International Human Resource Management : Text and Cases

Title: International Human Resource Management : Text and Cases
Author: K. Aswathapp, Sadhna Dash
ISBN: 0070656126 / 9780070656123
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 320
Publisher: TMH
Year: 2011
Availability: In Stock

Tab Article

HRM is offered as an elective course in PG management programs for the HR/OB stream. This book would cater to this segment of the market.

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  • Separate chapter on Multiculturalism
  • Cases on organizations
  • Concepts reinforced with examples
  • Sound pedagogical approach
  • Learning objectives
  • Opening cases
  • Lot of diagrams/tables/examples in body text
  • Summary
  • Closing case
  • Review Questions
  • References

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Section I
Chapter 1 :
Global Perspective
Chapter 2 : Multiculturalism

Section II
Chapter 3 :
Nature of IHRM
Chapter 4 : Strategic International HRM
Chapter 5 : HRM in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions

Section III
Chapter 6 :
Staffing for International Business
Chapter 7 : Training and Development
Chapter 8 : Performance Management
Chapter 9 : Compensation
Chapter 10 : Repatriation
Chapter 11 : Industrial Relations

Section IV
Chapter 12 :
Ethics and Social Responsibility
