Jihad and Martyrdom, (4 Volume Set)

Title: Jihad and Martyrdom, (4 Volume Set)
Author: David Cook
ISBN: 0415476232 / 9780415476232
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1568
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2009
Availability: 45-60 days

Tab Article

Jihad (or ‘struggle’) and martyrdom in Islam have an ever-greater relevance in today’s world, but there remains a great deal of ignorance about these critical concepts. This new four-volume collection from Routledge brings together a broad range of scholarly opinion to provide a work of reference to assist students and researchers who wish to unravel and understand the many historical constructions of jihadism and martyrology.

Volume I contains material on classical and pre-modern manifestations of jihad, focusing on the early Islamic conquests and the development of the concepts of jihad both in the field and within the legal literature up to and including the period of the Crusades (1099–1291). Volume II, meanwhile, explores alternative analyses of jihad, such as Sufi interpretations of the ‘greater jihad’, Shi’ite interpretations of jihad, and the martyrology of both groups. Volume III focuses on colonial and near-contemporary manifestations of jihad, including alternative versions, such as those of the Bahais and the Ahmadis that radically reinterpret the concept, and anti-colonial jihadi movements in Africa, the Middle East, Russia, India, and Southeast Asia. The final volume in the collection deals with contemporary thinking about jihad and radical Islam, concentrating on the legal discussion of contemporary radical Muslim tactics, the development of jihadi mythologies, the ideological tensions within the Salafi jihadi world, and the emergence of contemporary Shi’ite interpretations of jihad.

With a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, Jihad and Martyrdom is an essential collection and is destined to be valued by all scholars and students of Islam as a vital one-stop research resource.

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Volume I

Chapter 1 :
Jihad, Encyclopedia of The Qur’an
Chapter 2 : Disparity and Resolution in The Qur’anic Teachings on War : A Reconsideration’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Chapter 3 : Land Property and Jihad’, Journal of The Economic and Social History of The Orient
Chapter 4 : Some Observations Concerning The Early Development of Jihad on The Arab-Byzantine Frontier’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 5 : Muslim Apocalyptic and Jihad’, Jerusalem Studies in Arab and Islam
Chapter 6 : Privatized Jihad and Public Order in The Pre-Seljuq Period : The Role of The Mutatawwi’a’, Iranian Studies
Chapter 7 : Ja’a’il and Holy War in Early Islam’, Der Islam
Chapter 8 : Martyrdom, Suicide and The Islamic Law of War : A Short Legal History’, Fordham International Law Journal
Chapter 9 : Jihad in Twelfth-Century Arabic Poetry : A Moral and Religious Force to Counter The Crusades’, Muslim World
Chapter 10 : Jihad in The Period 493–569/1100–1174’, The Crusades : Islamic Perspectives
Chapter 11 : Jihad in The Period from The Death of Nur al-Din until The Fall of Acre’, The Crusades : Islamic Perspectives
Chapter 12 : The Impact of Ibn Taimiyya on South Asia’, Journal of Islamic Studies
Chapter 13 : Mahdism and Holy War in Ethiopia before 1600’, Proceedings of The Seminar for Arabian Studies

Volume II

Chapter 14 :
The Development of The Imami Shi’i Doctrine of Jihad’, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
Chapter 15 : Ahkam Al-Bughat : Irregular Warfare and The Law of Rebellion in Islam, Cross, Crescent and Sword : The Justification and Limitation of War in Western and Islamic Tradition
Chapter 16 : Karbala Made Immediate : The Martyr as Model in Imami Shi’ism’, Muslim World
Chapter 17 : The Jihad of The Falasifa’, Jerusalem Studies in Arab and Islam
Chapter 18 : The Martyrdom of Passionate Lovers : Holy War as a Sacred Wedding, Myths, Historical Archetypes and Symbolic Figures in Arabic Literature : Towards a New Hermeneutic Approach, Proceedings of The International Symposium in Beirut
Chapter 19 : The Babi Concept of Holy War’, Religion
Chapter 20 : Al-Jihad al-akbar : Notes on a Theme in Islamic Spirituality’, Muslim World
Chapter 21 : Ahmadi Jihad’, Prophecy Continuous
Chapter 22 : Hizbullah and Martyrdom’, Orient
Chapter 23 : Mayhem, Myths and Martyrdom : The Shi’a Conception of Jihad’, Terrorism and Political Violence
Chapter 24 : Iranische Märtyrtestemente’, Die Welt des Islams

Volume III

Chapter 25 :
Contested Territory : Ottoman Holy War in Comparative Perspective’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 26 : The Almohad Revolution and The Mahdi Ibn Tumart’, Messianism and Puritanical Reform
Chapter 27 : Socio-Economic Dimensions of Reconquista and Jihad in Morocco : Portuguese Dukkala and The Sa’dids 1450–1557’, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Chapter 28 : A Nineteenth-Century View of Jihad’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 29 : Religious Suicide in Islamic Asia : Anticolonialist Terrorism in India, Indonesia and The Philippines’, Journal of Conflict Resolution
Chapter 30 : The Jihad of Sayyid Ahmad Shahid’, Muslim World
Chapter 31 : The Beginnings of The Naqshbandiyya in Daghestan and The Russian Conquest of The Caucasus’, Die Welt des Islams
Chapter 32 : Khalidiyya Networks in Daghestan and The Question of Jihad’, Die Welt des Islams
Chapter 33 : Jihad fi sabil Allah - Its Doctrinal Basis in Islam and Some Aspects of its Evolution in Nineteenth-Century West Africa’, Journal of African History
Chapter 34 : The Realm of Justice : Apocalyptic Revolts in Algeria 1849–79’, Humaniora Islamica
Chapter 35 : The Wathiqat ahl al-sudan : A Manifesto of The Fulani Jihad’, Journal of African History
Chapter 36 : Jihad, Ilm and Tasawwuf - Two Justifications of Action from The Idrisi Tradition’, Studia Islamica
Chapter 37 : Al-Hajj Umar Tal and His Jihad in Guinea, Senegal, and Mali’, Muslim BroTherhoods in Nineteenth-Century Africa
Chapter 38 : Sayyid Muhammad Abdullah Hasan of Somalia’, Muslim BroTherhoods in Nineteenth-Century Africa
Chapter 39 : Understanding Jihad : Definitions and Methodology’, Islamic Quarterly
Chapter 40 : Jihad and Traditional Islamic Consciousness’, Islamic Quarterly
Chapter 41 : Jihad : Modernist Apologists, Modernist Apologetics’, Islamic Quarterly
Chapter 42 : Jihad : Sacred Struggle in Islam (IV)’, Islamic Quarterly

Volume IV

Chapter 43 :
Just War, Jihad and Terrorism : A Comparison of Western and Islamic Norms for The Use of Political Violence’, Journal of Church and State
Chapter 44 : What is "Islamic Fundamentalism"?’, Studies in Religion
Chapter 45 : Anatomy of The Salafi Movement’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Chapter 46 : The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism’, American Political Science Review
Chapter 47 : Suicide Terrorism, Occupation and The Globalization of Martyrdom : A Critique of Dying to Win’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Chapter 48 : The Implications of Martyrdom Operations for Contemporary Islam’, Journal for Religious Ethics
Chapter 49 : Domestic Terrorism in The Islamic Legal Tradition’, Muslim World
Chapter 50 : The Female Jihadist : Al-Qaeda’s Women’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Chapter 51 : Fatwa and War : On The Allegiance of The American Muslim Soldiers in The Aftermath of September 11’, Islamic Law and Society
Chapter 52 : The Making of a Martyr : Chechen Suicide Terrorism’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Chapter 53 : The Changing Course of The Kashmiri Struggle : From National Liberation to Islamist Jihad?’, Muslim World
Chapter 54 : Palestinian Suicide Terrorism in The Second Intifada : Motivations and Organizational Aspects’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Chapter 55 : Martyrdom Mythology in Iraq’, Suicide Bombers in Iraq : The Strategy and Ideology of Martyrdom
Chapter 56 : Imam Samudra’s Justification for The Bali Bombings’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Chapter 57 : From a Counter-Society to a Counter-State Movement : Jemaah Islamiyah According to PUPJI’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Chapter 58 : The Intellectual Roots of Islamic Radicalism in Indonesia : Jafar Umar Thalib of Laskar Jihad (Jihad Fighters) and his Educational Background’, Muslim World