the previously-covered 280 alloys.

Each data sheet gives the chemical composition of the alloy, a listing of similar U.S. and foreign alloys, its characteristics, and the recommended heat treating procedure. Most of the compilation goes much further and offers a wide variety of additional heat treating data such as representative micrographs, isothermal transformation diagrams, cooling transformation diagrams, tempering curves and data on dimensional change.

Aiding you are over 800 figures, 450 micrographs, a glossary of selected heat treating terms and general engineering data.