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High Impact Training Series: Applying Successful Training Techniques

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Title: High Impact Training Series: Applying Successful Training Techniques
Author: Joe B. Wilson
ISBN: 0749416815 / 9780749416812
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 114
Publisher: Kogan Page
Year: 1994
Availability: Out of Stock
  • Description
  • Contents

What are the ingredient of a truly successful training program? Excellent program design and motivated trainees play a critical role, without a doubt. But what truns a good program into a really great one is the person facilitating it. This guidebook focuses on the key skills and techniques that make the real difference in any training effort, whether you are a seasoned for first-time trainer. Learn about various training tools, and how to handle challenging participants and tough questions in a variety of different learnging situations.

1. Introduction
2. Developing Coaching and Facilitating Skills
3. How do Adults Learn?
4. Becoming A Coach and Facilitator
5. A Case Example: Nalu Surf
6. Getting Ready for Training
7. Employing Successful Delivery Skills
8. Using Suport Materials Effectively
9. Enhancing Coaching/Facilitating Skills
10. Tips for Different Situations
11. Calculating Your Success
12. Summary

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