Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII

Title: Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII
Author: Faouzi Hadj-Hassen, Mehdi Ghoreychi, Michel Tijani, Pierre Berest
ISBN: 0415621224 / 9780415621229
Format: Hard Cover
Pages: 512
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2012
Availability: 2 to 3 weeks

Tab Article

This collection of papers on research into and management of underground structures in salt formations represents the state-of-the-art on applications of salt mechanics in mines and storage caverns for gas/hydrocarbon, radioactive waste and toxic waste disposal. The contributions cover laboratory experiments, constitutive numerical modeling and field investigations, and deal with creep, damage, thermo-hydro-mechanical and chemical-coupled effects, lessons learnt from real sites and structures and in-situ monitoring. The book is organized into eight topics:

  • Laboratory investigations and constitutive modeling
  • Coupled processes and hydro-chemical effects (THMC)
  • Field measurements and back-analyses
  • Numerical modeling
  • Dry mining, post-mining and backfilling
  • Liquid hydrocarbon storage and brine-production caverns
  • Gaseous hydrocarbon storage and compressed air energy storage
  • Hazardous and radioactive waste disposal

Mechanical Behavior of Salt VII will appeal to academics, engineers and professionals involved in salt mechanics.

Tab Article


Part 1 : Laboratory Investigations and Constitutive Modeling
Chapter 1 :
The Distribution of Fluids in Natural Rock Salt to Understand Deformation Mechanisms
Chapter 2 : Advanced Strain-Hardening Approach : a Powerful Creep Model for Rock Salt With Dilatancy
Chapter 3 : Soft Interlayer Effect on The Mechanical Behavior of Bedded Salt Rock
Chapter 4 : Analysis of Surface Cracks Growth and Damage in Salt Rock Under Uniaxial Compression
Chapter 5 : Full Field Investigation of Salt Deformation at Room Temperature : Cooperation of Crystal Plasticity and Grain Sliding
Chapter 6 : The CDM Constitutive Model for The Mechanical Behavior of Rock Salt : Recent Developments and Extensions
Chapter 7 : Effect of Confining Pressure on Plastic Flow of Salt at 125°C
Chapter 8 : Boudinage of Anhydrite in Rock-Salt Matrix : The Impact of Bulk Finite Strain Geometry
Chapter 9 : Effect of Sylvite Content on Mechanical Properties of Potash
Chapter 10 : Very Slow Creep Tests on Rock Samples
Chapter 11 : Comparison of Internal Structure and Geomechanical Properties in Horizontally Layered Zechstein Rock Salt
Chapter 12 : Effect of Insoluble Materials on Salt Behavior During Creep Tests

Part 2 : Coupled Processes and Hydro-Chemical Effects (THMC)
Chapter 13 :
Simulation of The Mechanical Deterioration of Rock Salt at Grain Scale
Chapter 14 : Numerical Simulation of Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Rock Salt
Chapter 15 : Mechanical Behaviour of Anhydrite Rocks : Results of Field Investigations, Mineralogical-Geochemical Studies and Thermomechanical Experiments
Chapter 16 : Hydraulic Integrity of Highly Soluble Carnallite Bearing Salt Rocks
Chapter 17 : Gas Transport Properties of Rock Salt - Synoptic View
Chapter 18 : Compaction of Salt Backfill - New Experiments and Numerical Modelling
Chapter 19 : The Compaction Behaviour of Salt Backfill at Low Porosities

Part 3 : Field Measurements and Back Analyses
Chapter 20 :
In-Situ Large Monitoring and Numerical Modeling of The Loss of Stability of Salt Cavity
Chapter 21 : Measurements of Humidity-Enhanced Salt Creep in Salt Mines : Proving The Joffe Effect
Chapter 22 : Acoustic Emission Monitoring Around Gas-Pressure Loaded Boreholes in Rock Salt
Chapter 23 : Measurement and Calculation of Rock Stress in The Morsleben Repository
Chapter 24 : Interpretation of Convergence Movement in Room and Pillar Mining By Integrating Creep of Salt and Swelling of Marl Under Water Effect

Part 4 : Numerical Modeling
Chapter 25 :
Salt Chamber for The Astroparticle Detector - LAGUNA Project
Chapter 26 : a Method to Evaluate Long-Term Rheology of Zechstein Salt in The Tertiary
Chapter 27 : Joint Projects on The Comparison of Constitutive Models for The Mechanical Behavior of Rock Salt I. Overview of The Projects, Reference Mine for 3-D Benchmark Calculations, In-Situ Measurements and Laboratory Tests
Chapter 28 : Joint Projects on The Comparison of Constitutive Models for The Mechanical Behavior of Rock Salt II. Overview of The Models and Results of 3-D Benchmark Calculations
Chapter 29 : Dynamic Back-Calculation of The Collapse of The Saint-Maximilien Mining Field During Mining on Rock Salt in Varangeville (1873)

Part 5 : Dry Mining, Post-Mining and Backfilling
Chapter 30 :
SVV a Self-Sealing Material for Technical Barriers in Salt Mines - Experimental Results
Chapter 31 : a Risk Assessment Tool for Gas Migration Interactions Between Wellbores and Potash Mines in S.E. New Mexico
Chapter 32 : Porosity and Permeability of Crushed and Damaged Rock Salt During Compaction
Chapter 33 : Creep and Damage Impact on Long-Term Stability of Underground Structures in Salt Formations
Chapter 34 : Preliminary Study of The Interaction Between Backfill Body and Surrounding Rock Salt Mass
Chapter 35 : Injection of Sodium Silicate Solutions Into Rock Salt - Long-Term Behaviour

Part 6 : Liquid Hydrocarbon Storage and Brine-Production Caverns
Chapter 36 :
A Numerical Method for Cavity Dissolution in Salt Formation
Chapter 37 : Analyzing Large Pressure Changes on The Stability of Large-Diameter Caverns Using The M-D Model
Chapter 38 : Expansion Analyses of Strategic Petroleum Reserve in Bayou Choctaw - Revised Locations

Part 7 : Gaseous Hydrocarbon Storage and Compressed Air Energy Storage
Chapter 39 :
Impact of Lab Tests on Rock Salt for an Economical Optimization of Salt Caverns
Chapter 40 : Study on The Comprehensive Evaluation Model for The Stability of The Bedded Salt Rock Gas Storage During The Operation Period
Chapter 41 : The Thermo–Mechanical Behavior of a Gas Storage Cavern During High Frequency Loading
Chapter 42 : Design of Salt Caverns for High Frequency Cycling of Storage Gas
Chapter 43 : Mechanical Stability of a Salt Cavern Submitted to High-Frequency Cycles
Chapter 44 : The Improved Ifg Gas Storage Cavern Design Concept

Part 8 : Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Disposal
Chapter 45 :
In-Situ Verification of a Drift Seal System in Rock Salt - Operating Experience and Preliminary Results
Chapter 46 : SIERRA Mechanics for Coupled Multi-Physics Modeling of Salt Repositories
Chapter 47 : Evaluation of Rock Salt Barriers With Respect to Tightness : Influence of Thermomechanical Damage, Fluid Infiltration and Sealing/Healing
Chapter 48 : Thermal-Mechanical Modeling of a Generic High-Level Waste Salt Repository
Chapter 49 : Thermo-Mechanical Analyses for Evaluating a HLW-Repository Concept
Chapter 50 : Analysis of The Integrity of The Geological Barrier in The Gorleben Salt Formation
Chapter 51 : Performance of Tight Historic Drift Seals From The Viewpoint of Current Knowledge on EDZ
Chapter 52 : Integrity of Salinar Barriers Under Consideration of Discontinuum-Mechanical Aspects
Chapter 53 : Drift Sealing Elements in The Asse II Mine as a Component of The Emergency Concept - Assessment of The Hydro-Mechanical Functionality
