Machinery Condition Monitoring : Principles and Practices

Title: Machinery Condition Monitoring : Principles and Practices
Author: Amiya Ranjan Mohanty
ISBN: 1466593040 / 9781466593046
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 282
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2015
Availability: Out of Stock
Special Indian Edition.

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Find the Fault in the Machines

Drawing on the author’s more than two decades of experience with machinery condition monitoring and consulting for industries in India and abroad, Machinery Condition Monitoring: Principles and Practices introduces the practicing engineer to the techniques used to effectively detect and diagnose faults in machines. Providing the working principle behind the instruments, the important elements of machines as well as the technique to understand their conditions, this text presents every available method of machine fault detection occurring in machines in general, and rotating machines in particular.

A Single-Source Solution for Practice Machinery Conditioning Monitoring

Since vibration is one of the most widely used fault detection techniques, the book offers an assessment of vibration analysis and rotor-dynamics. It also covers the techniques of wear and debris analysis, and motor current signature analysis to detect faults in rotating mechanical systems as well as thermography, the nondestructive test NDT techniques (ultrasonics and radiography), and additional methods. The author includes relevant case studies from his own experience spanning over the past 20 years, and detailing practical fault diagnosis exercises involving various industries ranging from steel and cement plants to gas turbine driven frigates. While mathematics is kept to a minimum, he also provides worked examples and MATLAB® codes.

This book contains 15 chapters and provides topical information that includes:

  • A brief overview of the maintenance techniques
  • Fundamentals of machinery vibration and rotor dynamics
  • Basics of signal processing and instrumentation, which are essential for monitoring the health of machines
  • Requirements of vibration monitoring and noise monitoring
  • Electrical machinery faults
  • Thermography for condition monitoring
  • Techniques of wear debris analysis and some of the nondestructive test (NDT) techniques for condition monitoring like ultrasonics and radiography
  • Machine tool condition monitoring
  • Engineering failure analysis
  • Several case studies, mostly on failure analysis, from the author’s consulting experience

Machinery Condition Monitoring: Principles and Practices presents the latest techniques in fault diagnosis and prognosis, provides many real-life practical examples, and empowers you to diagnose the faults in machines all on your own.

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About the Author

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Principles of Maintenance
Chapter 3 : Fundamentals of Machinery Vibration
Chapter 4 : Rotordynamics
Chapter 5 : Digital Signal Processing
Chapter 6 : Instrumentation
Chapter 7 : Vibration Monitoring
Chapter 8 : Noise Monitoring
Chapter 9 : Electrical Machinery Faults
Chapter 10 : Thermography
Chapter 11 : Wear Debris Analysis
Chapter 12 : Other Methods in Condition Monitoring
Chapter 13 : Machine Tool Condition Monitoring
Chapter 14 : Engineering Failure Analysis
Chapter 15 : Case Studies

Appendix A1 : Vibration-Based Machinery Fault Identification
Appendix A2 : Vibration Severity Levels
Appendix A3 : Field Balancing Techniques
Appendix A4 : In Situ Alignment by Reverse Indicator Method
Appendix A5 : MATLAB Programs for Basic Signal Processing
Appendix A6 : International Standards on Machinery Condition Monitoring