Integrating Microelectronics into Gas Distribution

Title: Integrating Microelectronics into Gas Distribution
Author: J.E. Huebler, R.W. Smith, W.F. Rush
ISBN: 1851661514 / 9781851661510
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 504
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Year: 1987
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

This book considers technical, economic, and policy aspects of application of microelectronics to gas distribution problems. It is based on the first and second IGT symposia on microelectronics in the gas industry to disseminate information on rapidly evolving topics of gas distribution automation.

Tab Article


Part I : Integrating Microelectronics into Gas Distribution (Session I)
Chapter 1 :
Fundamental Concepts of Microelectronics Automation
Chapter 2 : Microprocessors Applied to Economic and Operational Control of Gas Systems
Chapter 3 : Integrating Microelectronics into Gas Distribution
Chapter 4 : Remote Data Collection System and Communication with a Central Computer
Chapter 5 : Water Meter Technology and the Gas Industry : Automated Meter Reading Systems have become Market Driven
Chapter 6 : Meter Mounted Instruments
Chapter 7 : Real Time Measurement of Natural Gas Meter Stations
Chapter 8 : Automation of Facilities Information
Chapter 9 : Automating Corrosion Control
Chapter 10 : Integrating RF Electronics into Gas Distribution
Chapter 11 : On the Concept of a Total System Approach to Distribution Automation
Chapter 12 : The Gri Perspective on Advanced Gas Distribution Systems Research
Chapter 13 : Automation of Waste Heat Recovery Plant for Compression of Natural Gas
Chapter 14 : On-Site Energy Measurement
Chapter 15 : Peoples Gas Takes Another Step into the Computer Age
Chapter 16 : Electronics at Union Gas
Chapter 17 : Automatic Call-Back Alarm Systems

Part II : Integrating Microelectronics into Gas Distribution (Session II)
Chapter 18 :
Overview of Gas Automation
Chapter 19 : An Overview of Microelectronics
Chapter 20 : The Future Role of Sensor Technology in Gas Distribution Operations
Chapter 21 : Centralized Meter Reading : Past, Present, and Future
Chapter 22 : Data Accumulation and Communication
Chapter 23 : Electronic Volume Correction and Data Collection
Chapter 24 : Sonic Integrated Gas Measurement Assembly : A Real Time Measurement and Control Station
Chapter 25 : Justifying Automated Meter Reading Technology in the Gas Industry
Chapter 26 : Volume Correctors and Flow Computers
Chapter 27 : Selecting a Gas Scada System
Chapter 28 : Scada Systems in Gas Distribution from then, Til Now; Til Tomorrow : An Evolution of Metering
Chapter 29 : Radio-Transmitted, Microcomputer-based Telemeter Systems
Chapter 30 : Field Implementation of a Remote Meter Reading System
Chapter 31 : System Evolution in the Mature Scada Environment
Chapter 32 : Integration of Corporate Data Systems
Chapter 33 : Implementation of Automatic Meter Reading
Chapter 34 : Electronic Solutions to Meter Reading
Chapter 35 : Advanced Gas Distribution Research at IGT
Chapter 36 : A Low-Power Micro Data Processing and Control System Programmable on Site in Basic
Chapter 37 : How Microelectronics Saves Money on Gas Systems
Chapter 38 : Economics of Electronic Measurement
Chapter 39 : Real Time Measurement : A Canadian Gas Transmission Company Approach
Chapter 40 : The Cain Encoder™ - Automatic Meter Reading for the Real World
Chapter 41 : Distribution Robotics in the Gas Industry : Issues and Applications
