Leaders who changed the World

Title: Leaders who changed the World
Author: Gordon Kerr
ISBN: 0708801625 / 9780708801628
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 509
Publisher: A Futura Book
Year: 2009
Availability: Out of Stock

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It takes charisma and inspiration to lead any group of people, be it a family, a community or a nation. It requires truly miraculous skills to go on leading people even after your death. Throughout history there have been only a handful of people capable of this form of leadership. They includesus Christ, Moses, Mohammed and Buddha, without whom the major religions of this world simply would not exist. LEADERS WHO CHANGED THE WORLD explores the lives and careers of such extraordinary individuals as Confucious, Mahatma Gandhi, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Nelson Mandela. Some have slogged and suffered in order to change the world for the better, others like Adolf Hitler or Osama Bin Laden have only succeeded in damaging humanity. What does it take to become a great leader?

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Part I : The Ancient World
Chapter 1 : Plato
Chapter 2 : Buddha
Chapter 3 : Pericles
Chapter 4 : Alexander The Great
Chapter 5 : Hannibal
Chapter 6 : Julius Caesar
Chapter 7 : Jesus Christ
Chapter 8 : Boudicca
Chapter 9 : Marcus Aurelius
Chapter 10 : Emperor Hadrian
Chapter 11 : Attila The Hun
Chapter 12 : Hatshepsut

Part II : Medieval & Renaissance
Chapter 13 : Muhammad
Chapter 14 : Charlemagne
Chapter 15 : Alfred The Great
Chapter 16 : Genghis Khan
Chapter 17 : Robert The Bruce
Chapter 18 : Tamerlane
Chapter 19 : Joan of Arc
Chapter 20 : Isabella I
Chapter 21 : Queen Elizabeth I
Chapter 22 : Sir Francis Drake
Chapter 23 : Mary Queen of Scots

Part III : The Enlightened World
Chapter 24 : Nzinga Mbande
Chapter 25 : Cardinal Richelieu
Chapter 26 : Oliver Cromwell
Chapter 27 : Peter The Great
Chapter 28 : Catherine The Great
Chapter 29 : Voltaire
Chapter 30 : George Washington
Chapter 31 : Maximilien de Robespierre
Chapter 32 : Shaka Zulu

Part IV : The Nineteenth Century
Chapter 33 : Thomas Jefferson
Chapter 34 : Horatio Nelson
Chapter 35 : Duke of Wellington
Chapter 36 : Napoleon Bonaparte
Chapter 37 : Simón Bolívar
Chapter 38 : Queen Victoria
Chapter 39 : Jesse James
Chapter 40 : Butch Cassidy
Chapter 41 : Guiseppe Garibaldi
Chapter 42 : Abraham Lincoln
Chapter 43 : Karl Marx
Chapter 44 : Otto von Bismarck
Chapter 45 : Chief Sitting Bull
Chapter 46 : Lili’uokalani, Queen of Hawaii
Chapter 47 : Crazy Horse

Part V : The Modern World
Chapter 48 : Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano
Chapter 49 : Al Capone
Chapter 50 : Emmeline Pankhurst
Chapter 51 : Golda Meir
Chapter 52 : Mahatma Gandhi
Chapter 53 : Winston Churchill
Chapter 54 : Fidel Castro
Chapter 55 : Lech Walesa
Chapter 56 : Franklin D. Roosevelt
Chapter 57 : Indira Gandhi
Chapter 58 : Eva Perón
Chapter 59 : Vladimir Ilych Lenin
Chapter 60 : Joseph Stalin
Chapter 61 : General George C. Marshall
Chapter 62 : Adolf Hitler
Chapter 63 : Charles de Gaulle
Chapter 64 : Mikhail Gorbachev
Chapter 65 : Martin Luther King
Chapter 66 : Ho Chi Minh
Chapter 67 : Mao Zedong
Chapter 68 : Nelson Mandela
Chapter 69 : John F. Kennedy
Chapter 70 : Margaret Thatcher
Chapter 71 : Osama bin Laden
Chapter 72 : Barack Obama