Kicks and Blowout Control

Title: Kicks and Blowout Control
Author: Larry Kuhlman, Neal Adams
ISBN: 0878144196 / 9780878144198
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 483
Publisher: Fire Engineering
Year: 1994
Availability: Out of Stock

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Kicks & Blowout Control is the most complete book available on kicks, blowouts, and related well control topics. It contains state-of the-art kick handling procedures and is the most advanced and complete reference on blow-outs. No other book in today's industry offers the comprehensive nature of this text.
The book is comprehensive on well control issues. Some included are as follows:

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Basic and advanced kick control
BOP and related equipment
Deepwater well control (to 4000m)
Kicks while running casing or cementing
Stripping and snubbing
Kicks with pipe out of the hole
Handling drill pipe under pressure
Well control with MWDs or motors in the drill string
Horizontal well control
Hydrogen sulfide kicks
Shallow gas handling
Kicks with oil base muds
Ultra-slim hole well control
Shearing drill pipe
Blowout contingency planning
Well capping
Relief wells
Underground blowouts
What Causes blowouts

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Chapter 1 Well Control Equipment
Chapter 2 Well Control Procedures and Principles
Chapter 3 Special Problems
Chapter 4 Blowouts