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International Law, (6 Volume Set)

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Title: International Law, (6 Volume Set)
Author: Alan Nissel, Joseph Weiler
ISBN: 0415400279 / 9780415400275
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 3536
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2011
Availability: 45-60 days
  • Description
  • Contents

This Critical Concepts series (a Routledge Major Work) is an anthology of influential works on international law. The collection covers the principal facets of both classical and contemporary international law. In making their selection, J.H.H. Weiler and Alan T. Nissel consulted with a wide range of experts and chose those pieces that in their view both shaped the field and have illuminated its contours. These articles have, or are expected to have, considerable "staying power."

By juxtaposing classical with more contemporary articles, this anthology illustrates the motion of international law—the evolution of doctrine, practice and historiography of the field. The series begins with a consideration of the fundamental systemic (Volume I) and conceptual (Volumes II and III ) features of International Law. It then maps out substantive aspects (Volumes IV and V). The collection concludes (Volume VI) with what the authors call "multi-inter-disciplinary" approaches to the field.

Volume 1 : An Overview of The System

Part 1 : The Politics of International Law
Chapter 1 :
"The Need of Popular Understanding of International Law," 1 American Journal of International Law 1
Chapter 2 : "The Politics of International Law," 1(1) European Journal of International Law 1 (1990)

Part 2 : History of International Law
Chapter 3 : 
"Introduction," in The Epochs of International Law
Chapter 4 : "International Law and The Nineteenth Century : History of an Illusion,"
Chapter 5 : "Finding The Peripheries : Sovereignty and Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century International Law," 40 Harvard International Law Journal 1 (1999)

Part 3 : The Concept of International Law
Chapter 6 :
"International Law" in The Concept of Law 213
Chapter 7 : "Towards Normative Relativity in International Law," 77 American Journal of International Law 413 (1988)

Part 4 : International Law and its Self-Identity
Chapter 8 :
"The New International Law : Protection of The Rights of Individuals raTher than States," 32 American University Law Review 1 (1982)
Chapter 9 : "From Bilateralism to Community Interest in International Law," 250 Recueil des Cours 217
Chapter 10 : "WhiTher The International Community," 9(2) European Journal of International Law 248 (1998)

Part 5 : International Governance & Global Administrative Law
Chapter 11 :
Benedict Kingsbury, Nico Krisch, & Richard B : Stewart, The Emergence of Global Administrative Law, 68 Law & Contemporary Problems 15 (2005).

Part 6 : Epilogue
Chapter 12 :
"The Geology of International Law – Governance, Democracy and Legitimacy," 64 Heidelberg Journal of International Law 547 (2004)

Volume 2 : Fundamentals of International Law I

Part 7 : International Law-Making and The Sources of International Law
Chapter 13 :
"The Consent of States and The Sources of The Law of Nations," 6 British Year Book of International Law 20 (1925)
Chapter 14 : "The World Constitutive Process of Authoritative Decision," in International Law Essays : A Supplement to International Law in Contemporary Perspective 191
Chapter 15 : "Transnational Legal Process," 75 Nebraska Law Review 181
Chapter 16 : "On The Obligation of Treaties : A Paper Presented to The Association for The Reform and Codification of The Law of Nations, At Antwerp, Sept : 1877" 3 Law Magazine and Review; A Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, and Quarterly Digest of All Reported Cases 91-103
Chapter 17 : "Custom as a Source of International Law," 47 British Year Book International Law 1
Chapter 18 : "Custom," in Change and Stability in International Law-Making 1
Chapter 19 : "The Challenge of Soft Law : Development and Change in International Law," 38 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 850

Part 8 : International Personality : States
Chapter 20 :
"The Creation of States in International Law," 48 British Year Book of International Law 93
Chapter 21 : International Personality : Real and OTher Legal Persons
Chapter 22 : "Legal Personality : The Concept of Legal Personality," 11 Ius Gentium 35
Chapter 23 : "A 'New' Vienna Convention on Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations : A Critical Commentary," 58 British Year Book of International Law 253

Part 9 : Territory, Sovereignty and Self-Determination
Chapter 24 :
"Introduction," in The Acquisition of Territory in International Law 1-15
Chapter 25 : "Sovereignty," 2 British Year Book of International Law 122
Chapter 26 : " Sovereignty and Inequality," 9 European Journal of International Law 599
Chapter 27 : "The Diffusion of Sovereignty : Self-Determination in The Post-Colonial Age," 32 Stanford Journal of International Law 255
Chapter 28 : "Self-Determination in a Post-Colonial World," in Modern Law of Self-Determination

Volume 3 : Fundamentals of International Law II

Part 10 : The Relationship between Domestic and International Law
Chapter 29 :
"Modern Constitutions and International Law," 192 Recueil des Cours 341-476
Chapter 30 : "International Law in National Courts : The International Rule of Law and The Limits of The Internationalist Model," 44 Virginia Journal of International Law 19
Chapter 31 : "Reclaiming Democracy : The Strategic Uses of Foreign and International Law by National Courts," 102 American Journal of International Law 241

Part 11 : Jurisdiction
Chapter 32 :
"Jurisdiction in International Law," 46 British Yearbook of International law 145

Part 12 : Dispute Resolution
Chapter 33 :
"Introduction," in The Law and Practice of The International Court of Justice
Chapter 34 : "Trashing Customary International Law," 81 American Journal of International Law 101
Chapter 35 : "Legalized Dispute Resolution : Interstate and Transnational," 54(3) International Organization 457
Chapter 36 : "The Impact on The International Legal System of The Growth of International Courts and Tribunals," 31 New York University Journal of International Law & Politics 697 (1999)

Part 13 : State Responsibility for Violations of International Law
Chapter 37 :
International Law Commission Special Rapporteur Roberto Ago, "Review of previous work on codification of The topic of The international responsibility of States," United Nations Document A/CN.4/217.
Chapter 38 : International Law Commission Special Rapporteur James Crawford, "Introduction," in The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility : Introduction, Text and Commentaries 1-60
Chapter 39 : "State Responsibility and The Unmaking of International Law," 29 Harvard International Law Journal 1

Part 14 : Democracy, Legitimacy and Pluralism
Chapter 40 :
"International Integration and Democracy : No Love at First Sight," 95 American Journal of International Law 489
Chapter 41 : "International law, Democracy and The End of History," , Democratic Governance and International Law 532
Chapter 42 : "Legitimacy in The International System," 82 American Journal of International Law 705
Chapter 43 : "Universalism and Particularism as Paradigms of International Law," International Law and Justice Working Papers 2008/3, History and Theory of International Law Series : New York University School of Law, New York 2008

Part 15 : Globalization
Chapter 44 :
"Disaggregated Sovereignty : Towards The Public Accountability of Global Government Networks, 39 Government & Opposition 159

Volume 4 : International Law in and of Peace

Part 16 : International Institutional Law
Chapter 45 :
"Introduction," in The Charter of The United Nations : A Commentary 1
Chapter 46 : "Statecraft, Trade and The Order of States," 6 Chicago Journal of International Law 725

Part 17 : Law of The Sea
Chapter 47 :
"The Rule of Law and The United Nations Convention on The Law of The Sea," 7 European Journal of International Law 353
Chapter 48 : "Power Sharing in The Law of The Sea," 77 American Journal of International Law 1

Part 18 : International Environmental Law
Chapter 49 :
"Environmental Security and Global Change : The Challenge to International Law" 1 Year Book of International Environmental Law 3
Chapter 50 : "The Environment, Community and International Law," 30 Harvard International Law Journal 393

Part 19 : International Economic Law
Chapter 51 :
"Economic Integration : New Forms of Partnership," in Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, Perspectives On Peace, 1910-1960 97
Chapter 52 : "The Transformation of Europe," 100 Yale Law Journal 2403
Chapter 53 : "From Politics to Technocracy -- And Back Again : The Fate of The Multilateral Trading Regime," 96 American Journal of International Law 94

Part 20 : Protection of Private Investments under Public International Law
Chapter 54 :
"Why LDCs Sign Treaties that Hurt Them : Explaining The Popularity of Bilateral Investment Treaties, 38 Virginia Journal of International Law 639

Part 21 : Social Dimension of International Law
Chapter 55 :
"Core Labour Standards' and The Transformation of The International Labour Rights Regime," 15(3) European Journal of International Law 457
Chapter 56 : "Core Labour Rights – The True Story (Reply to Alston)," 16(3) European Journal of International Law 437
Chapter 57 : "International Law and The Legitimate Determination of Risk : Is Democratising Expertise The Answer?," 38 Victoria University Wellington Law Review 363

Part 22 : Human Rights
Chapter 58 :
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" 25 British Year Book of International Law 354
Chapter 59 :  "The Changing Fortunes of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights : Genesis and Symbolic Dimensions of The Turn to Rights in International Law," 19(5) European Journal of International Law 903
Chapter 60 : "Address to The United Nations General Assembly of 18 April 2008," 19(5) European Journal of International Law 920
Chapter 61 : "Justice and Human Rights : Reflections on The Address of Pope Benedict to The UN," 19(5) European Journal of International Law 925

Part 23 : Consular Law and Diplomatic Immunity
Chapter 62 :
"International Law Immunities and The International Criminal Court," 98 American Journal of International Law 407

Part 24 : Neutrality
Chapter 63 :
"The Law of Peace," 4 British YearBook of International Law 153
Chapter 64 : "The Traditional Legal Concept of Neutrality in a Changing Environment," 14 American University International Law Review 83

Volume 5 : International Law in and of War

Part 25 : When States Go to War
Chapter 65 :
"The Right of States to Use Armed Force," 82 Michigan Law Review 1620
Chapter 66 : "Who Killed Article 2(4)?" 2(4) American Journal of International Law 809
Chapter 67 : "The Use of Force in Self-Defence," (1961) British Year Book of International Law 183
Chapter 68 : "Brief Remarks on The Unilateral Use of Force," 11(2) European Journal of International Law 385
Chapter 69 : "The Resistance in Afghanistan is Engaged in a War of National Liberation," 81Stephen M : Schwebel,  American Journal of International Law 906

Part 26 : Conquest and Occupation
Chapter 70 :
"What Weight to Conquest?" 64 American Journal of International Law 344
Chapter 71 : "Prolonged Military Occupation : The Israeli-Occupied Territories since 1967," 84 American Journal of International Law 44

Part 27 : Proxy-Wars, Terrorism and Non-State Actors
Chapter 72 :
"Terrorism is Also Disrupting Some Crucial Legal Categories of International Law," 12 European Journal of International Law 993
Chapter 73 : "Introduction" in Terrorism and The State : Rethinking The Rules of State Responsibility 1

Part 28 : International Humanitarian and Criminal Law
Chapter 74 :
"Introduction," in The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 : Commentary, 9-16
Chapter 75 : "The Legitimation of Violence : A Critical History of The Laws of War," 35 Harvard International Law Journal 49
Chapter 76 : "The Distinctions Between War Crimes and Crimes Against Peace," 24 Israel Year Book on Human Rights 1
Chapter 77 : "Nuremberg Revisited : The Tadic Case," 7(2) European Journal of International Law 245
Chapter 78 : "Collective and Individual Responsibility for Acts of State in International Law," The Jewish Year Book of International Law 26
Chapter 79 : "The Relationship Between Ius ad Bellum and Ius in Bello," 9 Review of International Studies 221
Chapter 80 : "Do We Need An International Criminal Court?" 8 British Year Book of International Law 81
Chapter 81 : "The Time Has Come for an International Criminal Court," 1 Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 1

Part 29 : Weapons of Mass Destruction
Chapter 82 :
"Faith, Identity, and The Killing of The Innocent : International Lawyers and Nuclear Weapons" 10 Leiden Journal of International Law 137

Volume 6 : International Law AND

Part 30 : The OTher
Chapter 83 :
"Feminist Approaches to International Law," 85 American Journal of International Law 613

Part 31 : Economics
Chapter 84 :
"Economic Analysis of International Law," 24 Yale Journal of International Law 1
Chapter 85 : "A Theory of Customary International Law," 66 University of Chicago Law Review 1113

Part 32 : Literature
Chapter 86 :
"Shakespeare’s Henry The Fifth and The Law of War," 86 American Journal of International Law 1
Chapter 87 : "Ideals and Things : International Legal Scholarship and The Prison-House of Language," 26 Harvard International Law Journal 327

Part 33 : Philosophy
Chapter 88 :
"The 'Modern' Theory of Natural Law," in The Languages of Political Theory in Early-Modern Europe
Chapter 89 : "On The Pure Theory of Law," 1 Israel Law Review 1

Part 34 : Politics

Part 35 : Psychology
Chapter 90 :
"Law and The Postmodern Mind : Interwar German Theories of International Law : The Psychoanalytical and Phenomenological Perspectives of Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt," 16 Cardozo Law Review 1235

Part 36 : Religion
Chapter 91 :
Conflict of Interests : International Law in a Divided World
Chapter 92 : "Equality or Equivalence : A Very Brief Survey of Lex Talionis as a Concept of Justice in The Bible," in Barry Wimpfheimer (ed.), Wisdom of Batsheva : Essays in Memory of Dr : Beth Samuels

Part 37 : Sociology
Chapter 93 :
"Introduction," in How Nations Behave : Law and Foreign Policy
Chapter 94 : "Book Review : How Nations Behave," 21(1) Harvard International Law Journal 301
Chapter 95 : "The Sociology of International Economic Law : Sociological Analysis of The Regulation of Regional Agreements in The World Trading System," 19(2) European Journal of International Law 277

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