Landslides in Research, Theory and Practice

Title: Landslides in Research, Theory and Practice
Author: Eddie Bromhead, Maia-Laura Ibsen, Neil Dixon
ISBN: 0727728725 / 9780727728722
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 1728
Publisher: Thomas Telford
Year: 2000
Availability: Out of Stock

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This valuable three volume set of publications contains vital information from throughout the world on landslide and slope instability problems.

Every four years the worlds leading scientists and engineers dealing with landslides, have the opportunity to meet up and engage in the exchange of ideas and experiences at a symposium run under the auspices of ISSMGE Technical Committee 11. These volumes, taken from the 8th symposium in the series, detail investigations into landslide causes, mechanisms and hazards, together with accounts of monitoring and mapping. Also covered is slope instability in response to rainfall and variations in groundwater.

Sometimes human interference in the natural environment is the cause of slope instability. There are a number of papers on this aspect, especially relating landslide activity to dams and reservoirs. Descriptions of natural processes and landslide events are complemented by descriptions of methods of landslide stabilization with detailed case records of the performance of the works.

These three volumes contain contributions from the world`s leading landslide authorities, providing invaluable information for anyone involved in this important field of engineering.

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Chapter 1 : Monitoring and Modelling of Unsaturated Flow and Effects on Stream-bank Failures
Chapter 2 : Coastal Protection in a Proposed World Heritage Site
Chapter 3 : Numerical Modelling of Slopes Surrounding Ignimbrite Plateaux
Chapter 4 : The Stabilisation of the A4061 at Foel Goch Landslide
Chapter 5 : The Influence of Mining on the Bolsover Landslide
Chapter 6 : Soliflucted Deposits in the Vicinity of Belfast
Chapter 7 : Rock Mechanics Studies to Analyse Toppling Failure
Chapter 8 : Conformities of Creeping Development in the East of the Russian Plain
Chapter 9 : Evaluation of Rock Slope Stability using Fuzzy Logic
Chapter 10 : Quantitative Landslide Analysis Using Archive Airborne Thematic Mapper Imagery
Chapter 11 : Stabilisation of an Oversteepened Slope by Means of Balanced Multiple Remediation
Chapter 12 : On the Use of Multiphase Modelling to Simulate the Initiation of Slope Movement
Chapter 13 : Application of Probability-Determined Accounts of Slope Stability
Chapter 14 : The Landslide Environment of Great Britain
Chapter 15 : Long-term Performance of Wells and Bored Drains Used in Landslide Remediation
Chapter 16 : Predicting Furture Landslides with Remotely Sensed Imagery
Chapter 17 : Influence of Drying and Wetting History on the stability of Unsaturated soil slopes
Chapter 18 : In-situ shear and Pull-Out Testing to Demonstrate the Enhanced Shear Strength of Root Reinforced Soil
Chapter 19 : A Novel Approach to the Modelling of Deep Complex Landslides with Several Sliding Planes
Chapter 20 : Risk Assessment and Quantification of Slope Conditions Based Upon Site Inspection Surveys
Chapter 21 : Specific Character of the Multistory Landslide Mechanism
Chapter 22 : Feedback Effects pf Rainfall-Triggered Shallow Landsliding
Chapter 23 : Otira Gorge Rock Avalanche
Chapter 24 : Slope Stability Analysis in soft Rocks
Chapter 25 : Rigid Formations Over Plastic Substratum : Modelling of a Lateral Spread in Central Italy
Chapter 26 : Methods for General Stability Analysis
Chapter 27 : Mechanisms of Failure of Complex Landslides : A Numerical Modelling Perspective
Chapter 28 : The 2 July 1997 Lai Ping Road Landslide, Hong Kong - Assessment of Landslide Mechanism
Chapter 29 : The Importance of Risk in Assessing Slope Stability in a Multilayered Medium
Chapter 30 : Possibility of Analysis of Landslide's Background by Application of Energy Approach to Particle Crushing
Chapter 31 : Mechanism of a Long Run-out Landslide Triggered by Heavy Rainfall in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Chapter 32 : The effects of Waste Water Disposal on Slope Stability
Chapter 33 : Theory of Geodynamic field and Landslides Stress Strain
Chapter 34 : Rainfall Triggering of Landslides in the Area North of Lisbon (Portugal)
Chapter 35 : Landslide Mechanism and Stability Research of the Rock Slope
