Measuring Organizational Improvement Impact

Title: Measuring Organizational Improvement Impact
Author: Paul De Young, Richard Y. Chang
ISBN: 074942012X / 9780749420123
Format: Soft Cover
Pages: 114
Publisher: Kogan Page
Year: 1994
Availability: In Stock

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One of the most common reasons an organizational improvement effort does not reach its full potential is because different parts of an organization use different measures to drive and gauge the results of their efforts. The solution? A systematic approach in which measures at the work group level are closely linked to "big picture" targerts and measures at the organizational level. This guidebook shows you how to useKRAS (Key Result Areas) and KIs (Key Indicators) to measure organizational improvement impact at every level of the organization.

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Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : A Quick Look at Measurement
Chapter 3 : Measurement in Action
Chapter 4 : Step 1: Develop Organization-Wide KRAs, KIs, and Performance “Targets”
Chapter 5 : Step 2: Select Organization-Wide KRAs and KIs Linked to Your Work Group
Chapter 6 : Step 3: Develop Work Group “Key Result Areas”
Chapter 7 : Step 4: Develop Work Group “Key Indicators”
Chapter 8 : Step 5: Determine Data Collection, Tracking, and Feedbook Methods
Chapter 9 : Step 6: Gather “Baseline” Data and Set Performance “Targets”
Chapter 10 : Step 7: Establish Work Group “Objectives” and “Tactics”
Chapter 11 : Step 8: Implement Plans, Monitor Performance, and Provide Feedback
Chapter 12 : Summary

Appendix : Reproducible Forms and Worksheets