International Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2 Volume Set

Title: International Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2 Volume Set
Author: Frank N. Magill
ISBN: 8121919479 / 9788121919470
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1572
Publisher: S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Year: 1996
Availability: Out of Stock

Tab Article

This is a comprehensive encyclopedia that provides the general reader or student with an insight into the main topics and concerns of sociology. It contains 335 signed articles with a comprehensive glossary of terms, annotated bibliographies, and subject and general indices. A closing bibliography by Professor Alan Sica offers a context of general readings for the individual entries.

Tab Article

Volume – 1

Category List

Chapter 1. : Academic Freedom and Free Speech in The School
Chapter 2. : Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Chapter 3. : Adult Education
Chapter 4. : Affirmative Action
Chapter 5. : Age Grading and Age Stratification
Chapter 6. : Age Inequality : Functionalist Versus Conflict Theory Views
Chapter 7. : Ageism and The Ideology of Ageism
Chapter 8. : Aging and Retirement
Chapter 9. : Aging Process, The
Chapter 10. : Agrarian Economic Systems
Chapter 11. : Agricultural Revolution, The
Chapter 12. : Alcoholism
Chapter 13. : Alienation and Work
Chapter 14. : Alternatives to Traditional Schooling
Chapter 15. : Annihilation or Expulsion of Racial or Ethnic Groups
Chapter 16. : Anomie and Deviance
Chapter 17. : Antipoverty Programs
Chapter 18. : Anti-Semitism
Chapter 19. : Antiwar Movements
Chapter 20. : Apartheid
Chapter 21. : Arranged Marriages
Chapter 22. : Assimilation : The United States
Chapter 23. : Atheism and Agnosticism
Chapter 24. : Authoritarian and Totalitarian Governments
Chapter 25. : Authoritarian Personality Theory of Racism, The
Chapter 26. : Buddhism
Chapter 27. : Bureaucracies
Chapter 28. : Busing and Integration
Chapter 29. : Capital Punishment
Chapter 30. : Capitalism
Chapter 31. : Caste Systems
Chapter 32. : Causal Relationships
Chapter 33. : Censuses and Census Data
Chapter 34. : Child Abuse and Neglect
Chapter 35. : Children and Adolescents, Discrimination Against
Chapter 36. : Christianity
Chapter 37. : Church and African American Life, The
Chapter 38. : Churches, Denominations, and Sects
Chapter 39. : Cities : Preindustrial, Industrial, and Postindustrial
Chapter 40. : Civil Religion and Politics
Chapter 41. : Civil Rights Movement, The
Chapter 42. : Class Consciousness and Class Conflict
Chapter 43. : Cognitive Development : Piaget
Chapter 44. : Cold War, The
Chapter 45. : Collective Behavior
Chapter 46. : Communal Societies
Chapter 47. : Comparable Worth and Sex Segregation in The Workplace
Chapter 48. : Compulsory and Mass Education
Chapter 49. : Computers, Automation, and The Economy
Chapter 50. : Concentric Zone Model of Urban Growth, The
Chapter 51. : Conceptualization and Operationalization of Variables
Chapter 52. : Conflict Perspectives on Deviance
Chapter 53. : Conflict Theory
Chapter 54. : Confucianism and Taoism
Chapter 55. : Conquest and Annexation of Racial or Ethnic Groups
Chapter 56. : Corporations and Economic Concentration
Chapter 57. : Courts, The
Chapter 58. : Crime : Analysis and Overview
Chapter 59. : Criminal Justice System, The
Chapter 60. : Cross-Sectional Versus Longitudinal Studies
Chapter 61. : Crowds and Crowd Dynamics
Chapter 62. : Cults
Chapter 63. : Cultural and Structural Assimilation
Chapter 64. : Cultural Norms and Sanctions
Chapter 65. : Cultural Relativity Versus Ethnocentrism
Chapter 66. : Cultural Transmission Theory of Deviance
Chapter 67. : Culture : Material and Expressive Culture
Chapter 68. : Culture and Language
Chapter 69. : Culture and Technology
Chapter 70. : Day Care and The Family
Chapter 71. : Decriminalization
Chapter 72. : Deindustrialization in The United States
Chapter 73. : Deinstitutionalization of Mental Patients
Chapter 74. : Delinquency Prevention and Treatment
Chapter 75. : Democracy and Democratic Governments
Chapter 76. : Demographic Factors and Social Change
Chapter 77. : Demographic Transition Theory of Population Growth
Chapter 78. : Demography
Chapter 79. : Deprivation Theory of Social Movements
Chapter 80. : Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 81. : Deviance : Analysis and Overview
Chapter 82. : Deviance : Biological and Psychological Explanations
Chapter 83. : Deviance : Functions and Dysfunctions
Chapter 84. : Discrimination, Individual
Chapter 85. : Divorce, Causes of
Chapter 86. : Divorce, Effects of
Chapter 87. : Dramaturgy
Chapter 88. : Drug Use and Addiction
Chapter 89. : Education : Conflict Theory Views
Chapter 90. : Education : Functionalist Perspectives
Chapter 91. : Education : Manifest and Latent Functions
Chapter 92. : Educational Credentials and Social Mobility
Chapter 93. : Educational Inequality : The Coleman Report
Chapter 94. : Educational Vouchers and Tax Credits
Chapter 95. : Elderly and Institutional Care, The
Chapter 96. : Elderly and The Family, The
Chapter 97. : Embourgeoisement and Proletarianization
Chapter 98. : Endemic and Epidemic Diseases
Chapter 99. : Environment and Health, The
Chapter 100. : Environment and Social Change, The
Chapter 101. : Equal Educational Opportunity
Chapter 102. : Equality of Opportunity
Chapter 103. : Ethics and Politics in Social Research
Chapter 104. : Ethnic Enclaves
Chapter 105. : Ethnicity and Ethnic Groups
Chapter 106. : Ethnography
Chapter 107. : Ethnomethodology
Chapter 108. : Euthanasia
Chapter 109. : Exchange in Social Interaction
Chapter 110. : Experimentation in Sociological Research
Chapter 111. : Extramarital Sex
Chapter 112. : Fads, Fashions, and Crazes
Chapter 113. : Family : Functionalist Versus Conflict Theory Views, The
Chapter 114. : Family : Nontraditional Families, The
Chapter 115. : Feminization of Poverty, The
Chapter 116. : Fertility, Mortality, and The Crude Birthrate
Chapter 117. : Free Speech Movement, The
Chapter 118. : Frustration-Aggression Theory of Racism and Scapegoating, The
Chapter 119. : Functional Illiteracy
Chapter 120. : Functionalism
Chapter 121. : Gangs
Chapter 122. : Gay Liberation Movement, The
Chapter 123. : Discrimination Against Gays
Chapter 124. : Gender and Religion
Chapter 125. : Gender Inequality : Analysis and Overview
Chapter 126. : Gender Inequality : Biological Determinist Views
Chapter 127. : Gender Socialization
Chapter 128. : Germ Theory of Medicine, The
Chapter 129. : Graying of America, The
Chapter 130. : Health and Society
Chapter 131. : Health Care and Gender
Chapter 132. : Health Maintenance Organizations
Chapter 133. : High Culture Versus Popular Culture
Chapter 134. : Higher Education : Colleges and Universities
Chapter 135. : Higher Education : Community Colleges
Chapter 136. : Hippocratic Theory of Medicine, The
Chapter 137. : Homelessness
Chapter 138. : Horticultural Economic Systems
Chapter 139. : Hunting and Gathering Economic Systems
Chapter 140. : Hypotheses and Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 141. : Immigration and Emigration
Chapter 142. : Immigration to The United States
Chapter 143. : Incest Taboo, The
Chapter 144. : Industrial and Postindustrial Economies
Chapter 145. : Industrial Revolution and Mass Production, The
Chapter 146. : Industrial Societies
Chapter 147. : Industrial Sociology
Chapter 148. : Inequalities in Health
Chapter 149. : Inequalities in Political Power
Chapter 150. : Infant Mortality
Chapter 151. : Inferential Statistics
Chapter 152. : Inheritance Systems
Chapter 153. : Institutional Racism
Chapter 154. : Institutions and Total Institutions
Chapter 155. : Interactionism
Chapter 156. : Internal Colonialism
Chapter 157. : Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism
Chapter 158. : Judaism
Chapter 159. : Juvenile Delinquency : Analysis and Overview
Chapter 160. : Female Juvenile Delinquency
Chapter 161. : Labeling and Deviance
Chapter 162. : Legitimacy and Authority
Chapter 163. : Legitimation of Inequality : The Mass Media
Chapter 164. : Legitimation of Inequality : Religion
Chapter 165. : Leisure
Chapter 166. : Liberation Theology
Chapter 167. : Life Expectancy
Chapter 168. : Logical Inference : Deduction and Induction
Chapter 169. : Looking-Glass Self, The
Chapter 170. : Magnet Schools
Chapter 171. : Malthusian Theory of Population Growth
Chapter 172. : Marriage, Types of
Chapter 173. : Marxism
Chapter 174. : Mass Hysteria

Volume – 2

Chapter 175. : Mass Psychogenic Illness
Chapter 176. : Measures of Central Tendency
Chapter 177. : Measures of Variability
Chapter 178. : Medical Profession and The Medicalization of Society, The
Chapter 179. : Medical Sociology
Chapter 180. : Medical Versus Social Models of Illness
Chapter 181. : Medicalization of Deviance, The
Chapter 182. : Institution of Medicine, The
Chapter 183. : Microsociology
Chapter 184. : “Middleman” Minorities
Chapter 185. : Military-Industrial Complex, The
Chapter 186. : Millenarian Religious Movements
Chapter 187. : Minority and Majority Groups
Chapter 188. : Mobs, Riots, and Panics
Chapter 189. : “Model” Minorities
Chapter 190. : Modernization and World-System Theories
Chapter 191. : Monopolies and Oligopolies
Chapter 192. : Moral Development : Kohlberg
Chapter 193. : Moral Development : Piaget
Chapter 194. : Multinational Corporations and The Third World
Chapter 195. : Nation of Islam, The
Chapter 196. : Nation-State, The
Chapter 197. : National Health Insurance
Chapter 198. : New Towns and Planned Communities
Chapter 199. : Nuclear and Extended Families
Chapter 200. : Organ Transplantation
Chapter 201. : Organizations : Formal and Informal
Chapter 202. : Organized Crime
Chapter 203. : Paradigms and Theories
Chapter 204. : Parenthood and Child-Rearing Practices
Chapter 205. : Party Politics in The United States
Chapter 206. : Patriarchy Versus Matriarchy
Chapter 207. : Personality : Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral Components
Chapter 208. : Personality Development : Erikson
Chapter 209. : Personality Development : Freud
Chapter 210. : Pluralism Versus Assimilation
Chapter 211. : Police, The
Chapter 212. : Political Action Committees and Special Interest Groups
Chapter 213. : Political Influence by Religious Groups
Chapter 214. : Political Machines and Bosses
Chapter 215. : Political Socialization
Chapter 216. : Political Sociology
Chapter 217. : Population Growth and Population Control
Chapter 218. : Population Size and Human Ecology
Chapter 219. : Population Structure : Age and Sex Ratios
Chapter 220. : Pornography
Chapter 221. : Postindustrial Societies
Chapter 222. : Poverty : Analysis and Overview
Chapter 223. : Poverty, The Culture of
Chapter 224. : Poverty : Women and Children
Chapter 225. : Poverty and Race
Chapter 226. : Poverty Line and Counting The Poor, The
Chapter 227. : Power : The Pluralistic Model
Chapter 228. : Power Elite, The
Chapter 229. : Prejudice and Discrimination : Merton’s Paradigm
Chapter 230. : Prejudice and Stereotyping
Chapter 231. : Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sectors of The Economy
Chapter 232. : Prison and Recidivism
Chapter 233. : Prostitution
Chapter 234. : Protestant Ethic and Capitalism, The
Chapter 235. : Qualitative Research
Chapter 236. : Quantitative Research
Chapter 237. : Race and Racial Groups
Chapter 238. : Race Relations, Improving
Chapter 239. : Race Relations : The Race-Class Debate
Chapter 240. : Race Relations Cycle Theory of Assimilation, The
Chapter 241. : Racial and Ethnic Stratification
Chapter 242. : Racism as an Ideology
Chapter 243. : Rape
Chapter 244. : Religion : Beliefs, Symbols, and Rituals
Chapter 245. : Religion : Functionalist Analyses
Chapter 246. : Religion : Marxist and Conflict Theory Views
Chapter 247. : Religion Versus Magic
Chapter 248. : Religious Miracles and Visions
Chapter 249. : Remarriage and “Reconstituted” Families
Chapter 250. : Residence Patterns
Chapter 251. : Revolutions
Chapter 252. : Rites of Passage and Aging
Chapter 253. : Role Conflict and Role Strain
Chapter 254. : Romantic Love
Chapter 255. : Rumors and Urban Legends
Chapter 256. : Rural Societies
Chapter 257. : Samples and Sampling Techniques
Chapter 258. : School Desegregation
Chapter 259. : School Socialization
Chapter 260. : Secularization in Western Society
Chapter 261. : Segregation Versus Integration
Chapter 262. : Separation of Church and State, The
Chapter 263. : Sex Versus Gender
Chapter 264. : Sexism and Institutional Sexism
Chapter 265. : Sexual Orientation, Theories of
Chapter 266. : Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Chapter 267. : Significant and Generalized Others
Chapter 268. : Slavery
Chapter 269. : Small-Town Societies
Chapter 270. : Smoking and Cancer
Chapter 271. : Social Change : Evolutionary and Cyclical Theories
Chapter 272. : Social Change : Functionalism Versus Historical Materialism
Chapter 273. : Social Change : Sources of Change
Chapter 274. : Social Epidemiology
Chapter 275. : Social Gerontology
Chapter 276. : Social Groups
Chapter 277. : Social Mobility : Analysis and Overview
Chapter 278. : Social Mobility : Intergenerational Versus Intragenerational Mobility
Chapter 279. : Social Movements
Chapter 280. : Social Security and Issues of The Elderly
Chapter 281. : Social Stratification : Analysis and Overview
Chapter 282. : Social Stratification : Functionalist Perspectives
Chapter 283. : Social Stratification : Marxist Perspectives
Chapter 284. : Social Stratification : Modern Theories
Chapter 285. : Social Stratification : Weberian Perspectives
Chapter 286. : Socialism and Communism
Chapter 287. : Socialization : The Family
Chapter 288. : Socialization : The Mass Media
Chapter 289. : Socialization : Religion
Chapter 290. : Socialization and Reference Groups in Race Relations
Chapter 291. : Societies, Types of
Chapter 292. : Sociobiology and The Nature-Nurture Debate
Chapter 293. : Sociological Research : Description, Exploration, and Explanation
Chapter 294. : Sociology, The History of
Chapter 295. : Sociology Defined
Chapter 296. : Sociology of Education, The
Chapter 297. : Sociology of Knowledge, The
Chapter 298. : Sociology of Religion, The
Chapter 299. : Spouse Battering and Violence Against Women
Chapter 300. : Standardized Testing and IQ Testing Controversies
Chapter 301. : State : Functionalist Versus Conflict Perspectives, The
Chapter 302. : Statuses and Roles
Chapter 303. : Stereotyping and The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Chapter 304. : Structural-Strain Theory of Deviance, The
Chapter 305. : Structural-Strain Theory of Social Movements, The
Chapter 306. : Subcultures and Countercultures
Chapter 307. : Suburbanization and Decentralization
Chapter 308. : Suicide
Chapter 309. : Supernaturalism, Types of
Chapter 310. : Surveys
Chapter 311. : Symbolic Interaction
Chapter 312. : Technology and Social Change
Chapter 313. : Terrorism and Politics
Chapter 314. : Tracking and Inequality in Education
Chapter 315. : Traditional, Charismatic, and Rational-Legal Authority
Chapter 316. : Triangulation
Chapter 317. : Two-Career Families
Chapter 318. : Unemployment and Poverty
Chapter 319. : Uniform Crime Reports and Crime Data
Chapter 320. : Unionization and Industrial Labor Relations
Chapter 321. : Unobtrusive Research
Chapter 322. : Urban Planning : Major Issues
Chapter 323. : Urban Renewal and Gentrification
Chapter 324. : Urban Underclass and The Rural Poor, The
Chapter 325. : Urbanization
Chapter 326. : Validity and Reliability in Measurement
Chapter 327. : Values and Value Systems
Chapter 328. : Victimless Crime
Chapter 329. : Violence in The Family
Chapter 330. : War and Revolution
Chapter 331. : Welfare and Workfare
Chapter 332. : White-Collar and Corporate Crime
Chapter 333. : Women in The Labor Force
Chapter 334. : Women in The Medical Profession
Chapter 335. : Women’s Movement, The
Chapter 336. : Workplace Socialization
Chapter 337. : Xenophobia, Nativism, and Eugenics
Chapter 338. : Zero Population Growth
